We seem also to share a tribal instinct. We become closer to one group, in part, in solidarity against another. The very existence of a Group B makes Group A huddle just a bit closer together, and we also share a instinctual need for that sort of community.
During the so-called Age of Enlightenment, the claim was made, arising out of Christian theological doctrine, that the mind and body–the soul as expressed through a rational, purified mind, and the body, source of all evil–were both severable and at odds with one another.
Emotionally detached men came up with the idea that something like pure Reason was possible, that it was possible to separate a sovereign mind from entangling emotions.
And they produced what might be called Post-Tribal ideas like “All men are created equal”, and “And are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights”, and “Among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness [Eudaimonia]”. Obviously, it took some time to “live out the true meaning of [our] creed”.
Such ideas are in my understanding unique in world history. I would contrast them, for example, with India’s ancient caste (varna and jati) system, in which you are more or less born into a trade union that exists at a certain social level. You have duties (dharmas) and in somes cases privileges. Everyone has a tribe in an enormously complex system, and they never leave it. They can’t. That’s not how it works. You live out your life, and hope to rise in the next life.
On the one hand we have nothing BUT tribes and on the other no tribes at all. Everyone is equal in all ways, at least in principle, or at least equal in their RIGHTS as seen by the government and the people–the People–who constitute it, again in principle.
The whole thing has no content to it. It does not positively tell you what to DO, what matters. It presumes, though, as obvious, some sort of religious commitment centered in some way around Christianity, which could and did include Freemasonry, and many (almost entirely Protestant) sects of Christianity.
Add some time to this thing, and the belief in God starts to fade. It has been attacked in the realm of “science” (I will use that word as shorthand to refer to the people who are employed doing science, without granting that all or even most of them adhere strictly to the METHODS of science; they don’t, not in this domain), and attacked in the Humanities.
Moral confusion grows, but the biologically rooted need for tribes does not.
Which brings me to the present day, and very unabstract, very personal, somewhat ugly, but I think justified anger. I got angry at someone on Facebook who posted a cartoon portraying conservatives cartoonishly, as, among other things, calling for dirty air and water so CEO’s could make more money, more jobs to go overseas, an end to taxpayer funded benefits, and a litany of other things.
And it just HIT ME that this cartoon was not different in any way, in intent or implied viciousness, from the cartoons the Nazis used to demonize the Jews. You create a CARICATURE of your enemy, then repeat it over and over and over until people believe the lie, until they literally think that is how their ideological enemies think.
My oldest, just yesterday, was telling me that it was understood that Republicans are for Big Business and Democrats for racial minorities. It is in the water, the food, air. Our children imbibe this carefully concocted PROPAGANDA–and that is clearly, unmistakably what it is–from an early age.
And this should make us ANGRY. We should always be angry when lies are told. It seems to me many conservatives have been enduring this abuse for so long we simply tune it out. Why?
The particular individual who posted was UTTERLY unable to understand why I was angry, why I would react passionately to Goebbelsian misrepresentations of people I identify with. He stated repeatedly that he has been moderate in his responses to my anger, and more or less WTF was my problem. I asked him repeatedly how he could possibly consider that cartoon anything but inflammatory, and of course he refused to answer. There is no good answer, and he knew it. That much he did know, even if he was unwilling to admit to the hate churning in his gut.
And it hit me: conservatives have literally been dehumanized to the point where we are literally having conversations like “I don’t know why you mind being called Nigger. After all we let you walk our streets, and even shop in some of our stores.” or “I don’t know why you mind wearing the Star of David. After all, your store is still open and we even let Echtdeutsche shop there.”
There is a difference-maker embedded in our brains, and if it is not fed intelligently, it will be fed dysfunctionally. And it occurs to me that the more difference is erased in the egalitarian project–the more all races, all creeds, all gender differences, all social markers of any sort are eradicated in principle–the greater the need to amplify the one remaining difference: that between egalitarians and true Liberals. It becomes a mania, a semi- or fully unconscious need to amplify all hate, all anger, and direct it at one group, and one group only: the out-group, that one which still believes in the possibility of and need for moral judgement.
Watch this clip: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/cnn-anchor-laughs-at-assault-on-bristol-palin-forced-to-apologize/
This attack sounds horrible, and Bristol was plainly very traumatized by it, and this anchor did not even see the need to APPEAR to care. It was the daughter of a conservative woman–who was also viciously attacked AS a person, as an individual, even though Leftists supposedly stand for women–and that was all she needed to know. She got beat down and dragged by her feet? Fucking funny. Best shit I’ve heard in years.
We conservatives need to wake up to the full extent of the awfulness that has been directed at us now for many years. We need to fight back, never back down, not let any of the jackasses get away with their propaganda operations. We need to underscore their innate viciousness and dehumanization of us at every turn.
It is a clear historical fact that dehumanization of PRECISELY the sort the Left has been directing at us now for at least 50 years has always preceded mass murders. You portray your enemy as awful, as a parasite, as an insect, and this creates a CONDUIT for the channeling of all the rages anyone might have felt for anyone else, for all undirected anger, all undirected hurt, all unprocessed negative emotions, into one place.
We may have won Congress–to be clear, Republicans, which I do not conflate with conservatives, aka actual Liberals–but we have many miles to go to reclaim our humanity in the eyes of large segments of the nation.
Leftist economic and political ideas do not work for anything but entrenching small elites and enslaving the masses in poverty and what might be termed “rightlessness”. Leftist propaganda, though, must be seen as very effective at creating enemies and directing hate toward them. Tricking people, guiding people, is something they regrettably do all too well.