
My take on the nomination process

It seems obvious to me beyond the need for discussion that the candidate who gets the most votes from the members of a given party should get the nomination. Otherwise, why bother to go through the exercise, and pretend that votes matter? And if votes don’t matter, then how can the Republican Party claim to represent its members? The only conceivable answer would be if senior leadership put ITSELF up for election–when Senators were nominated at a State level, the governors, or State legislature, whichever it was, were still subject to voter approval–and I think they know quite well how that would go.  Their asses would have been fired already if the rank and file got a say. I and no doubt many other people swear at them every time they call me for money.  I gave my money.  Now I want my fucking results.  You don’t keep funding failure.  You don’t buy a product that doesn’t work more than once.  I would ask for my money back if I could.  
If they want to keep a Party which more than a fraction of current members are willing to support in any way shape or form, they better make Trump the nominee. If they don’t, they can expect donations to slump more than they already have, and the number of I’s to swell to massive proportions. Put another way, if they “win” in putting someone other than Trump on the ticket, they will lose badly.

Trump may not be what I hope he could be.  I have often admitted that, and will again. But he drove the issues in this election cycle.  He has said things nobody else has been willing to say.  He ALONE has put immigration on the front burner.  All of these things point to at least the possibility that he may do something useful, something off-script, something which does not continue to point the direction of our great experiment in the direction of decline and failure.


Foreseeable “economic tragedy”

We need to be clear that no parasite wants its host in anything but acceptable health.  Companies like JPMorgan Chase are sucking wealth away from ordinary Americans, but they are smart enough to know not to take it all, not to tip their hand, not to make it obvious to all what they are doing.  They want America economically relatively healthy, because that is how they make their money.  We are the richest country on Earth, and thus still the best place to do what they do.

JPMorgan, to be clear, is also the Fed.  They have a seat.  They are members.  The Fed has had the ability to destroy our economy for many decades now, but all the members have a vested interest in keeping things flowing along reasonably well.

They are working now to hide the ill effects of Obama’s borrowing, by making it painless. They use the money of the Fed to buy up the debt, and keep interest rates low.  There is no limit to how much of this they can do.  They can keep a virtually infinite debt from becoming inflationary, but at some point people will wonder how this is happening, and start asking questions about our financial system, and this they do not want.


What is sacred?

Voltaire said something like ‘if you want to know who is in charge, look at who you are not allowed to criticize”.

I would formulate it somewhat differently: if you want to know what your “society”–to the extent this word means anything–values, then look at what it holds sacred.
If we define the sacred as that which creates the profane by distinction, then it seems to me the two things which are sacred in our society are work and egalitarianism.  Which you choose is dictated by the propaganda which is most congenial to you.
Not being busy, not seeking and doing all the time: these are anathema to a large segment of our population.  Being “lazy” is essentially to be worthless.
Continuing to believe some people are better than others, that morality is a process of individual improvement, and not an alleged attribute of a “society” (which of course does not exist), constitutes an unacceptable abuse to the rest of our population.  
In all this, where is genuine religion?  Where do we have and take the time to cultivate a genuine spirituality worthy of the name?  Holiday was once Holy-Day.  Now it is when we drink beer and watch sports.  The best of us celebrate family and social communion, but God is Church, and church is more people like us.  That is my view at any rate, and I was raised religious.
Where in our cultural landscape can one reliably find sanity?

The propaganda of Egalitarianism

As I think about it, only in conditions of high social development can our genetic and cultural habits of tribal prejudice and social hierarchy be transcended. In any other circumstance–and this is certainly the case today for nearly all humans in nearly all countries and cultures–the only possible discussion concerns who is to lower and who higher, and who in and who out.

Inherently, transgenderism and gay rights trample on long standing social prejudices. I cannot and will not defend those prejudices. But they do not supplant prejudice. They do not eliminate tribalism.

