

Donald Trump is really bringing out the latent self satisfaction and seemingly congenital arrogance of many Republican theorists.

Conservatism is not social conservatism: where does the Constitution render an opinion either way?  It doesn’t.

Republicanism as it has been practiced since Hoover is not fiscal conservatism.  No one can credibly make that claim.  Hoover spent too much.  Eisenhower spent too much.  Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush, Bush.  You can’t claim to believe one thing and act in another way.  Tax cuts stimulate economic growth, but increases in spending are increases in spending.  Period.  This point cannot be debated in my view.

The only net reduction we have seen was with a centrist Democrat, and an aggressive Republican congress, of the sort we have not seen since the late 90’s, and certainly not from 2001 to 2007. when the Democrats were able to reclaim Congress by credibly claiming to be more fiscally conservative.

There is a lot of useless vanity, unwarranted self congratulation, and detachment from reality in the Republican Party.  Virtually everyone at every level who has an R behind their name deserves to lose their job.

This is why Trump.  He may not be a conservative, but he is what he is, and there is at least a chance he may make some very needed changes in the direction of this country.  I am sick of liars and cowards.  I donated heavily in 2014 relative to my means, and since about six months after that election I have been literally swearing at every Republican operative who has called me.  With friends like that, who needs enemies?

We are seeing how fucking arrogant many of these people are.  They are saying that if they don’t get their way, they will sit out.  They will vote for Hillary.  Such people believe nothing. They stand for nothing.  And it is good that they are finally showing their true colors.

I am very conservative, but I will be the first to admit that many conservatives are fucking assholes.  They don’t speak for me.

I call myself a Liberal, and that is what I am.  I know my history.  I have thought through my views.  I have educated myself on economics. I have no desire to tell anyone else what to do, and ask for the same courtesy in return.  That is all.


Trump and the Clintons

As I think about it, Donald Trump is merely a more honest, more conservative version of the Clintons.

Fucking around?  He’s done it.  So has Bill.  So has Hillary.  All three with other women.  I say this not because Hillary is a strong woman, but because the accumulated evidence is overwhelming.  She and Huma Abedin seem to share more than email accounts on her “Computers ‘R Us” server.

Donald Trump, presumably, married for love several times.

Bill and Hillary?  Political alliance.  Whenever Bill was accused, credibly, of rape and unwanted sexual advances, she defended him.

Trump, he watched supermodels fuck in the middle of the room, and admitted it. He enjoyed it.  He loves being Donald Trump, and wanted the world to share the glory of that magnificent state.

Bill and Hillary: sex is one thing; politics is another.  In both domains, you say what you need to say to get what you want, take it, then never look back.

Scandal: Trump has Trump University.

The Clintons had Whitewater, the unaired spectacle of giving classified dual use technology to the Chinese, and of course Hillary’s clearly criminal activity of more or less putting our national secrets on a billboard, then lying about it.

But Bill Clinton was a centrist.  Hillary is not.  Trump is a centrist, too.

It is odd to me to watch conservatives do the work of the Left for them by tearing into every little foible of Trump, while ignoring the same flaws–but much larger–in the Clinton duo.  Remember: if Hillary gets back in the White House, so too does Bill.  Maybe he can find a new intern, or if his pecker isn’t working any more, he can find one for Hillary and watch. That is the sort of people they are.  Although I haven’t watched it, I have been told by several people that House of Cards may as well be their life story.

We get what we deserve.  I have been saying since at least 2005 that it is unclear to me that America deserves freedom.  We don’t value it.  We don’t educate ourselves.  We allow 24/7 propaganda to play nearly unchallenged.  We are addicted to football and basketball, shopping, and nearly everything but a sober sense of responsible citizenship.


Space from/Space to

When we conceive freedom we have a thought.  That is a tautology.

In the felt sense, we often want to escape from something, into what feels like a new space. I myself often want to escape from a sense of dread.

But this sort of freedom is a sort of squeezing out.  You escape from one room to another.  You are being chased.  You can build walls, but the walls become your prison.  Walls by definition confine space.  They can never open it back up.

True freedom begins with a felt sense of control, of possibility, of agency.  It begins with a felt sense of the possibility of expansion.

