
Post at National Review

The very important point that is inevitably missed when actual discussion is shut down, is that shutting down the discussion does not help the people who are the supposed beneficiaries of that suppression of our Liberal tradition.  Are blacks helped, in their ghettos?  Where racism is actually present, does it disappear because the ability to be honest is suppressed?

I once asked, before being banned the second or third time by what I call the Auto-Lynch feature [edit: at the Daily Cause], how anyone could feel they were working for the best policy, when it was not allowed to discuss or critique the policy.  I was told, and this is close to verbatim: “We are not here to discuss policy; we are here to implement it”.  I was not able to respond, because my IP was blocked.  They don’t value free speech.  They are not Liberal in any meaningful way. It is just a word, like racism, that has been denuded of content.

But this point is important.  The whole point of freedom, of democracy, is that–by allowing many, many viewpoints to emerge–through a somewhat chaotic unattractive process useful truths emerge, and pernicious lies die the natural deaths they deserve.  A sort of teleological energy is summoned which seeks out the best paths, and corrects them as new information emerges.

And the precise defect both of authoritarianism–and, in the Academy, what we might call One-Idea-ism–is that discussion is not possible.  This teleological process cannot be summoned into being.  Creative energy is not brought to bear on the solving of actual problems.  It is rather brought to bear in the service of deception, cheating, and trickery so that the political process can be manipulated in the service of an ideology no one is allowed to question, and which DOES NOT WORK.

I have been arguing for some years now that the supposed heyday of “liberalism”, the Civil Rights Movement, and the War on Poverty, are abject failures.  By any rational standard of measurement, blacks particularly are far worse off than they were in 1960.  Yes, they can eat and drink and swim anywhere they want, but they live in hopeless places, where children give birth to children, where crime is rampant, drugs are the only easy answer, and high school graduation rates are abysmal.

Culture is everything, not economics.  It is the ideas which inhabit our minds which causes us to rise or fall, both as individuals and as societies.  And the ideas on the Left are absolutely damaging to decency and human flourishing.  It is for that precise reason that they cannot be discussed.

If ISIS were my problem

I would pursue a strategic alliance with Russia and China and other regional powers.

I would renounce the goal of overthrowing Assad.  This is illegal, stupid, and unnecessary. I have yet to see anyone defend this policy, or for their part, seen the complicit media push the question.

I would remove all of ISIS sources of income.  I would bomb their oil production, storage and transportation infrastructure until every tanker in their region stood empty because no one would drive them.

I would ask for a volunteer force of at least 2,000 Special Operations folks, and give them all the support–particularly air cover–they needed, and tell them to go hunting.  I would make this a multi-national effort, and although I would want to keep ultimate control over my guys, I would be willing to insert them into a larger joint task force.

I would create an informational campaign to appeal to the civilized, decent, liberal sentiments in particularly the Western populations.  Kids who grow up here by and large do not want to see adulterers stoned, and homosexuals decapitated.  They do not condone slavery, rape, and conquests intended for pillage.  I would employ theologians to figure out how to deemphasize what I would call the demonic elements of their religion at its worst, and the angelic elements of it at its best, which I see embodied in the work of the Sufis.  Most of them were very Muslim, but they focused on a relationship with the One True God, and not so much on killing, raping, and stealing.  No sane person can defend those practices, even if they were equally common among Christians in the 7th Century.  That was a very long time ago.

I would treat all calls for subverting the Constitution in the United States–which is what the call for Sharia is–as treason. I would arrest and jail anyone who publicly proclaimed this.  We have tolerated open treason for far too long.

And I would convene a panel of the worlds most powerful and wealthiest nations, and ask them: what do you want the world to look like in 20 years?  Where do WE want it to go?  Have we not had enough bloodshed?  Can we not call Communism a failure in building a better world?  Can we not grant that freedom is the precondition of any form of dignity for human beings, and its alternative an abomination we should rightly reject?

I would do much more than this–this is just dealing with Islam’s tendency to spin out of control–but this would be a start.

Edit: one thing you will note is that I did not include “bombing”.  Bombing is the tactic used by those who want to create the impression they are doing something, but who are not committed to final victory.  It is not my belief that we need to retake all of ISIS lands with large Army units.  It is my belief that these smug bastards can be made very scared, and to spend most of their time hiding, by an all volunteer force.  That will choke recruitment, and economic violence will choke revenues.  Sooner or later, it will stop seeming like an adventure, and only the goat fuckers will be left, and they will not be hard to deal with.