On the contrary: the egalitarian narrative is INHERENTLY anti-egalitarian. It inherently posits some people and some beliefs are so much better than others that violence–social and if needed physical–is not just justified, but a veritable holy mandate. The “Culture Wars” are holy wars on BOTH sides.

What is missed though is that the effort is to imprint upon many different beliefs, msny nuanced and shades of belief, ONE belief to rule them all. This Egslitarian propaganda seeks not equality in diversity, but equality in conformity. Such a propaganda suits a free people not at all. It is creed of slaves, propagated by aspiring masters, and mouthed and perpetrated by nihilistic fools.

Do I oppose gay rights? No. Neither do I oppose Christian, Islsmic, Hindu, or atheist rights.


Repetition, Class and violence

I sometimes grant myself provisional “oracle” status; and then realize what I am saying now I was saying 20 years ago, and that it was derivative then.  Shit.  Where vanity is concerned, it is best to keep the fire lit. (file that as a BON MOT!!  Unless of course I read that somewhere, which is possible)  You need it more than you think.

The notion of Christ as an anti-sacrifice, as a symbol of an order he was seeking thereby to signify, name, describe, and overturn, is one of Rene Girard’s, at least.  And at one time I read everything he wrote.  He is the one that got me interested in sacrifice.

As I think about it, though, repetition serves a purpose.  Most importantly, it is imperfect, particularly when done unprofessionally, carelessly, in an ad hoc fashion.  Small difference may emerge, small genetic mutations, and possible improvements, possible “selections”, to use the term we apply to biology as seen through a Darwinian lens.

And I think about repetition as seen through a class perspective.  Perfect repetition is the concern of the elite.  It is the system that got them there, and the system they want to preserve.  In India, to take a pure metaphor, the Brahmin children were expected to remember the Vedas perfectly.  Flawlessly.  They were beaten–are beaten, as far as I know–until they get it perfect.

The uber-rich, say, the Rockefellers, are expected to inherit certain traits of command, certain traits of prosperity, certain habits of mind.  They may differ considerably in their hobbies, passions, etc.  But they are expected to be able to take the helm.  Some things are not to be touched or changed.  They are upheld with violence.

And I thought about it: the most violent in a strict social order are the owners, the leaders, those who benefit most.  They cannot innovate.  They cannot change.  Every change risks a fall.

This is why social evolution happens in the lower classes, those who have no particular order to maintain, no status to uphold.  Being interesting is, by and large, the role blacks play in American and even global culture.  They do and say and think new things.

And I would contrast this organic change–one which is voluntarily embraced by many or even most people–with the propaganda oriented, coerced change, such as we are seeing with the issues of gay rights, trans-rights, and the claims that illegal aliens are somehow not detrimental to the economic well being of people born here.  These are agendas, pushed by and for elites.  For what?  For power.  This habit they dare not change.

If you want the current script, simply look at the areas where Democrats and Republicans agree at the Party level.  If you want an alternative, look to the people in this election cycle who are hated by their respective parties.

I think we all sense everything I am saying is true.  To get to the top of a structure, you have to internalize the values of that structure.  You have to want very much to be a part of that structure.  This is why anyone who emerges from that structure can be expected to behave in certain predictable, scriptable ways.

I don’t like Ted Cruz, but I will vote for him if I have to.  If the formerly Grand OP wants to foist Kasich or even Ryan on me, I am going to donate to the Democrats, sit home, and plan out my stockpile of food and ammunition.  Perhaps this is the plan.  If so, I can’t see how we are not well and truly fucked.



This post is a bit rambling.  It was worse, but I deleted some of it.  I have to run, but some of this may be of interest to someone.  As I have said before, I often don’t know what I have to say until I say it.

Logically, the existence of social rules based upon violence reduces or eliminates the need for the negotiation of difference.  If everyone has a place and a duty–the  most obvious case of this again being Hindu India, where until recently everyone had a Varna and a Jati–then what you think,  and how you feel, are matters of consequence only to your immediate associates.

