Month: October 2014
HuffPo Censorship
Propaganda much? In the history of this republic, only one party has been consistent in its support of true, real, no BS, actually racist poll taxes: Democrats. And for the record, if I were black, I would find the notion that I am inherently so stupid and ignorant that I can’t figure out how to get something I need to drive, cash checks, and visit ANY government building offensive. It is patronizing. It shows CLEARLY just how little Democrats think of their black base. They use them then discard them. It’s quite cynical, and quite ugly.
I will add that the use of the term poll tax is deliberately inflammatory, deliberately race-baiting, deliberately intended to prevent rational discussion of the topic.
Par for the course for these amoral, racist assholes.
Keynes in a nutshell
Hillary Lunacy
Businesses do not create jobs. Businesses do not create jobs. Ponder the large, nearly insurmountable, epic, Himalayan stupidity of this statement. Try, really try, to figure out some way in which this could be correct. You can’t do it. No sane person, with even a rudimentary understanding of free enterprise can do it.
[I feel I should add this edit, since there are so many deeply held, deeply wrong ideas out there: Government, to make this stupidly simplistic, has only three sources of revenue: taxes, borrowing, and printing money. Borrowed money must be paid back, or at least must have its interest serviced, which in practice means much more money over time is digested than would have had that money been taken in taxes. Inflation, likewise, constitutes a tax on the wealth of Americans, even if it is subtle one that as Keynes noted not one person in a million would fathom. Well, you are now one of those one in a millions because I am telling you that increases in the money supply constitute theft. Presently, the Fed is printing nearly $1 trillion a year in money to help Obama maintain the illusion that his house of cards is sustainable.
The point here is that sooner or later ALL government gets its money from taxpayers. Period. There is no other way to look at it. This means that all government activity is funded by private sector activity. Period. There is no other way to look at it. This means that all government jobs depend on private sector jobs. Period. There is no other way to look at it.]
Yet, it has a logic, which I will attempt to go through.
First off, we need to recognize the propaganda coup–one of many, it must be said–which enabled the widespread use of the term “Supply Side Economics”. This term is a defensive term, it is one which has been represented as a lame alternative to the purportedly most correct, most orthodox approach, that of Keynesian or Demand Side economics. Implicitly, “Supply Side:” Economics is some sort of radical alternative to the presumed norm, the presumed success, Keynesian economics.
This of course is lunacy. What has failed every time it has been tried is PRECISELY Keynesian economics, for the very simple reason that it was never intended to be successful outside of a Fascist political system, and arguably not even then, outside of the thefts which wars of aggression enable.
As I know I have at some point stated, counter-Keynesian economics is simply economics. It is a description of how things ACTUALLY work, and one of the factors in how economics actually works is that if you want jobs to be created, you need to create a climate in which this is made more and not less likely.
If you want to grow flowers, you fertilize the soil, you water them, you make sure they get enough sunlight, you protect them from the cold.
The essence of a Socialist regime–the essence of the pervasive failures in the non-developing world, with Latin America being the most proximate example of these failures–is making it HARDER to do business. It is demonizing those who do business well, who amass wealth outside of the protection and collusion of those in power for their own benefit. Socialism is great at creating opportunities to get rich at the expense of others, but it is horrible at facilitating people getting rich themselves, while spreading and generalizing the wealth.
Bill Gates created thousands of millionaires. Is anyone but Hillary Clinton and her ilk so stupid as to fail to grasp that those millionaires put their money into local circulation, and put their money into the pockets of landscapers, builders, purveyors of clothing, dining establishments, etc., in a sustainable way?
The alternative is taking all of Bill Gates money, and then using government officials to determine who should get it. Politics being what it is, most of this money will go to politically connected insiders, who in almost all cases will simply waste that money, making Bill Gates poor, along with everyone else EXCEPT those on the inside, people like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
This is how things actually work. To reach the mendacity of a Hillary Clinton–to reach lies so pervasive and complete even she believes them (I would have my doubts about Bill, who is much smarter than her), here is what you have to do.
First, believe the propaganda about Supply Side Economics–trickle down economics, Voodoo economics. This, despite the fact that it has always worked [Tax receipts went up under Reagan, exactly as predicted; Tax receipts went up under Bush, exactly as predicted. In both cases, this increase was masked by much larger increases in spending].
The essence of anti-Keynesian economics is placing the locus of economic development on small and medium business. Given that you have bought the propaganda, you simply have to invert this. Logically, if anti-Keynesian economics is wrong, then the converse must be right. If businesses cannot be counted on to create jobs, then their role as job creators must be rejected, even if within Keynes own tissue of lies even he contended that the intended net beneficiary of government largesse was still supposed to be the private sector.