This is perhaps obvious to you, but it has not been obvious to me, even if I have been exposed to this idea often.


Types of logic

I am aware that my previous post likely felt disjointed.  The connections were symbolic.  What I intended to say was that “evil” is in my view best seen not as an ontological quality–and certainly not as the domain of one group relative to another group which is thereby enabled to be “good”.  It is perhaps the sole useful contribution of modern philosophy to “de-ontologize” notions of morality.

But from a pragmatic perspective–and I certainly identify with the tradition of philosophical pragmatism–there is clear utility to thinking through the consequences of differing patterns of behavior, on the self, on the society, and on the world.

Can I posit that post-modernism/”multi-culturalism” (a misnomer, since monoculturalism is the tacit assumption and goal)/the fetishization of “tolerance” (again a misnomer, since such people are quite willing to judge the ideological tardy and overly non-compliant) is a psychologically poor adaptation to the ubiquity of the primal shame most of us come into adulthood with?  As I have said often, intellectuals become such, in my view, in almost all cases due to unresolved emotional conflicts.  They seek shelter from their emotions in the illusion of reason.

Can we not speak of the fetishization of the book–of the text–as pseudo-transcendent reality, and then usefully speak of this practice as psychodynamic dysfunction?  Certainly one can see this in the modern French and Germans and their proselytes.

When I look at my hand, I see my hand.  In what respect is it not useful to see this as a small truth?

Whenever I attempt to enter a circle, I always seem to begin with a line.

What I started to say is that symbols have their own logic.  The body has its own logic.  Emotions have their own logic.

We speak of reason. All educated people will know about syllogisms, and most will have encountered geometric proofs, and the practices of mathematicians.

But in life, most such “proofs” begin at the END of a long series of “logical” assumptions that begin in the body, in myth, in emotion. All life begins with life, and life is in the felt sense of the body.  Only in the body can true truths begin.  Only in the body can we encounter our own existences, our own agency, to use a term preferred by the NARM theorists and practitioners.

We want people to behave in our worlds.  All of us have our own version of evil, and all of us want to pursue the good, however we conceive it.  Cultural Sadeists merely invert conventional norms, but they, too, have a good and a bad.  They have a free and a contained.

This is all very abstract, and I am using multiple logical types here.  My hope is that there is deep structure which will become more clear to me as I try to clear my head, and listen over some period of time to my body, both my physical body, and to that more real emergence in spacetime which both exists, and unwinds in an infinity far beyond my mind.


Shame and me preaching again

The essence of the cultural and political hegemonic narratives–yes, I went there–of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, is the division of the world into compliant and non-compliant segments.  Within Judaism, you have the division One of Us/One of them, and Compliant/Non-Compliant. (I can’t resist noting again that one element which is often missed in discussing anti-Semitism is that Jews themselves reject everyone else).

Christianity and Islam, you are either heaven bound or hell bound, with some slight modifications and ameliorations available to Catholics.

I am reading Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre’s excellent book “Healing Developmental Trauma” and I cannot but be struck by the enormous cultural implications of early childhood trauma, which must have affected countless children over all ages of humankind.  Nothing more complicated than a childhood illness can leave lifelong effects, and obviously not all parents have always been emotionally available to all children.

It would seem that the historically early separation of children from their mothers, and lack of access to grandmothers and aunts and the like made common by our constantly moving society, must have some effect on bonding and relative sense of primal safety.  We are only now seeing the effects of this.

But the point I wanted to make is that it seems that quite often we feel an emotion first–shame is what I have in mind here–and only then act out in such a way as to justify it.  This may well be a root of “evil”: you feel like shit, then you do something to justify it, and it actually releases anxiety for a time.  Does cruelty ameliorate primal shame? I simply ask the question, and am not able at the moment to feel my way through to an answer which satisfies me.

Pride and evil are often identified together.  Lucifer’s supposed sin was that of pride.  Pride is a counter-identification to shame.  Shame and price are two sides of the same coin, arising from the same place: developmental trauma, typically what Heller and LaPierre call a “Connection Survival Style”.

