
The core truth of propaganda

Politically, it doesn’t matter in the slightest what IS true.  It only matters what is perceived as true.

Corollary: no political candidate gets any points in the public eye AT ALL, simply for being right.  This is an elaborate game, and the manipulation of appearance is an integral part of it.

Donald Trump, in my view, needs to be our next President because he is the only thing even approaching a conservative who has known how to play this game effectively since Reagan. If he does nothing other than speak obvious truths for 4-8 years, and deal with illegal immigration, it will be worth electing him.

And I suspect he will do a great deal more.  Lois Lerner and her cohorts have likely committed crimes within the statute of limitations as it will pertain in 2017.  Hillary will be prosecutable.  Many of the crimes committed by, and consciously excused by, the Obama Administration will be put under the microscope, and decisions made.  I don’t doubt this for a moment.


Ideology of Compassion

I have not thought of it this way, but reading the resolute, determined, single-mindedness with which Leftists are refusing to call an act of Islamic terror and act of Islamic terror, it occurs to me that we might usefully speak not of compassion as a way of life, or an ideal, but an ideology.  And as with all ideologies, conformity to the Party line is vastly more important than real world outcomes or congruence between words and policies.

As an ideology, the Compassionistas–can I can them that?–insist that being nice is the summum bonum of human life, and to the point, of political life.  Their very human need for cruelty and exclusion is met by dehumanizing and hating conservatives, without whom, they suppose, there would be no hate, and no violence, and peace would reign.

But this is stupid.  To even call it well meaning is a disingenuous cop-out.  They do it because it is EASY.  Their world is one where they never have to make a hard choice.

In Miami, they will presumably blame guns–i.e. conservatives, aka, the few sane people remaining–“Islamophobia” (you know, the people afraid of spiders, the Arachnophobes, do have a point, too, that spiders can and do bite), and that “je ne c’est quoi” of what might be termed “vacuous reaching”: “who knows why people are violent?  I am violent, you are violent.”

In all this, there is ZERO determination to understand, to really GET, why this tragedy happened, and work in a conscious, disciplined, and consistent way to make sure it never happens again, or at least happens less, and that fewer people are affected.

If you are not an honest student of policy and history, you are not a good person, if you are in the fields where those are essential to getting things right.  You are an ideologue.

I was wondering too if we might define “ideologue” as “a belief system which does not realize it is a belief system”.  Maybe.


Serotonin and Kindness

This is interesting.  Apparently both kindness AND power stimulate serotonin production.  This is consistent with the two wills to power I described in my essay on Goodness.


Angela Merkel and the demise of Europe as we know it

It occurs to me that the importation–and this is the word, since most of these people are not refugees, and some of them were the ones committing the atrocities, both in Syria, and on the way to Europe–of enormous masses of Muslims is intended to provide a political base for the continuing aggregation of centralized power in Europe, and the continuing project of building a global government run by and for lunatics, at the expense of most of humanity.

Here is the thing: once they are there, they become a voting bloc.  When combined with the people who have been taught to loath themselves and welcome the odious if it happens to have another name, the patriots and people trying to yell FUCK NO will get overwhelmed in the voting booths.

The intent is to do something similar in America.  So many Latin Americans–mainly Mexicans, but some clever Central Americans likely make it here too, although the barriers are much higher, since the Mexicans police illegal immigration seriously–come here and are immediately put on public benefits that a GUARANTEED voting bloc is engineered within only a couple years, and, again, when combined with the useful idiots, they will be able to control public policy, and begin over some time horizon–certainly the next ten years–implementing UN initiatives intended to bring about global governance, again, by and for lunatics, and of an immiserated mass of humanity about whom they do not give a flying fuck.

This is not conspiracy theory, in my estimation, if by conspiracy theory I have to posit all sorts of secret agendas for which there is no evidence.  The agenda is plainly there.  I will post again a link I like on this topic: (I’m so PROUD of you Google, for stopping your active suppression of it!!!)

And if you didn’t know, the Bilderbergs are meeting this week.  Supposedly Frau Merkel will be there, but not “officially”.  Maybe she will wear a hijab to smuggle herself in, or more likely dress as a man.  Maybe she will climb in secretly from the sewers, or parachute in at night.  Maybe she will just drive in in a limousine with blackened windows.  It’s an ample security perimeter.