I have a particular affinity for the Australian SAS.  I suspect no American or European Leftists want to know this, but senior NVA commanders left fairly extensive notes on what worked and what didn’t.  As far as what worked, the Aussies scared the shit out of them.  Americans would send out patrols, make contact, call in air power or artillery, then leave.  The Aussies would stay in place.  They would remain silent.  And they would engage them again and again at close range.  One Spec. Op guy I know said the Aussies he knew in Afghanistan would go on six month patrols.  That is the sort of thing I have in mind.  A sustained commitment, by volunteers.  People who blend, who study their enemies up close, and who, when ready, bring death and destruction.


Is this blog of benefit to you?

They say no man is an island, but they don’t say that many of us try to be.

I have been often tempted to find out if I have any readers, but scared of the prospect that I may not, that I may be preaching to the wind.  I have stats on site visits, but many of them are clearly not humans.  I have no way of tracking how many people subscribe to the feed or emails.

So: humans, is this blog of benefit to you?  Please answer Yes in comments if so.  Anonymous is enabled.

If I get crickets, I will laugh it off, but if not, well, that would make my day.

Edit: crickets it seems to be.  Well, I asked the question because I was prepared for the answer.  I need projects where I interact with actual people.  I realize this whole thing has been a bit–more than a bit–solipsistic.  My talent is and always has been adaptability.  I need to do new things.


3 Questions

I got up today, late, as usual, which is one of the unique and much valued perks of how I earn my money, since I spend much time dreaming in bed, and get some of my best insights there.  And I did my Kum Nye, and a flood of loneliness, sadness, and holding in my heart came over me.

And I thought: loneliness does not scare me.  Bring it on.  It is an important part of who I am, and I want to be who I am fully.

And then it occurred to me that healing has two parts.  One is allowing negative emotions to come to conscious awareness, so that I know what I am feeling, so that my unconscious knows it can communicate my emotional needs to me, but the other is building positive energies.  You cannot find the cessation of pain within pain.  This is obvious, but I am only now realizing it.

So I came up with three questions I will look at every day, which I posted on my door, my gateway to the world.

1) How can I make today an adventure and a celebration?

2) How can I inspire good feelings in myself?

3) How can I make everything I do a massage of healing and growth?

If I do say so myself, these are good questions.  Much of our experience during the days and nights of our lives has to do with the questions we don’t even know we are asking.  I think most of the time the main questions are “is this safe?” and “Am I fitting in with everybody?”

With respect to massage, that is the outer meaning of mNye in Kum Nye, but what I am realizing is that in a deeper sense it is something like pleasurable motion, pleasurable contact with the world, something which releases and allows and expands and facilitates motion.



Given my history, it was inevitable identity would be an issue for me.

But this whole thing is very interesting.  Tonight, while driving in the dark in the rain, I really noticed how mutable our sense of self really is.  Without realizing it, we transition countless times every day between different gestalts, different internal presentations.

And it occurred to me it would be an interesting meditation to try and bring them all together at once.  I brought my angry self together with my compassionate self and my sad self.  My driven self and my lazy self, and my average self.  My sexual self and my asexual and my average self.  All the contradictions, all the middles.

Who we seem to be, floating through the world, bears roughly the same relation as the color red, then blue, then yellow, then red, bear to pure white light, which is all the colors.

Behind this realization is a deep beauty, and a profound solace and source of joy.  I can feel it, even if I am not there yet.


Safe places

I think the shortest accurate definition of the intention of a “safe place” is a free speech free zone.

As a Berkeley graduate, I have spent a lot of time on Sproul Plaza, where the Free Speech Movement led by Mario Savio in some respects started the wave of student political involvement that we call “The Sixties”.  It was 1964 or thereabouts, before Johnson had betrayed his election year promise and greatly increased US involvement in Vietnam.

What I think many fail to grasp is that the “1950’s”, at least on my reading, extended to at least 1963 or so.  1964-1966 there were “weirdos” doing drugs and having all-night parties, but they were fringe.  They weren’t liked.

It wasn’t until the year of my birth, 1967, that things really heated up.  I am told whatever that astrological line-up was, the revolutionary mindset, is in my chart too.  And I do think of myself as a conservative revolutionary.

If I might indulge myself in a bit of droll self commentary, there aren’t many of us.

But the point I wanted to make–and I well remember that turning point in the song Alice’s Restaurant, as, again, I am a Berkeley graduate, even if I never had the money to eat at Chez Panisse–is that back then speech truly was limited.  There were many things you could not say.  There were many bounds you could not cross.

Few remember, but Urban Cowboy was X-Rated because without showing it, it implied a young man gave Jon Voigt a blowjob.  I watched an episode of Mr. Robot where in one episode we have a pretty graphic portrayal of gay anal sex, women kissing while on hard drugs, and the hero going through morphine withdrawal.

The Free Speech people got what they wanted.  But even if Savio’s principles were relatively pristine–and I’m not going to take the time tonight to research–those who followed used the path he created to relentlessly push Communist propaganda. This propaganda was allowed, and it cost us the war.

