Month: August 2016
I don’t like black people. They are stupid and ugly and violent and they hate me and everyone who is not like them. I don’t have to talk to them to understand what they are. You can’t talk to them because they are too stupid to understand anything you say. The best thing is to keep them out of the public sphere, not to give them playing time on the airwaves or TV, and hope they just crawl back in a hole where we can all ignore them.
I don’t like conservatives. They are stupid and ugly and violent and they hate me and everyone who is not like them. I don’t have to talk to them to understand what they are. You can’t talk to them because they are too stupid to understand anything you say. The best thing is to keep them out of the public sphere, not to give them playing time on the airwaves or TV, and hope they just crawl back in a hole where we can all ignore them..
I don’t like the Alt Right. They are stupid and ugly and violent and they hate me and everyone who is not like them. I don’t have to talk to them to understand what they are. You can’t talk to them because they are too stupid to understand anything you say. The best thing is to keep them out of the public sphere, not to give them playing time on the airwaves or TV, and hope they just crawl back in a hole where we can all ignore them.
For many decades, calling someone “far right” implied extreme xenophobia and bigotry. It was tantamount to saying they were Nazis, and wanted basement torture chambers. These things are, of course, creatures mainly of the Left, even if Franco and Pinochet could plausibly be called rightists.
But Alt-Right is hipsters and normal people who are horrified by the increasing censorship of reasonable opinions, who are scared of the increasingly strident hate speech emanating from the Left, who are fine with homosexuals and weed AND guns, and who do not necessarily oppose social safety nets of some sort, but fear the Federal Leviathan–the wars on Poverty, Drugs, and “Terror”, with the last clearly having served as a Trojan Horse to get in place ubiquitous surveillance endorsed by the public only because of pervasive fear.
Alt-Right is Trump, is people who do not fit molds, who have not been part of the problem, and who are sincerely interested in actual solutions to real problems. That does not describe mainstream Republicans, and the Democrats of course break everything they touch, at least in recent decades.
This guy is a Democrat, somebody who had been a welcome poster/contributor on Huffington Post, and they flushed his articles on Hillary’s health down the Memory Hole, and banned him from posting any more. He has, he says, filed hundreds of stories, but has never had a story yanked like this. He says “this is happening in the United States, in 2016, and it is really scary.” He says he is “spooked out”, and that he is neither clumsy nor suicidal. He says he has never seen anything like this before, what he calls “non stop propaganda”.
PBS censors the Green Candidate
In case you thought censorship was only of the Right.
There is an agenda, one coordinated through the Democrat Party, and seemingly a playbook for Republicans as far as what they can and can’t talk about, and everyone, including most of Fox, pushes it, on the major networks, most of the time.
There is a lot of money at stake, so behind all this is Big Money. It is wrong, of course, to demonize all corporations, but some of them ARE demonic, just as some people. In the same sense we do not view all people as criminals because some are criminals, it is not right to view all corporations as bad because some are.
People work for a living. They do things in the expectation of gain. They work, in other words, out of “greed”, which is one framing, and necessity, in another, and in the expectation of achieving some measure of physical safety and security and comfort in another.
Corporations are no different. If they do not turn a profit, they don’t exist. If they don’t exist, that work doesn’t get done, and that work doesn’t get done, you get Cuba or Venezuela.
Laws exist to rein in the bad corporations, and specifically, the bad, greedy psychopaths who run them. So too do market forces, which can and should punish bad corporate behavior.
What the Trans-Pacific Partnership seemingly exists to do is provide powerful corporate counters both to legal control, and to free market forces. It exists to weaken the power we Americans have to limit bad behavior.
Stein and Trump, for these reasons, oppose it. Hillary supports it, because buying and selling people and influence is her stock and trade. The TPP was made for her, and she for it.
The Fed
It’s funny how they always use opaque language, even in journals which are not targeted at professionals, but rather the general public. It is like this stuff is only meant for those who know the code words, and can be relied on to support and be a part of the system.
But I will note that they have admitted, in as clear a language as is possible for these tools, that my plan for the Fed to buy up ALL debt, public and private, in the United States is completely doable. There are no limits on the Fed. It can print an infinite amount of money, and do so instantly. People do not grasp this, because it is a BIG idea, because something large is hiding more or less in plain sight, and until they grow balls and imagination, until they learn to ignore their training and conditioning, they cannot see it.
They see clothes on the Emperor. They are not pretending at all: that is what they see, to the extent they think about it, and very few people think about fractional reserve banking and the Federal Reserve at all.
Dealing with illegal immigration
There are four issues:
1) People living in this country who came here without permission, are staying here without our knowledge, and who do not pay taxes, but who do quite often consume community resources.
2) People living here illegally who are criminals.
3) People who want to come here illegally.
4) Government enforcement of our laws, and/or its abrogation and flouting of our laws.
We need to be clear with regard to issue 1, we can and should treat differing communities of illegals differently. They are not a monolithic group. They share a common culture, but they differ widely in their impact on different areas. In assessing how to treat people already here, it is quite possible to focus on differing areas differently. Personally, I think anyone living in a Sanctuary City should be an immediate focus. These cities are in blatant violation of Federal law, and they should be punished for it.
Migrant workers seem not to affect much at all.
And workers in differing industries will affect the local economies differently in differing States and cities. We think of this group of 11 million people or whatever as one group, but they are really many groups, with many different impacts locally.