Anyway, this is a fun little infographic:

Obviously, there is nothing to see there.  It  is just most of the most powerful people in the Western world (I do wonder if the Asians are there in any numbers) meeting in secret and discussing long term policy.


Quotable me–aka Bon Mot

The past will be present until it becomes present.  Only then can it recede into the past.


Conservative Facebook

I read that most of the major social media platforms are unethical and unprincipled enough to consider free speech a problem worth addressing through censorship.

Here is my thought: this will create a HUGE business opportunity for anybody who wants to duplicate those platforms–making whatever adjustments needed to avoid successful lawsuits–and guarantee to protect free speech of all kinds.

These are for-profit businesses.  Clearly, their long term aim is to enter into a fascistic and enmeshed relationship with an authoriarian government controlling most aspects of society, but they are not there yet.  They may never get there if we are smart.

It is an odd thing that the hippies like goose-stepping so much.  But they never believed anything anyway, so in that respect there is not much of a change.  A change of clothes and a shower was all that was needed to effect the transformation.



I have been having a lot of comments disappear lately from Disqus-run comments sections, comments which were topical, non-abusive, and had no profanity.  Comments which should not have disappeared.  It occurs to me that I have no idea who runs that company, or what their political allegiances are.

The most effective use of propaganda is simply limiting who can speak, while allowing a lot of speech, such that it appears only the major ideas in play have any validity.  If you let A, B and C talk as much as they want, and encourage them to disagree mildly at times on unimportant topics, then nobody notices that D has been cut out entirely, and has a radically different, and vastly more accurate, worldview.

In a competition of ideas, the best ones win out.  But if the best ones don’t get to play, they never have a chance.


Why Hillary?

As I ponder the practical reason businesspeople who are Republicans might support Hillary, it occurs to me the answer is simple: she is so buyable that Trump looks like an ideologue by comparison.  I would not put it past her to have generated literal lists with fees for services of various sorts.  One type of permit costs one amount (as a donation to the Clinton foundation, obviously), and a harder one more.

Everybody on both sides of the aisle knows how to work with people like that.  They get what they want as long as she gets what she wants, and the only people who don’t win are the American people.  Nobody thinks about or gives a fuck about them.

One can almost hear Hillary ask: “why would I care about Mexicans taking American jobs?  I don’t get it.”  And she genuinely doesn’t, and wouldn’t.  She only cares about power and privilege.  What is right and wrong, what is good and bad for ordinary Americans LITERALLY does not cross her mind, ever.  She is simply not calibrated that way.

Trump, in contrast, is not exactly a working class hero, but he is capable of saying “wait a minute, these are good people, why are we fucking with their jobs?”  I think he actually likes people. He love the spotlight, but from what I read, he is quite cordial in private as well, whereas Hillary is a nagging bitch, by just about all accounts (and we will see a new one in a week or two from an ex-Secret Service agent).

Trump doesn’t like the cross-border invasion because it isn’t good for the American worker.  He has doubts about unlimited Islamic immigration, because, well, a third of them want to kill us.  That’s a good reason, and one based on the fact that he gives a shit about the American people.

Most politicians in Washington have literally forgotten how to think about anything except in terms of political expediency.  We saw that said plainly in a recent memoir from a Democrat (but it could almost equally be a Republican) who was plainly suffering from a bad conscience.


Republican Quislings

Is it too early to use this term?  Fifth Columnists?

I was astonished that both Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich objected to Trump’s complaint that the judge in his Trump University case seems to have links to what amount to Hispanic nationalists.

If a black person were tried by 12 whites, few people would find fault with those who cried foul if the verdict was unfavorable.  Racial mixes have become a standard procedure, expected in all trials.

The reason Donald Trump is so popular that he is called anti-elitist (the synonym for “populist”, another being “supported only by stupid people” when used by those same elitists, who in any other context would be happy to wrap themselves in the flag of “the People”) is that he thinks like ordinary people.  He thinks like construction workers and military people.  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a fucking duck.

