
Being preachy

I have said this before, but one reaction to internal conflict is being preachy.  What you are implicitly doing is assuming a potential power position relative to others.  You speak, they listen.

As a general rule, the preacher appeals to abstractions, to “formulations of the good”, to what everyone knows they ought to do, but often do not do.  Neither does the preacher, in a great many cases.  If they did, they would not feel the need to preach, and would find some more directly useful form of service, some more productive way of sharing what in an ideal case is an overabundance of positive energy and love.

The preacher in general seeks to be good, but also seeks to be SEEN to be good.

Me, I think what happens is I touch a place in myself which is tender, and immediately THIS–and I am preaching now–flows out.

How does one blend with a day, like a blade of grass in a field, and enjoy it humbly, like every other blade of grass, while not forgetting the principles of life, and the need for growth?  I think if you let it, it happens.  So much of life could be downhill, easy, if we let it.

Life is hard as a square wheel.

When I stop preaching, that will be when you can fully trust me.


Proud Satanist

I expect to see this as a bumper sticker within the next five years.

What I feel, and I am a diffuse, complicated, constantly shifting human being, but one in touch with the rhythms around me, is that most of the power elite culture is oriented around moving the trauma energy of the solar plexus down to the sexual centers.

What I feel as the converse, is using the sexual centers to raise solar plexus energy.  What I feel is that sexual rituals, sexual energy, can be used for BOTH good and evil.  Sex is as natural as drinking water.  I think Lenin said something close to that.  What is not natural is tying it to weird rituals which confine rather than elevate and enrich the human experience.

Tantra invites sex, but sex is a means to something else, something higher, something beyond sex.  To bring the human gestalt down to mere sex: ah, that is profane.

I watch and I feel. Every day it is like a continuous breeze blows through me, talking to me, telling me what it knows.  I feel these people, working for destruction, working for ruin.

They are mistaken to believe that this universe is large enough not to punish them. Hell is quite real, but you have to work hard to get there. and even harder to stay there.



I have gotten to where I go quite deep in my Kum Nye practice.  It is a very altered state.

And the contrast between that state, and workaday America is really quite astonishing.  We are all mad.  We really, truly are.  All we need to be happy is enough to meet our physical needs, shared beliefs systems–plural, as in many groups–some form of meaningful work, and a sense of belonging to a community.

The global elite know perfectly well what their monetary tinkering has done to the otherwise inevitable accumulation of generalized wealth, and I can only assume that they wanted America not to get too rich, because their academic gurus are already telling them–as they have for the past 150 years at least–that THIS TIME disaster is really just around the corner.

What this analysis misses is that TIME is the most important commodity in a morally wealthy people, and that TIME does not deplete resources, add CO2 to the atmosphere, or devastate the fish populations in the ocean.

Culturally, all that is needed is a conversion from the demand for more stuff to one for more time.  That, coupled with reasonable population control measures, if they seem prudent, is all that is needed for sustainability.

The entire issue is moral/cultural.  And it is precisely because they have rejected culture that the socialists seemingly pulling the strings cannot see this.

We do not need a global machine.  We need a global web of robust and nourishing interpersonal connections.


Getting censored

Posted here:

It’s been several minutes, and it says the comments are unmoderated. Comment won’t upload, as usual. That’s why I copied it.

The Daily Mail always gives me trouble.  So does Salon.  So too do DailyKos and HuffPo, Media Matters, and others I forget.  Being worth censoring has to be a good thing, right?  And feeling the need to censor is a reliable indication of anti-Liberal tendencies, is it not?  Fascistic tendencies?  That would be my argument.  Of course, I can’t make it with them.  Daily Kos even has a lynching feature, which is just one of the many charms of that lovely site.

There can be no question both that explosives were planted in all three World Trade Center buildings (yes, 3: most people do not know about Tower 7 because the media made it disappear), and that the official government investigation did not follow standards investigative guidelines, and reached what in its own report it admitted were incomplete conclusions.  They did not preserve evidence, and did not test for explosives, despite many hundreds of reports of people hearing explosions.

Who did it remains a mystery, but the only people who had access to the inner core were working for an elevator company which has not been, but could still be, investigated.

Some 2,200 architects and engineers–including a number of high-rise architects, structural engineers, demolitions experts, and fire safety experts–have called for a new investigation.  You can read about them, and the problems with the official story, here:

Edit: I checked back this morning, and this comment never appeared.  I had two comments disappear this morning from The Atlantic.

Everyone needs to remember that in a digital age, waging informational warfare is quite easy, and it is quite hard for non-experts to fight back.

By and large, no censorship is needed, because the herds they have had indoctrinational success with–which is 2/3rd’s of the country–simply get their news from places which do not tell stories the power elite do not want told.

This point is missed by many.  At issue is not falsehoods told, but truths not told.  Even Fox ignores many major stories, like the farcical claim that Obama provided a valid birth certificate.  And I continue to wonder how so few are asking hard questions about our apparently on-going support for Islamic “rebels” in Syria with a long history of back stabbing us, and more importantly, what the fuck our actual national interest in Syria is.  Should we not back the Russians and Chinese fighting the psychopaths of ISIS?  If they want to risk their soldiers and their money, why shouldn’t we let them?