It would be quite possible to develop a many year strategy to understand who is where, and decide perhaps to legalize some, and deport others, depending on a number of factors, including how long they have been here, their community involvement, etc. I personally would make their ability to speak English in that equation. If they have been here a long time, and have not learned English, they are not trying to blend in, and should be deported.
The issue of illegal criminals is easy: deport them all. Obama has been releasing them, to prevent their deportation, and there is no moral or legal justification for any of this. It is wrong, and it is illegal.
As far as the wall, it might again be useful to speak of “walls”. In certain areas, walls will need to be high and thick. In other areas, roving drones and ground sensors and ready ICE folks will suffice. We do not need a 2,000 mile wall. It may be sufficient to build a couple hundred miles worth of walls, in key place.
Most importantly, we must have the WILL–really, even the desire, or the integrity, or professionalism–to enforce our laws. Obama is not just not enforcing them, but is openly helping and supporting and encouraging illegal immigration. Hillary will do the same.
If Trump does nothing but do the job already assigned to him on the books, he will be marked success. But I think he will be ready and willing to take border control to the next logical level, to deport people who are victimizing both Americans and other illegals, to deport people who are negatively affecting American standards of living and comfort, to deport people we just don’t want for any reason at all, and to change the mentality of Mexicans to legal immigration, rather than the free for all we have right now, which punishes those who attempt to follow the law, and rewards, for now, those who impatiently break it.
Alex Jones
What I think Jimmy Kimmel doesn’t get, is that as crazy as Alex Jones is, people KNOW they are being lied to, and he is directly driving traffic to , because people have a hunger for SOMEONE, anyone, who is not speaking off a script.
And I do think Kimmel opened the jar. She is weak, and he couldn’t risk her failing. Pickle jars do pop when you open them. And there IS a short hard turn, before it happens. Jones is not wrong, even if calling it a pickle can is not a great phrase for him.
I will be the first to admit I have a hard time watching him, but I am glad he is out there, and saying what needs to be said. I doubt anyone else picked up the firing of Dr. Drew immediately after he publicly said responsible things as a doctor about Hillary’s physical health, based on what she herself has released.
I see it spun here, on the link Drudge provided:
Ponder what is being said silently with this:
Pinsky made headlines last week when he announced on his radio show he is “gravely concerned” about Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s health and the health care she is receiving. It played nicely into Donald Trump’s position that Clinton is not healthy enough to serve as POTUS.
Trump and the KKK
This is a REALLY risky strategy. I get the feeling I used to get watching Family Feud when someone said something really stupid, but everybody cheered anyone, hoping against hope. This was the best they could come up with a a meeting on how to beat Trump, while running an old, run down, sick career criminal with zero personality and enough scandals to occupy most of a spreadsheet.
It reminds me too of the epic FAG response Alex Baldwin gave at the end of Team America, after the rousing Dicks, Pussies and Assholes speech: “Uh, Global Warming!!!” Pulling out the race card, again–really, leaving it out, but pointing out that it is still there, is hackneyed, obvious, and wrong.
Donald Trump is not a racist and there is not, and never has been, any evidence for it. If he were a racist–you know, pal-ing around with people like Robert Byrd–it would have come out on the last 3 decades.
And anyone who is not a mouth breathing imbecile will grasp this before election day. Trump is getting on message, and there will be a number of debates. Once they grasp that Hillary is grasping at straws and telling horrible lies about Trump, we will see a lot of people pull away from her, and enter the Trump camp. These attacks can’t be continued for months. They can’t be sustained, because they are offensive and wrong.
All of these tactics are the sorts of things you might do just before the election, after all the debates are done, but not NOW. You might get a short term spike, but that is why you save your ammunition. For his part, Trump is saving his heavy guns for closer to election day. We have September and October. We have Julian Assange waiting in the wings. We have a very high risk of complete burnout on the 24/7 attacks on Trump. CNN may well help him get elected, their best efforts to the contrary notwithstanding.
These people are panicking. Trump is not a flash in the pan. He is not a lightweight, and he is not stupid. And he is saying things which have needed saying for a long time. He is showing himself to be a leader. We have needed someone with the balls to stand up to the crass ineptitude and corruption of our Parties and media elites for a long, long time.
Edit: I have a feeling that there is this wave of pent up energy just over the horizon, and I have the feeling that the professional Left and elites can feel it too. They are pushing against it with every tool at their disposal, with all their energy, but the harder they push, the larger its potential energy becomes. I think a day will come when Trump is up by double digits, everywhere that is in play, and that he will bring States into play the Democrats thought were safe. There is that much anger.
Reading social media, it is easy to forget a whole lot of people who vote are not discussing politics on the internet, but they KNOW they are being called fools, and looked down on by left wing elites. I see this daily when I interact with college indoctrinated lefties. Nobody likes being called a fool and laughed at, and my best guess is that a LOT of people who stayed home in years past will be voting enthusiastically in November.
And I woke up, and realized I have been in pain every waking moment of my conscious life. Every moment: everywhere I looked, everyone I saw, everything I have done.
And this is major progress. The unconscious only grants what we can handle. You cannot resolve your pain until you can feel it. Most people you see most of every day have pain they will never see, or so it feels to me. I honestly don’t know what it is like to have had a normal childhood.
And now I can live with this pain, and ease it. I can take care of myself, honor my feelings, go up and down.
The pain is ending. This is good. I have been locked in a cage all my life, but now the door is open.
I post these things because I feel it may do some good. I know I am not the only one. Whoever you are: carry on. There are many ships on the ocean, and the sun will always rise and set in new ways.