In our modern world we are in a position, a historically unique position, to build up in our culture all the positive values of religion, while rejecting after identifying the causes of, all the negatives.  We can build tolerance without accepting primitive and barbarous behaviors.  We can posit the scientific validity of what we might term the “God Hypothesis” without needing to assign a culturally unique name to this being, without positing attibutes, and without using it as totem or fetish for biologically rooted tribalistic behavior.

We can speak of a larger reality, one in which we survive death regardless of our beliefs, and one in which our task is simply learning, and in which the most important task is learning to love ourselves and others (as if the two could be separated).

I try not to be stupid.  I try to see both the many negative trends in our world, but to also see what could be, but is not yet.  It does not take much effort to see what is, but even that effort overwhelms most people, seemingly (and of course there is an implicit assumption that I myself have succeeded; I do have confidence in my beliefs, while retaining an understanding that I am often an idiot, and that it is useful and likely accurate to believe that at all times I am being stupid in some regard.)

But seeing possibility: this is what is useful.  I see a world in which the Larry Summers and George Soros’s and Hillary Clintons of the world fail in their grandiose and ultimately infantile project of reducing all of us to vassals of a mania dependent on their own inaccurate assumption of their capacity for rationality and reason, and based on entirely wrong notions of the nature of human life, and its place in the universe.

This is all I can do for now.  I continue to hope that the life sciences in particular will at some point take seriously the blatant and glaring problems with their notions of undirected, purely random evolution, and use them as a springboard to a better, more accurate, and more hopeful vision of what life actually is.

I continue to hope that scientists of all sorts will take seriously the long term research into the survival of death.  These things are in the empirical domain now, and merely await integration into the Academies of people who should recognize that anything which can be documented is by definition scientific; and that good scientists look for and welcome interesting new ideas, and reject vigorously the notion that their job is to defend a status quo for no reasons other than vanity, habit, and laziness.


Post on Trump

Posted on Facebook.  Since I am seeing a lot of craziness on this topic, I thought I would share, even if this is not where my focus is at the moment, where it has been, or where it is likely to be.  
As I see it, the only possible match ups in November are Trump and Cruz versus Hillary or (if she is arrested) Bernie. Hillary has a billion dollar war chest and the support of 95% of the media outlets in the country. Cruz is a very religious social conservative whose father has put out a long series of embarrassing videos which will get massive air play if he does by some miracle get the nod. Cruz does not have Trump’s war chest, or proven track record of dealing well with left wing attacks. He is not electable. This means that our choices are likely Trump or Hillary. As of this moment, Trump has spent virtually nothing on attack ads, but he can match and even exceed Hillary in campaign spending. We can expect him to be blunt and to speak obvious but politically incorrect truths in the debates. Hillary is weak, but if it were Romney or McCain facing her, I would bet on her. With Trump, I would bet on him. He will say what needs to be said.
If Hillary wins, she will go through the last phase of completely eradicating our southern border, and legalize some 15 million people who will immediately begin competing legally for American jobs, depress wages where they do not take jobs, and who she can accurately assume will almost all reliably vote Democrat, leading to a sea change highly unfavorable to Republicans, and irreversible by any possible change I see in the future.
If Trump wins, he will reverse this. In one scenario things get much worse. In the other, much better.
Many of you don’t trust him. Is the uncertainly that he will do what he says he will do somehow more odious to you than the certainty that Hillary will throw us under the bus? Possible bad versus guaranteed bad?
Politics is the art of the possible. It is not the art of wishful thinking, and “if only”, and “the world needs to know I am unhappy”. I wanted Ron Paul, then Rand Paul. I’m not getting what I want. If you refuse to choose the lesser of two evils, then you are choosing the greater of two evils. There is no other way to look at it, in my opinion, even if in some other world than the one we live in there would be. Many people refuse to accept life as it is. This is always a possibility. But there is nothing good or admirable in this.

Addiction as anti-dissociation

I have given up drinking.  Completely, for six months, then I am going to reevaluate.

It’s interesting, some of the subtle changes I am noticing.

Today, getting ready to walk in the gym, it hit me that for the traumatized, what you need is an anesthetic to “speak” to your authentic self, and that is what a drug  or addictive behavior gives you.  You feel alive, because you can summon, albeit at a distance, your real self.  You can look at it on the next mountain top.  You can know that you are you, and if you can’t exactly say everything will be OK, at least you are not dissolving in a vat of acid.