As I have said, economic equality can be had, easily, in slavery.  You lock people in a cage together–as in Cuba–and throw them all equal rations.  You whip them when they protest, and then offer those who are compliant putrid scraps from an already meager table, such as a free cot when they are sick, a mediocre education suffused with Party Propaganda, to train for a profession which does not exist and cannot be practiced, or a house in poor repair that was someone’s pride in 1950.

But for GENUINE equality you need emotional intelligence.  You need to be able to swim in social oceans, to bob up and down with skill in the waves of emotions, moving boundaries and expectations, and evolving and differing purposes.  You have to be able to be yourself, to be content and happy on your own, and to connect with others, even when they are changing, moving, evolving, and sometimes calm and sometimes agitated, sometimes clear and sometimes confused.

In my own world, I see room for both political parties as they exist in America today.  We might call the Democrats the “compassion” crowd, and the Republicans the “Justice, fairness, and security” crowd.  Now, both groups have people within them who routinely abuse the words that they know create responses.

As I think about it, the hard Left in the Democrat Party bears roughly the same relation to the party members as a whole, in their cheerlessness, anger, bitterness, and emotional violence, that the Religious Right does to the Republican Party.  Neither fully represents the views of most members, but both are stuck with their respective Party and its propaganda.

In both cases, negotiated disagreement is virtually impossible.  Leftists see and criticize this on the Right, but fail to see their own inability to diagnose their own mistakes, their own failures, their own attachment to power seeking for its own sake.

I speak about the Good for the simple reason that the concept, as I have defined it, works to build emotional intelligence.  EI, in turn, helps foster social harmony and evolution.

Anything which prevents or creates barriers to negotiated bridging of substantive difference is, then, anti-egalitarian.  Safe Zones are anti-egalitarian.  Government imposed social views–such as the necessity of accepting gay marriage–are anti-egalitarian.

Sick people want power.  Such people naturally gravitate to the government, and such people, in government, want to use government to “solve” all problems.  Where no problems exist, they will create them.  It is the use and abuse of power that interests them, not the well being of actual human beings.

Use and abuse is, in turn, a good short definition of a sacrificial order.


Christ’s True Message

How’s that for a title?  I am annexing to myself the whole Revelation.

Logically, if social hierarchy is based on violence–and we see this in chimpanzees, for God’s sake–then a non-violent social order will be flat.  Egalitarian.  Egalitarian not in wanting every individual to be the same, as what I might term the Pseudo-Egalitarians want (their actual preoccupation being the reduction of society into two classes, with both classes possessing equal material wealth among themselves), but rather in respecting each individual as a world unto him or herself, and sufficient therein.

Love, unconditional love, is inherently equalizing.  It is anti-hierarchical.  And to return to the previous post, it is anti-sacrifice.  If sacrifice is a method for demonstrating and creating  and reinforcing social difference through ritual violence, then love is the anti-sacrifice.

And in my mind it is highly ironic that Christ himself was made a sacrifice.  Since it is a free country, and I can read history any way I please, and rewrite it any way I please–without, of course, being able to demand anyone join me in this quixotic enterprise–I would like to suggest that Christ never meant to get himself crucified.  He was a teacher, not the Son of God.

It could be foreseen, of course.  If social order is ratified through violence, then attacking the social order will logically always result in violence.  It is a beast, which when woken, will reliably act to destroy and consume its enemies.  Death shows the existence of the order, but the intent can only have been to critique it.  Death was a consequence, but never a goal.

And as I have commented from time to time, it is thus amazing and absolutely contrary to the spirit and intent of Christ’ teachings that from his life and death and resurrection (resurrections, by the way, can be witnessed to this day regularly, in the work of David Thompson among others, or so I personally choose to believe) a Church characterized by countless layers of bureaucratic structure should evolve.  Christ would have nothing to do with the Pope.  If He came back, he would collect crumbs at St. Peter’s with the lowest of the laiety, and laugh at the cosmic absurdity of it all.

