Leftism could not exist without effective lies, without effective propaganda, without long term and carefully directed and orchestrated misdirection. Indeed, so deep is the malaise that in the 1960’s they found it necessary to attack the process of rational–goal based–thinking entirely.
If you look at all the enormous government buildings, what you need to see is King John. What you need to see is a bloated organism that takes a third of everything we make, uses it to fund lavish salaries, expensive buildings, and a continual thirst for more bureaucracy because it means more taxes, which they depend in the end on the police–in some form–to collect.
The power granted the government must be taken with great responsibility. With regard to the police, I have been saying for some time that if the police do not start policing their own, if they do not start sending abusive cops to jail, or at least firing them, as should have happened in the Eric Garner case, then people are going to start shooting back. It is inevitable. If people lose faith in the system, and have little to lose, then why not shoot back at a system that is already shooting at you?
I know a lot of people who have been arrested for one thing or another. Cops do not treat prisoners like people. Even if they are superficially polite, they are not thinking of you as a human being even at a traffic stop. They are thinking how they will kill you if they need to.
I think most of the people who go into law enforcement like this emotional superficiality. They are able to leave unprocessed all sorts of negative emotions, which certainly include rage and some degree of sadism. And if they don’t start that way, it happens soon enough. You cannot lock people up every day for any length of time and not develop a latent sadism and sense of relative empowerment. As I have said, I think this process becomes addictive for most.
I have proposed as one solution not allowing cops to be cops more than 5 years, except in the case of jobs where a lot of experience is needed, such as homicide and some other types of investigations. Perhaps 5 years is too long. Perhaps 1-2 years.
Another idea would be to make a lot less things illegal, and the need to arrest people much lower. There is something traumatizing, I think, about having handcuffs placed on you, and being locked in a cage. That most black people endure this often cannot but have an effect, that of increasing both rage and relative sense of helplessness and disenfranchisement.
I do think Black Lives Matter is being used as a front for the usual fucking psychotics who want death and destruction for us all–the George Soros’s of the world. But I do also think it has or had a potentially useful purpose, which is providing a non-violent–or mostly non-violent–outlet for pent up energies.
When you hold people down, when you suppress them daily for decades, when they get arrested for having a little weed, or an open can of King Cobra, or even for just loitering in the wrong place at the wrong time and giving the cop some attitude (cops are intensely sensitive creatures, who learn they can get away with not tolerating the slightest back talk, and who quite gleefully punish it), then some combination of rage and helplessness builds. The despair shows up in drug and alcohol abuse. The rage in violence.
By and large black violence has been held within their communities, by the police, and by habit. But it has long been my opinion that sooner or later they are going to start shooting cops, utterly without regard to the consequences to themselves, simply because they have nothing else to live for, no good, creative outlets for their life energy, and because some of these assholes–you have seen the videos, so don’t play innocent–deserve it.
I worked in a police department for 2 years where I interfaced with cops on a daily basis. Every department has bad apples, and everybody knows who they are, but they cover for them. This is the point I am making: people need to stop covering for them. I don’t give a shit what the “culture” is. Those people are going to start getting everyone else killed.
It could be that every cop killed in Dallas was a wonderful human being. More likely, they were average human beings who were decent at home, responsible in their private lives, but who dehumanized people on a daily basis, and viewed it as their job. To some extent it is their job, but even after factoring in guns I think there is a reason there are so many more cops and civilians killed in their interactions in this country than anywhere else. It is cultural factors, and most specifically, in my opinion, the habit of treating people objects.
I will add too that I think jail for most is a stupid punishment. Most of the people who get arrested are already emotionally disturbed. They acted out impulsively. They did something without thinking it through, they got too angry too quickly. I was talking to a kid the other day who had somebody steal a bunch of money from him, so he went over to this persons house and stole a bunch of stuff of his, including a car. He was looking at 10-20 years. This, for an hour or two’s bad decisions based on rational anger.
And who foots the bill for that? We do. And these fucking for-profit jails no doubt have lobbyists hard at work making the penalties stiffer for everything, using an appeal to moralism and the need for public order.
Does this make any sense at all? Not that I can see. What these people need is emotional counseling, some way of learning impulse control, some way of processing deep traumas, some way of becoming useful rather than caged citizens.
I think the reaction to crime–we might start by using this word rather than punishment–ought to be oriented around the maintenance and improvement of social order. Some people are psychopaths and will never be fit to exist in civil society. I think these people–and I have said this before–should be locked up for life. Their jails should be comfortable, reasonable, but permanent. They cannot be rehabilitated, and they will always be dangerous in a free society.
But a lot of people just made a stupid mistake, or continue making stupid mistakes because they don’t know any better. Nobody is teaching them anything, and what jail teaches them is they don’t want to be in jail, but if they know it and are familiar with it, fuck it, if I get caught I can deal with it.
What we need is a system to at least try and figure out who is who. Who are the psychopaths, and who are the people who are just very confused and angry and impulsive?
Now, the devil is in the detail. The war is won with logistics. Most therapies suck. They are stupid. I don’t doubt there are groups of men sitting around in groups where somebody is telling them to talk about feelings. They comply superficially, and wonder all the time at the gullibility and stupidity of everyone involved.
But anyone who is not functional is hurting inside. On some deep, likely unconscious level, they want to heal, but it seems impossible. This is the task for intelligent therapists, to figure how to TRULY help people who genuinely want to heal.
I have to run, but these are a few ideas.