I have long believed, and continue to believe, that a great many people would be better and more honest, if they let their pain out in ways which could only be dealt with through behavior they are otherwise at pains to condemn.

I was thinking about heroin addicts.  What an awful thing, to feel so much pain that you do that to yourself, that you traumatize people who love you, because you are so lost, and this effort to escape, itself, lands you in the relative hell of jail, perhaps for a long time.

Sugar coating is not my business.  At the same time, I understand people, I think, better than most.  I have most of the vices and virtues which are possible, and I see my self in many forms in the people around me. I see patterns and recognize them as something I possess, which is active within me, both good and bad.

I do think we should decriminalize all drugs, like the Portuguese, dismantle the oppressive, literal police state built around trying to stop people from killing their pain no matter the cost, let loose all the people unnecessarily in jail, and spend that money on helping those people find meaning in life.  Genuinely bad people, yes, we can leave them in jail.  But just doing drugs says nothing more than that they weren’t quite ready to kill themselves, but couldn’t handle life.  Compassion is not an inappropriate emotion for that, even if of course I recognize that we all need lines, and all need forms of judgement at times.

The drug war is a manifest failure in every respect except as a means to increase the size and power of government, and as a fantastic fund raising system for police departments in particular.



I think shame is the opposite of gratitude.  The thing about shame is that whatever you have, whatever good happens to you, you are unable to own deserving it, of being worthy of it, and if you can’t do that, how can you consciously express and feel gratitude?

I wonder sometimes about the social and cultural effects of the Christian and to a lesser extent Jewish insistence that we are all worthless pieces of shit who can only claim to be worth anything through the intermediation of a third party, a party historically “represented”–certainly, spoken for–by a powerful political organization.


Personal growth

The problem with the honest pursuit of personal growth is that you come face to face with who you really are.  And what this is, in most cases, is not a profound evil–although unresolved violence is likely to be present in almost all cases–but really an insipid mediocrity of mind and spirit.  We are so little, and the possibility of being more only opens up once we recognize how small we are, and that is difficult for the vanity of at least some of us.

I tend to be Taoist in my skepticism of heroes and saints.  I think most of them were more compulsive than most, more passionately conformist, more heroic when it was easy, and less heroic when all that surrounded them was silence.  I think most saints were and are fanatics.

In the Taoist conception the most developed blend easily.  They move like water in water.  They are invisible.

Me, I think falling and flying relate to the primal fear of falling.  I think running without escape, and pursuing without mercy are aspects of our digestive system, risen to our consciousness.  I think sex is how we procreate and continue the species.

I also think we are spiritual beings in a material world.  I think that we exist at a primitive level of existence that is scarcely above that of rocks, but that growth is possible.  We can do and be more, but I think none of us will do well to look to the dominant mores of our current culture, including those of most established religions.

I remain lost, but it is my hope that in my personal wasteland and solitude some awakening will dawn.  In my waking hours this is an interesting game, and in my dreaming hours I remain vigilant for insight.



Could such a state not be thought of as a place where the possibility of the expression of curiosity has been suppressed?

This fact, as I would call it, is interesting when one contemplates that curiosity is neurologically the opposite of trauma.

I was also reading today that an effect of unregulated stress is narrowed and tightened vision.  This made me wonder if compulsive reading might not be a means some people use to deflect attention from the fact that they do not like to engage socially with others, which in turn made me wonder if academics and intellectuals are more or less self sorted from the pool of those most affected by early trauma, and least able to deal with it. If you add the consideration that a certain level of intelligence is still needed to succeed, then most of the modern world can be constructed from unprocessed primal and dysfunctional emotions, translated into ideological form, and then applied and amplified effectively across mass media.  Bad ideas have as much power as good ones, and little else can be expected from people hiding from themselves, from others, and from the world at large.

This seems likely to me.  The world is stupid.  People are stupid.  There obviously are reasons, and these reasons, I see reason to assume, can be known, or at least largely known.  We can do so much better.  Our best and brightest are dull and insipid.