The overall point I would make is that as a cultural ideal, egalitarianism is laudable, but this word, like that of Liberal, has been misappropriated and abused by liars.  Slaves are economically equal, too, but no one applauds their state of being, that of servitude.  Slaves, like the Cubans, may in fact have access to “free” education, “free” housing, and “Free” health care.  But like the Cubans, they have walls which they must climb to actually be free, and many of them will die, by design, in such enterprises.

Christ would lament and condemn Cuba, and excoriate–He did have a temper–any of the fools and hacks, and cynics who condone what those evil human beings have done to that proud and beautiful people.  Every Cuban has a thousand lashes on his or her back.  They are invisible, but they can be seen, I am quite sure, in their eyes.


Communism and human sacrifice

I found this interesting:

When I was studying to be professionally useless, which is to say when I was on an almost (I still had to be admitted, and I will admit it was not a foregone conclusion due to my political tendencies) Ph.D track, sacrifice and particularly human sacrifice were a prime interest of mine.

My current operative hypothesis is that both serve to channelize in usable social directions the primal bestial energy of our gut nervous system.  It seeks to kill, to feed.  Animal sacrifices were often burnt, as the odor was considered pleasing to the “gods”, which is to say the human appetite.  A “holocaust” is a fully burnt animal sacrifice.

The point I wanted to make here is that human sacrifice clearly plays a role in Communist societies.  This is the role of the dissident, the nay-sayer, the “enemy of the people”, or worse yet, the “capitalist, or bourgeois pig”.  Why so much death?  It reinforced the class system, the social hierarchy.

This is the great delusion of Communism, that it does away with classes.  I have called it Pharaohism, for the simple reason that it seeks monumental power, consolidated entirely, and to build upon that edifice a thousand year Reich.  As far as that goes, why stop at 1,000?

The opposite of Communism is true egalitarianism, which rejects human sacrifice, which actually shares voluntarily.

The movement of human freedom is away from ritual murder, away from “acts of the sacred”, and towards communion based upon mutual affection, shared beliefs and practices, and a sense of our common humanity, and our common Verworfenheit.

Edit: I would add that the most stratified social system I know is that of the orthodox Hindus in India.  Since they are all vegetarian, people assume they are pacifistic.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  What they have done is borrow a trick from the Communists and simply deny the very existence of an entire class of people–the Untouchables, Harijans, or Dalits, your choice–who they abuse in any manner they want to, any time they feel like it; and this is perfectly consistent with their religion, as they construe it

As I have commented from time to time the condition of the Dalits in India is worse than that of black slaves in America before the Civil War:  Their numbers are vastly larger, too, and this condition exists TODAY.

Where is the Left?  Fucking worrying about dudes with dicks being able to go into the women’s fucking bathroom.


A better 12 steps

The first Step of AA is “We admitted we were powerless over our addiction – that our lives had become unmanageable“.

Let me translate this: we admitted we had NO IDEA WHY we drank/abused drugs/sex/gambling/work the way we did, but that it wasn’t working, and continuing in the same fashion was going to either kill us physically, or destroy everything and everyone we cared about.

In other words, the determination was made from necessity to proceed from ignorance and make the best of it.

I think that we are now positioned to do better–AA has only a 5% long term success rate, which is still 1 in 20 rescued from self immolation–particularly with the understandings that have developed around developmental trauma, and the treatments that have come about, and are even now still in their infancy.

For my part, I vow to do what I can to help develop those therapies.  I have many projects.  This is an important one, which gets close to the core of the human condition.  Addicts are our canaries in the coal mine.  They see and feel more than most.  They can and should speak to all of us.  Most don’t listen.  I do.  I hear and see many things others seem not to.  This is who I am, and it’s not going to change.  I value it, despite some obvious disadvantages.

I have missions worth the doing, tasks worth the undertaking.  One can ask for no more from this world.  I am blessed.


The only place where well said is better than well done.

In a piece I posted a few days ago, I found Evan Sayet’s comment interesting that most stunt men in Hollywood are conservatives.