The Vietnam War could have ended after the first failed Tet offensive in 1968.  It was absolutely devastating to the North militarily and psychologically.  They were ready to quit.  We know this, because many of their top commanders wrote memoirs, not a few of them from overseas after falling afoul of the Fascists who got control of the system.

But Jane Fonda and people like her gave them hope.  That is how one phrased us: gave us the hope to continue.

So you push, push, push, so you can openly support the enemies of America–and mankind–then you take over the universities, and you pull, pull, pull, so that you can create free speech free zones, in the hope of gradually expanding them.

Shit, I’m wandering.  I bought the last Odd Thomas book and am enjoying it like all the rest.  I’m going to go read a while, while drinking some decent French wine.

Presumably, the world will be here tomorrow when I, presumably, wake up for the, hold on, 17,520th time.

I have a post I need to make about the Inner and Outer, but maybe tomorrow.  Maybe the next day.

How does one, really, describe a life?  Paper shells.  Everything else is always already gone.  You can’t take a picture of a sunrise.

No, I’m actually not drunk.  Just a long day.  But I still have time!!!!!


Technology as ersatz parent

I read AI is a big deal currently.  Facebook and others are trying to build virtual robots who are smarter than people.  Why?

This is a deep question. On the surface, for economic reasons.  If they don’t someone else will. It’s all a big race, somewhere.

On a deeper level, we live in a culture which privileges intellect over emotion, where mourning is something that makes people uncomfortable, where even forgetting to put on your emotional mask, and pretending everything is alright makes people uncomfortable.  Authenticity bears a peculiar valence, being both attractive and scary.  Attractive, because it is what we all need.  Scary, because it calls to mind everything that has been swept under the carpet, closeted, closed off, unprocessed, most all of it painful.

In an abstract world, the world of the machine, there is no pain. There are only interesting problems to solve.  AI itself is a very interesting problem, for people fleeing life.

We can ask: when do the robots become the slaves enabling our freedom from work, our freedom of time and creation?  As I read the situation, only if we rework our financial system in a sane and equitable way.  Absent that, we get something like Blade Runner: a dystopia characterized by general impoverishment and pockets of extreme wealth.

And here is the point I started to make: can we not point to all our gadgets as “parents” of a sort which, in always being there, ready to guide us, make it less necessary to use judgement for decisions?  Any opinion you want, you can find preformatted to your liking on the internet.  You don’t need to carry facts in your head, when they are just a search away.  You don’t need maps: it’s all on the phone.  You don’t need to think: the experts have done it for you.

Once you accept your phone as a repository of truth, you have become the perfect peon, the perfect pawn.

I would say that technology itself is contributing to the manifest infantilizing of our youth, as is the quasi-industrial demand for perennial and ubiquitous safety.

You can’t grow sharp people in rubber rooms.

Me, my hope is to find my home in a perennial center soon.  All time and all space are always present.  It is possible to connect both with this world, and with something beyond.  I feel this clearly.  One can only hope where this world is concerned that some benevolent Tao is flowing through it now.  One can hope that somehow, somewhere, biologists allow a new, field based theory of life to come into being.  That the world of people like Cleve Backster is studied, and the appropriate lessons learned.

The enemy of this is the emotional weakness of “scientists” who have a deeply rooted need to own life, to own the unviverse, by being able to reduce it to a machine with rules they have deciphered.  This is not how this universe works, though, so violence is inevitable; indeed, only violence has kept the truth hidden thus far: violence to new ideas, violence to unorthodox people.  As it has always been.


Socialism and Consumerism

It is an odd fact that most socialists I have known opposed the consumer ethos.  They want something deep, something profound.  They want everyone to have stuff, but they want everyone to know that they read edgy poetry, listen to music that is searching, and have more than once stayed up all night discussing “ideas”.  Maybe some weed was involved too.

Socialism is at root an emotional search for a community which the very intellectualism and following unprocessed emotion that gave rise to the idea, make impossible.  No connections are made.  Whenever and wherever Communists succeed, people become objects.  The objectification of humanity, the reduction of every person to a 1) price in Capitalism or 2) use in Socialism, is simultaneously precisely what they claim to want to avoid, and the necessary consequence of their perceptual failures, their unrecognized and unchallenged manias and delusions.

What would appeal to you more: 1) living in a hut with a dirt floor with people with whom you are deeply emotionally connected, doing work which has intrinsic meaning and feeling to you, and surrounded in a small village with like-minded people who share some sort of belief and ritual system that allows the regular expression of emotion, of joy, of celebration; 2) living in an efficiently designed, energy conserving gray home, by yourself, and plugging yourself daily into a slot in a machine?  Can there be a debate?

