Is it too early to use this term? Fifth Columnists?
I was astonished that both Paul Ryan and Newt Gingrich objected to Trump’s complaint that the judge in his Trump University case seems to have links to what amount to Hispanic nationalists.
If a black person were tried by 12 whites, few people would find fault with those who cried foul if the verdict was unfavorable. Racial mixes have become a standard procedure, expected in all trials.
The reason Donald Trump is so popular that he is called anti-elitist (the synonym for “populist”, another being “supported only by stupid people” when used by those same elitists, who in any other context would be happy to wrap themselves in the flag of “the People”) is that he thinks like ordinary people. He thinks like construction workers and military people. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a fucking duck.
A cop acquaintance of mine who worked Homicide for a long time in a large city said that in almost all cases the person who most obviously seems to have done it, did it. Common sense. It takes work and years of training to get beyond it.
Obviously, some things which seem to be “obviously” true aren’t. Teaching people to differentiate the two is supposedly the role education plays, and the reason the graduates of the dumb factories in Cambridge and New Haven are so arrogant. But education in plain fact on balance actually makes people stupider in almost all practical matters. This, again is one of the reasons I prefer spending my time with people in hard hats. I can’t stand imbeciles in ties driving expensive cars. What “higher education” in the main does now–and I think this has long been true–is calcify instinct such that it no longer operates. The world becomes abstract, and abstractions leave few clues, since they have no textures. A large section of our perceptual apparatus has gone off-line.
You need instinct to think clearly. The fact is it never disappears, but can be trained to be reliably wrong, such that every first impulse routes first to the correct place, then an automatic subroutine routes it to the opposite place, all without conscious awareness.
Orwell was clear that the abuse of language must precede all actual abuses. This is the main reason I am such a big Trump supporter. We are literally fighting for the ability to speak obvious and needed truths in the public domain. The whole POINT of free speech is diversity of opinion, which is intended to, and usually does, diagnose over time major problems, and point out solutions.
But if you can’t speak the truth, there is no limit to the number of festering sores which can become chronic just under the surface of the public discourse. I am wondering if what will become Pravda is already in publication. No, actually I’m not. Pravda is already in publication, under the headings of numerous alleged news organizations, all of whom vie to lie most effectively.
In my view, the very existence of poor ghettos–and in this country almost everything comes back to race, so I want to continue to be clear I view the Social Justice Warriors as the most racist people operating in America today–is a symptom of the failure of diversity of discourse. The right solutions cannot get proposed among the people most concerned with implementing them, because powerful special interests–like teachers unions, like Democrat politicians–oppose them, and cover themselves in the cloak of opposing racism and thus wind up supporting and continuing the policies which have already proven so damaging.
This campaign year has been quite illuminating. If anyone is wondering why the Left has been so successful, it’s because large numbers of Republicans have grown accustomed to saying “I know, I know” in response to their propaganda.