Make all of this abstract. Ignore real human suffering. Insulate yourself in a bubble, and don’t give a flying fuck about anyone except those who can advance your agenda, and those who can serve you sexually.
That is how you get statements like this. It’s not hard. You just have to be an awful human being, utterly lacking in compassion, and utterly disinterested in fixing anything or anyone, or alleviating any sorrow or burden. You simply say things which get you votes, pure and simple, and if you lose sleep at night, it is worrying about polling data, and what new messaging you need to enact to improve it.
Now, I would be lying if I said no one has ever done anything nice for me. Many people have, and no doubt many have tried that I pushed away. But at no time in my life have I ever not felt like my life was my burden and mine alone, and that it was likely to be that way forever.
This is the thing in dealing with narcisssists: they isolate you. They separate you from your true self, from your own reality, from the free expression of your own emotions. In my own case, the early trauma combined to make the narcissistic effect much stronger. It is a miracle I am not a really fat, perpetually angry, overly intellectual computer geek obsessed with video games and utterly indifferent to any and all emotions. Hell, I am some of those things any way, but I have traveled far.
Any time you get strong abreactions, that is a positive thing. That means growth. Some, of course, can put some people in the hospital, but I can take just about anything that can be thrown at me, albeit sometimes with some booze as a narcotizing agent.
The point I wanted to make, though, is this: living with narcissists is like living in prison. But conversely, living in a totalitarian state is like living with narcissists. What is the essence of a Fascist state like the old Soviet Union, or current regimes like Cuba and North Korea? It is that individuation is strongly discouraged. If you fall outside the lines, you are immediately labeled defective, in a society they are trying to build like a personality and belief assembly line.
In Cuba a very high percentage of the population gets a bit of extra money every month to spy on their neighbors. Clearly, they would build a massive surveillance apparatus of the sort, say, China has built in Tibet to suppress monk suicides, which apparently continue to this very day, but their system doesn’t work, so they have no money.
Ponder a world in which you have to suspect everyone you meet–including close relatives–of betraying you if you say anything coherent and TRUE about the abominable condition of having suppress every last vestige of your spirit, your individuality, your soul? There was an aspiring member of the Resistance in East Germany, who was betrayed by his wife.
Societies cannot grow spiritually. Only individuals can do that, and only societies which permit liberty, which permit individual quirks, obsessions, ideosyncrasies, journeys without clear destinations, can possibly grow morally, can possibly grow in the only ways that ultimately matter.
Aspiring totalitarians are narcissists. They are unable to separate the needs of the world from their own psychological need to find meaning by “helping” others. It is not OK with them that most people don’t NEED helping, so where need is not present, they manufacture it.
Again, the so-called War on Poverty is a good example. If existing economic processes had simply been allowed to continue in the black community, they would have reached a middle class average 20-30 years ago at the latest. Instead, all sorts of perverse incentives were introduced, which rewarded single parenthood, which rewarded laziness, and which encouraged people to work the system, rather than work a job, all while making sure that all blame for everything bad was laid at the feet of white men, and specifically Republicans. The truth is that if blacks had not been “helped”, they would have been vastly better off. I don’t think they are intrinsically inferior. Democrats do.
Democrat Racism
expert witness calling black people stupid not blatantly racist and
patronizing? Is it not the case that Jeff Foxworthy has made a career out of
stupid white people? We all know there are plenty of those. I have quite a few in
my family. Demographically, stupid white people almost certainly vastly outnumber the sum total of blacks in this country.
The difference, the key difference, is that nobody makes excuses for
them; nobody has made a political career out of exploiting them; and nobody
says race has anything to do with it. Black family incomes rose steadily from
the late 1940’s until the late 1960’s, when people decided to “help”
them, at which point all those improvements in income and educational
attainment reversed, giving us our current situation. The only racism that
matters at this point is the soft tyranny of low expectations. The people who
expect nothing of you are not trying to help you. They are using you. They are
not friends: they are enemies.
decided to follow my own policy of trying to avoid divisiveness.
accidentally deleted, that in my view MLK and Stephen Douglas and others would
be ENRAGED at how things have evolved in the so-called “black
community”. Nobody trusts anyone. Grandmothers raise a very
large number of kids, with neither father nor grandfather in sight. Crime
is rampant, Education is spit on.
blacks less educated, is also calling them lazy, because education–high school
education, and in many cases college education for the “disadvantaged”–
is and has been free for the last 50 years at least.
who went through Howard
University after the Civil
War. Do you think they held the opportunity to get educated in contempt?
Do you think they were mocked for trying to get smarter and know more?
I have learned far more since leaving college than I learned in it.