And what sane person could not see the value of national energy independence, or relative independence?  None: the people opposing it, opposing things like the Keystone pipeline, are nuts.


Getting Weird

Both of these links, the first a video, the second textual, claim that Barbara Bush’s mother gave birth to her eight months after an overseas trip in which she stayed in a house with Aleister Crowley while he was performing a sexual ritual that lasted some time.

I have to say, it is really hard to imagine a massive cover-up of 9/11 that did not involve George W. Bush.  And you take that step, it gets really deep, really fast.

Very rich people very often go more than a little bit crazy.  And the modern world is starving for precisely the sorts of stimuli–symbolic, ritual, mythic–that occultism is well positioned to supply.

On a semi-related note, I will make a post on something I noticed the other day, that there is now something called a “kink aware professional”.  I thought it only related to psychotherapists, but look at this:

What, one wonders, is the need for an Accountant who is sympathetic to BDSM?

Here is a link to kink friendly therapy:

Can any honest human being truly claim that the overall thrust of our shared cultural life as it exists today is towards greater emotional intimacy, connection, sense of purpose, and goodness?

I do what I can.  It is all I can do.  It is a large world, and it is my sense that everyone is born with the ability to save themselves. Some of us try to do more than save ourselves, but in the end free will must be present for moral growth to happen, and the possibility of back sliding and failure must be present for success and progress to mean anything.

To state the obvious, those who choose darkness, choose darkness.  They cannot blame anyone, even if others played a role.  All bad choices lead to knowledge, so even the lost will one day–perhaps a very long time from now–also be saved.


Projection screens

It felt to me today like some small wounded part of myself occupies itself projecting fears onto large screens, and/or feeding me intellectual leads which will push me into my head.  This is a useful and needed task, but like the Wizard behind the curtain it needs to be seen for what it is.

I’m really trying to get away from intellectualism and arguing.  Both arise from a felt sense of danger in the world.  The world can certainly be dangerous, but it isn’t most of the time, in most places.  No, this sense is an echo from long, long ago.  Most of us have it to some degree or other, I suspect, even if mine is perhaps a bit more active–or MUCH more active–than most.



It seems to me it would be more useful to speak of archetypal RELATIONS than images. Take the Old Woman, perhaps the Hag, perhaps the voice of wisdom. Is it not her latent capacity to relate to us in one way or another, and not her vague and abstract idealization Out There which is of primary importance?

One must always differentiate between what psychologists find interesting to contemplate, and what is actually important in moral and spiritual growth, if we are to be useful.



it occurs to me that the principal  problem with Buddhism as a concrete set of practices and beliefs followed by many people in many ways is that Buddhists are addicted to Buddhism. You have to both  enter into and regularly exit the meditative space and mode of being. You have to bring wrinkles with you, iron them out, then get all wrinkled again.

When you disappear, why then you are getting somewhere, and it matters much less where you are and what you are doing.


During my Kum Nye practice–I don’t want to call it my meditation, because that really isn’t what it is; it is in a category by itself as far as I am concerned–a few days ago it really hit me that the world is filled to the brim with addictions.

We speak of “bad” addictions, like alcoholism or heroin addiction, but what if the same relief that these things provide could be had with a little pill which was cheap, not physiologically addictive, and that you never missed work, or did anything unpredictable while under its influence.  It caused you no physical ailments, and in fact was GOOD for you.

If you took it every day, would this not still be an addiction of sorts, merely a socially, legally, and physically benign one?

I looked up the root of addiction: 1595-1605; Latin addictiōn- (stem of addictiōa giving over, surrender.

A giving over or surrender.  What are you giving over?  Your self.
I don’t have time for a lengthy post tonight, but it hit me that the worship of God itself is an addiction.  God does not come into this world directly.  God is an emergent property of a system in motion whose full extent is FAR beyond our capacity for measurement or perception.  Do miracles happen?  I believe they do.  Do they happen on command, for good people, because they are good?  No, I don’t think they do.

Buddhism wisely destroys everything.  They destroy matter.  They destroy time.  They destroy the self.  The task is to blow everything up into small, small pieces, then let them rebuild and reconfigure in constantly evolving new and interesting and useful ways.

And it struck me too that people think of Buddhism as giving up.  It is not that at all.  It is TRADING.  You trade one vision of reality for another, which in turn enables emotions and sensations that are better and higher than what you had.  You are not renouncing a self, but moving towards a a better and more honest one.



I did not really do this consciously, but it occurs to me I taught my kids to feel gratitude.  I have often pointed out things that were working.  We all love watching clouds, and unusual cloud formations and sunrises and sunsets.  We all enjoy the sound of dry leaves clattering in trees in the fall, and quality of the air.  We enjoy the flowers and tree buds in the spring.  We all thoroughly enjoy eating nice meals together, and feeling happy about it.

I have often told them this is a good place to be from, and that they can leave, but they can always come back.  We have discussed how their childhood was basically happy, even if it had some difficulties in it.  We talk about opportunities, and all the things one can do in life.

It’s odd to contemplate, but it seems that for people like me part of parenting is doing for others what I wish had been done for me.  I do not get the full benefit, of course, but do get the pleasure of watching seeds I have planted blossom.

You have to live with courage, and live forward.