I watched Captain America–the first one–with my oldest last night, and the obvious theme was “I don’t like bullies”. This is the American self image, and one which has animated much of our foreign policy over the past century. We were of course often accused of being bullies by Soviet propagandists–perhaps, it must said, sometimes accurately, although not in Korea and not in Vietnam–and their propaganda was congenial to the conceits of very soft, historically ignorant western intellectuals. It continues to be.
In a post which did not last an hour I told the Huffington Post audience that their beliefs could reliably be inferred by simply positing arrogance, complacency, and Soviet propaganda memes. I view that as only very slightly hyperbole, and with respect to the Soviets, I will mention I have not had a post last an hour on that Goebbelsian–should I say Leninist, Alinskyan, or Obaman?–thought-vehicle in some years. It doesn’t matter what I say. It seemingly only matters that I say it. These people censor opposing views then both wonder why everyone does not believe as they do, and why they are so angry at them.
The point I wanted to make relates to this sad story: http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/01/15/15-year-old-boy-was-stabbed-to-death-by-migrant-because-he-was-protecting-young-girl-from-sex-assault/
A Muslim–and the religion is clearly significant, since rape is nowhere condoned by any civilized religion, even if it has sometimes been practiced–attempts to rape a Swedish school girl, and the boy who stops it is stabbed to death in retaliation. The Swedes suppress the truth, call the victim a “bully” with no evidence, and rush to get the story from the Muslim, who of course makes something up.
The image I keep getting in mind, and I’m sorry this is not more classical, but perhaps the more useful for it, is the Minister of Magic in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, who keeps denying that Voldemort is back. Despite all evidence he chooses to privilege the more congenial, the easier, the less painful, of two options, even though it has nothing BUT convenience going for it.
And see what happens when you are suppressing something you KNOW on some level is true is that you do not exist on a continuum, but the more WRONG you are, the more you FIGHT for your wrong view. You get angry at those who insist on telling the truth. You resent them. You demonize them. You push them to the side and marginalize them.
What we see in this Swedish story is that common decency and common sense are simply not welcome. They are not interested in doing the right thing if it requires new thoughts, the reevaluation of the cultural direction they have chosen, and particularly if it requires JUDGEMENT. They want to be nice. They want to be all things to all people, and they do not want to admit evil exists.
I was describing this in my version of the Grand Inquisitor, when I had Sade say he would eliminate all notions of good and evil, as the best guarantee that evil would prevail.
If “all that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing”, then the cause of evil has to stigmatize the very idea of good. And this has transpired. A boy killed for preventing a rape is the villain, and the aspiring rapist and actual murderer is the hero.
This is where decadence, weakness, spiritual sickness, which I term “Sybaritic Leftism” transitions into that hatred, violence, anger, and pervasive deceit I call “Cultural Sadeism”. As I say over and over and over, they are connected. The one MUST lead to the other. It lacks the strength to defend itself, and it lacks an alternative vision that is constructive and coherent.