ANYONE who values knowledge can get it for free in this country.
admitting that these people they want to be voting are ignorant of “public
affairs”, that they do not have, on his account, the BASIC information floating
in their heads to vote for anything but free stuff.
fast. This level of cynicism and indifference to human suffering enrages
solvable. There is no inherent, insuperable problem with the black race
that they cannot be full partners in our society. But this will not
happen until they start demanding more of themselves, and for the past 50
years, all their so-called leaders (I exempt only MLK, Malcolm X, and perhaps
Bill Cosby) have been making excuses for them, and assuming the worst of them,
as here.
Texas and Obama
This is one of the allegedly best minds in the country repeating by rote grammar school propaganda. It is that bad. You can get a FREE, acceptable ID in Texas according to this law merely by asking for it.
But that is not the bigger point. Here are several:
1) in what respect should blacks not be OFFENDED by the severely patronizing tone implied by the claim that they are too stupid to adhere to standards we demand of whites without thinking about it? Why is Al Sharpton not up in arms about blacks being called stupid and inferior?
Why? Because it has been happening for 50 years, and it has made him a wealthy man. If blacks were the equals of whites, they wouldn’t need him. They wouldn’t need professional advocates. They could just work their way up the ladder through education and effort like everyone else. But that doesn’t get votes for Democrats. That doesn’t allow Democrats to make false promises about all the free things blacks will get if they just vote a straight D ticket.
What they get are free phones, and long term unemployment. But they keep voting the same way, year after year, so I afraid I can’t object to the Democrat’s contempt for this core constituency–for poor blacks–except in principle.
2) Anyone in this society who does not have an ID is not participating. You have to have one to drive. You have to have one to check into most hotels. You have to have one to cash checks. You have to have one to get into most Federal buildings.
Anyone who does none of these things is not a tax payer. Period.
And think about it: what right, really, should anyone have as to how public moneys should be spent who has contributed none? Why do they even show up? Again: to get more “free” (to them) stuff.
No system can survive this selfishness for long.
What makes America America? Why have we succeeded where most of Latin America has failed, to greater and lesser extents? Why, for example, do so many Mexicans want to live here rather than their home land, where everyone speaks their language, understands their customs, where they were born?
Simple: Mexicans, proportionately, are much more corruptible than Americans. I work next to Mexicans with green cards all the time, and they tell me the Army and Police are more or less direct extensions of the drug cartels. They do not have a functioning system of impartial law. Moreover, given the chance, they have always tended to want to implement policies where you get free stuff. Most of Latin America has been like this. This is why Venezuela is sinking daily into deeper poverty despite huge oil reserves. This is why Chile is faring quite well.
None of this is complicated. What is infuriating to me is the utter lack of common sense, of common decency, of the ability to add 1+1, among elites with the power to affect us all. There is no need for America to fail, but fail it will if enough of these people get in power.
3) Finally, I have been wanting to comment on Obama’s long rumored abuse of executive power to grant, illegally, amnesty to millions of Hispanics who came here to escape the long term failures of their home nations.
What you have to do is eliminate all sympathy, all compassion, all decency, all common sense, all concern for the general welfare, all empathy, all kindness, and look at everything SOLELY through a political lens, solely through an eye to getting and keeping and expanding power for your particular power elite.
Obama said he would grant amnesty before the election, but chose not to do so. Why is simple enough: these people are going to be mobilized as Democrat voters, but they don’t have enough time to make sure all the illegals are registered and put on buses to the polling stations. Further, amnesty clearly would harm Democrats in the mid-terms. So what to do? Well, if Republicans have a really strong showing, maybe put it off indefinitely. Anything short of that, put amnesty in place and IMMEDIATELY begin using these people as voting tools.
Specifically–and I have not heard anyone say this, although I have not been reading much news lately–Obama in my view CLEARLY thinks he can use ICE to simply bus people around to places where he needs them. Texas has long been a prize. Do you think they do not have detailed lists of what counties are on the bubble and could be pushed Blue with a couple dozen busloads of illegals who should have been deported, but were retained as Obama/Democrat voters?
People in this view are tools, nothing more, nothing less. They are ways of implementing vote-getting strategies that have NOTHING to do with advancing the lives of anyone outside the power elite.
This whole things is sickening to me, particularly that so many people who ought to know better find themselves reciting grade school slogans, childish slogans, delusional propaganda created for the already infected.
UAW as protection racket
“I have had more trouble with the union than with management and after this I will never come back to the UAW,” he said.
He felt the need to speak out after witnessing the establishment of voluntary unions in Chattanooga and Alabama. The UAW has said it merely wants to give voluntary union supporters an option, but the worker sees it as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
“What they do behind the scenes is harass non-members, those who choose not to belong,” the worker said. “The workers [in Chattanooga] can look forward to seeing their names on a list just like this one.”