I read once on a bathroom stall that “Socialism is the opiate of the intellectuals”.  If I take that at face value, what I find is that the IDEA serves to deaden emotional pain.  It places the eventual release of primitive emotions some time in the future, where there is this ill defined–because laughably unrealistic–place and way of being in which that person can be free, where they can freely exchange love and affection, where there is no large scale grief and pain, where living is easy.

All the actual things socialists want can be had within Capitalism.  In fact, that is the ONLY way they can get them.  But the entire project of actually improving humanity, of improving society, depends upon the individual work of learning to see things as they are, of knowing ourselves, of deciphering our true needs and desires, and of understanding that nothing worthwhile is built overnight, and that what is built overnight–particularly using the violence which is the default mode of utopians–is not worthwhile.

I might summarize this by noting that no one can run forever.


Identity, Part Four

I like this term “crybullies”, and I wanted to talk a little about this whole thing.

Some part of us seeks out difficulty and conflict.  I think it is the part that sees and feels the transience and precariousness of our “self”.  There is nothing out there.  It is a nothing filled with something, but it does not feel that way.  It feels like fear.  It feels like darkness.
And how to fight it?  Build campfires.  Build a tribe around the campfire.  Build a fight for that tribe to wage so that all the energies latent within them come to the fore, so that they feel powerful, complete, not just as individuals, but as individuals within a larger “self”, a larger organism, something which breathes and exists outside of them.
In the past, mere existence was struggle enough.  A family was not just a social unit, but a necessary economic unit.
As we have succeeded, the struggle to survive has diminished to near nothing, compared to the past.  By and large, the United States has very few working poor with dirt floors, who lack indoor plumbing and electricity, who cannot get access to books and computers.  All of these things make our poor relatively elite compared both to much of the world, and to human history.
So where do you find a struggle?  You invent one.
I might say that the quality of people is in the quality of their struggles, what they choose to fight against, and for.  By that standard, most of the children in our universities are extraordinarily mediocre, and those leading them, even more so.  They are overgrown children, fighting battles which do not need to be fought, on behalf of people they belittle and infantilize in the process of presuming to speak for them, when they should be speaking for themselves.
Is DeShaun–a high school drop out, son of a woman who got pregnant at 19 and whose father abandoned him, and seemingly sentenced to working for close to minimum wage at shit jobs for life–helped by these protests?  Does the crime in his neighborhood diminish?  Do all his emotional scars disappear?  Is he truly empowered in any way to go back to school, get his GED, go to college, get his degree, and set off for a middle class life?
Or is it stupid white people doing stupid white people shit?  I’m going to go with number 2: stupid shit.

Identity, Part Three

Everything which is created is destroyed.  Logically, this means that in the arising of an ego, of a fixed sense of self, the destruction of that self appears as well, which manifests as a demon.  Some part of us KNOWS that death awaits: not physical death alone, but the death of that clinging form.

Some part of me wants to kill me and some part fights to save me. One part exists in light, and one part wants to hide, to shelter itself deep, deep underground.  Which is which?
I feel there was something close to a psychosis in me.  I have survived many years with very little love, virtually no effective parenting–my father is not a father, my mother hurts me, and I have found no lasting substitutes–and a very blurred sense of self.  All of these have caused me to look deep within myself, to find what tools I DO have, what I COULD rely on.  Emotionally, I have had grievous wounds all over my body, but I am not dead.
And I have found, and determined to rely on, Kum Nye, and it is helping.  All my life I have had dreams where some force was trying to hurt me.  I have fought it.  I have hidden from it.  But last night some infinite intelligence awoke which is simply so much smarter than this force that it is neutralized.  I am safe wherever I am.  It is not my intelligence, but a universal intelligence, something which can operate without my conscious knowledge, and certainly without my control.
And I think of the goal of Kum Nye.  sKu is Space.  It gets translated as presence or even “self”, but the end goal is to make contact with what I in my own terms would call the Zero Point Field.  The Buddhists simply call it space, but what they intend is an infinite energy source where every part of it is in the center, which is characterized by a very pleasant and revitalizing sense of melting and merging, of joy and release and true freedom.  This is mNye, which gets translated as massage, and it is in the beginning literally that, but then it is “massaging” the subtle energies of the body, and finally it is a felt and embodied movement of space within space, of your presence within the presence of the universe.
The goal of the mind is to exist, and to solve problems.  The ego in Sanskrit is “I-Maker”, ahamkara.  The mind is not needed for happiness.  It is a commonplace in various spiritual practices to denigrate the mind, but it really is the abode of the demons.  The demons are perhaps sent from all the energy centers, but I think most of all from that part of you which is most self aware of its own self awareness, conscious of its mortality and contingency, and most eager to prevent any and all decisive change.
Progress is being made.  That phrase is a massage of a sort, in itself.