A cop acquaintance of mine who worked Homicide for a long time in a large city said that in almost all cases the person who most obviously seems to have done it, did it.  Common sense.  It takes work and years of training to get beyond it.

Obviously, some things which seem to be “obviously” true aren’t.  Teaching people to differentiate the two is supposedly the role education plays, and the reason the graduates of the dumb factories in Cambridge and New Haven are so arrogant.  But education in plain fact on balance actually makes people stupider in almost all practical matters.  This, again is one of the reasons I prefer spending my time with people in hard hats.  I can’t stand imbeciles in ties driving expensive cars.  What “higher education” in the main does now–and I think this has long been true–is calcify instinct such that it no longer operates.  The world becomes abstract, and abstractions leave few clues, since they have no textures.  A large section of our perceptual apparatus has gone off-line.

You need instinct to think clearly.  The fact is it never disappears, but can be trained to be reliably wrong, such that every first impulse routes first to the correct place, then an automatic subroutine routes it to the opposite place, all without conscious awareness.

Orwell was clear that the abuse of language must precede all actual abuses.  This is the main reason I am such a big Trump supporter.  We are literally fighting for the ability to speak obvious and needed truths in the public domain.  The whole POINT of free speech is diversity of opinion, which is intended to, and usually does, diagnose over time major problems, and point out solutions.

But if you can’t speak the truth, there is no limit to the number of festering sores which can become chronic just under the surface of the public discourse.  I am wondering if what will become Pravda is already in publication.  No, actually I’m not.  Pravda is already in publication, under the headings of numerous alleged news organizations, all of whom vie to lie most effectively.

In my view, the very existence of poor ghettos–and in this country almost everything comes back to race, so I want to continue to be clear I view the Social Justice Warriors as the most racist people operating in America today–is a symptom of the failure of diversity of discourse.  The right solutions cannot get proposed among the people most concerned with implementing them, because powerful special interests–like teachers unions, like Democrat politicians–oppose them, and cover themselves in the cloak of opposing racism and thus wind up supporting and continuing the policies which have already proven so damaging.

This campaign year has been quite illuminating.  If anyone is wondering why the Left has been so successful, it’s because large numbers of Republicans have grown accustomed to saying “I know, I know” in response to their propaganda.



The psychological importance of firm and clear boundaries, of setting boundaries with others, with having rules that you yourself live by and value, is quite firmly established.  It is impossible to “be” a generous or kind or compassionate person if you are not a person at all, if you move every time someone pushes, and if you stand for nothing.

Likewise, it is a hallmark of unhealthy emotional adaptation to demand that others conform to your sense of the way things should be.  Self evidently, balancing these needs is a principal social and psychological task of people living in genuinely Liberal orders.

This is difficult work.  The people who are continually repeating the indefensible slander that Donald Trump is a racist are effectively doing so in the name of what might be termed “boundary-lessness”.  They refuse to consider that whites, in particular, have the same right to their culture that cultural Hispanics do to theirs; and more particularly that the United States has both the right and duty to enforce its literal boundaries to protect its identity as a sovereign nation governed by the rule of law.

I consider as friends a number of people who would self identify as Liberal, who no doubt are puzzled by my simultaneous ability to express concrete compassion and empathy as one individual relating to another, but to also embrace ideas which get called, propagandistically, “hateful”.

In my view it is both natural and desirable that we look at American history dispassionately, with an eye both to granting it what is uniquely good, and without lying about what was and in some respects still is bad.  The willingness to do this is in important respects one of our most distinguishing features. Most nations do not do this.  Most nations do not tell the truth.  The Soviets–who were the original authors of most anti-Americanism, certainly never did.

What is not natural is to apologize for your success, for your virtue, for everything that makes you, and our society, good.  Psychologically healthy tolerance cannot extend so far that it accepts the contempt of people for who you are and what you believe.  You can grant people a hearing, but you need not accept their own self centered verdicts.

These are plain and obvious words, but they need to be spoken.  Everything good in Europe is under attack.  And the United States is only a few short years behind them.

I readily admit that becoming psychologically individuated is a difficult task.  But maturity is necessary for freedom.  Anyone indulging childishness, or tolerating unwarranted abuse for any reason, is inherently working for tyranny.  There is no other way to look at it, in my considered view.