Reading this, it occurs to me that the long-term relationship between unions and gangsters–especially on the East Coast–is natural and obvious.
How does a normal protection racket work? Three guys–one with a suit, and two plain dressed but large–walk into your store one day and suggest that you need protection, and that they are the ones to provide it. You say you’ve never had a problem, and don’t need their help. The suit tells you that things happen. Who knows? Your windows might be broken tonight, one of your workers might break his leg, someone might through a nitric acid bomb through the window. Who knows? It’s a dangerous world. You get their drift, and if you are in New York or New Jersey, you can’t legally own a gun. They, of course, have illegal guns because that is what they do. You fork over $1,000, $2,0000–who knows? Whatever they thought they could get away with–and in exchange they don’t attack you. This works particularly well for foreign born people in ethnic neighborhoods whose experience with the police in their home lands has not been good.
What do unions do? Something quite similar.
If you want to work at a car plant in Michigan, you have to join the union. There is no opt in. There is no choice. And if you tried to work without joining, you would both be breaking the law, and risking an assault on your person or property. Most people don’t realize this, but laws were passed under FDR making it legal for unions to do many things which would put people in jail if done by anyone else. This includes physical violence, the threat of violence, and damage to property. It is an outrage that these laws are still on the Federal books–they effectively grant unions their own class of citizenship; they effectively make them above the law in some ways–but as far as I know they are.
And what people fail to grasp is that unions are a BUSINESS. The top executives make very good money, and to keep it that way they have to keep the union dues coming. And how do they get the union dues? Coercion, in almost all cases.
Protection racket.
Barry Goldwater (and Brent Bozell, who was arguably the brains behind Goldwater) argued in 1960 that unions need to be reformed in three ways:
1) Membership must be voluntary. As they note in the article linked above they provide many more services, and work harder in Right to Work states because they HAVE to. Everywhere else they have State granted monopolies and coerced membership.
2) One company, one union. The UAW is the labor equivalent of Ford, Chrysler and GM executives getting together and price fixing labor, which is against the law. It is not against the law for the UAW, again, only because unions are in a place somewhat above the law.
3) No political contributions. Unions are tax exempt, in my understanding. They pay no taxes, and should therefore not be able to contribute to elections. In practice, they use their protection racket, which was created both by and for certain dissolute, dishonest policians, to keep them in office. This is not contributing to the generalized public good, but rather the good of union leaders and crooked politicians. It is wrong and should be abolished.
Hell, I’ll add a couple more obvious points.
Unions are inherently unproductive. They create nothing. If we had only unions and no corporations, then we would have no unions, because no one would have anywhere to work. Unions exist solely as counterbalance to an otherwise monolithic corporation, but even in this case, no one company can command wages when people can do work somewhere else. And as I said, collusion is illegal.
Only in socialist systems can companies achieve sufficient monopolies that people can be forced to work somewhere they don’t want to.
And on a lesser level, only when we pursue socialist policies, as Obama has, can the economy remain so bad that people feel they HAVE to remain at jobs they hate because management is awful.
A pro-business bias is a pro-people bias, and an anti-business bias is an anti-people bias. As I say from time to time, just look at Detroit, once the envy of the world, once flush with cash,and filled with happy prosperous people. What happened, effectively, is that the policies pursued by City Hall told people with money to leave, and they did. That simple. If you want a recent example of a country where that happened, look at Venezuela, which is increasingly Fascist.
It is a curse because the thoughtful person quickly becomes aware of all the things that COULD, theoretically, happen. The bad possibilities are endless, and there really is no final way to conclude all of them are impossible.
200 years ago, there were troubles, too, but they were things like your horse breaking a leg, or a bad harvest, or illness.
Paradoxically, I suspect that despite all our material progress, despite the eradication of most major germ-related diseases, despite the eradication of most hunger and want, we are more worried than ever, and this is because of abstraction.
As I ponder this, I think this might be the root of the authoritarian impulses within our intelligentsia. Being intelligent by definition, they are well anchored in abstraction, and well aware of the many bad things that COULD happen (even if some, like overpopulation and Global Warming, seem easily dismissable), want some FINAL answer (might we say Endloesung?) so that they can relax, so that their minds can finally rest at ease, now that everyone has a place, and mistakes and disasters are at least THEORETICALLY eradicated from the system.
There is something important here, I think. I’ve gone down this approximate path before, but perhaps not quite this way.
I release my hate to the South Wind.
I release my hate to the East Wind.
I release my hate to the West Wind.
I release my hate to the Sun.
I release my hate to the Moon.
I release my hate to the Earth.
I walk in freedom.
I walk in freedom.
I walk in freedom.