
Countercultural Conservative

I’m toying with that as a description of myself.  I am a conservative, but I am also a radical.  I think our society has to be remade in major and fundamental ways, but gradually, slowly, ethically, and effectively.  This is the only way deep change can happen.

Letter from Aaron Vaughn’s parents to Obama

[I will add that it is my belief that the SEAL’s (and apparently two Controllers) who died in that Chinook may well have been betrayed.  They were forced to take on unvetted Afghan soldiers with them, who seem to have played a role in bringing it down.  And they never should have been in a Vietnam-era chopper in the first place, when we have Pave Lows and Blackhawks.  I personally think Obama PERSONALLY betrayed them and had them killed.  Here is one link, in which another parent says this point blank:  And why not?  What moral compass of any sort has he ever shown?  What moral compass do ANY hard core leftists have?  The whole project is about the rejection of “bourgeois” morality.]
After finally choosing to view the barbaric, on-camera beheading by ISIS of freelance war correspondent James Foley, I have been left with a level of rage known only to those of us who have sacrificed unspeakable offerings on the altar of world peace.

My offering was my only son — Aaron Carson Vaughn. Aaron was a member of SEAL Team VI. He was killed in action when a CH47D Chinook, carrying thirty Americans and eight Afghans was shot down in the Tangi River Valley of Afghanistan on Aug. 6, 2011.

Many times over the past three years, I have been asked what drove my son to choose his particular career. What made him want to be a Navy SEAL? My answer is simple.

Aaron Vaughn was a man who possessed the courage to acknowledge evil. And evil, once truly acknowledged, demands response. Perhaps this is why so few are willing to look it in the eye. It is much simpler — much safer — to look the other way.

That is, unless you are the leader of the Free World.

As Commander-in-Chief, your actions — or lack thereof — Mr. President, cost lives. As you bumble about in your golf cart, slapping on a happy face and fist-pounding your buddies, your cowardly lack of leadership has left a gaping hole — not only in America’s security — but the security of the entire globe. Your message has come across loud and clear, sir: You are not up to this job. You know it. We know it. The world knows it.

Please vacate the people’s house and allow a man or woman of courage and substance to seize the reigns of this out-of-control thug-fest and regain the balance we, America, have provided throughout our great history.

Thanks to your “leadership” from whatever multi-million dollar vacation you happen to be on at any given moment, the world is in chaos. What’s been gained, you’ve lost. What’s been lost, you’ve decimated. You’ve demolished our ability to hold the trust of allies. You’ve made a mockery of the title “President.” And you’ve betrayed the nation for which my son and over 1.3 million others have sacrificed their very lives.

But this should come as no surprise, since your wife uttered a vile statement on Feb. 18, 2008, during the primary campaign — one that speaks volumes of your true convictions. “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country,” she said.

I am sure my deceased son thanks you for that, Mrs. Obama. Oh, and you’re welcome.

Never in my lifetime have I witnessed such despair and such growing fear that the world’s last best hope, America, has finally been dismantled. Perhaps the better word is transformed — fundamentally transformed. Come to think of it, it’s become difficult — if not impossible — to believe things haven’t gone exactly as you planned, Mr. President.
Amazingly, in five short years, your administration has lurched from one disaster to another. You spearheaded the ambitious rush to end the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan — with no plan on how to do so effectively. Also, the release of “the Taliban five” in exchange for one American — without consulting Congress — is also on your shoulders.

You have been at the helm during unprecedented national security leaks — including, but not limited to the outing of SEAL Team VI on the Bin laden raid, the outing of the Pakistani doctor who provided the intelligence for that raid, the outing of Afghanistan’s CIA station chief, and the outing of your personal “kill list” to make you look tough. In addition, 75 percent of American deaths in Afghanistan and 83 percent of Americans-wounded-in-action have occurred on your watch, according to

And now, we have this recent, heinous event: the beheading of an American citizen by a barbaric organization you foolishly referred to as “the JV team” in your statements to the New Yorker magazine in January.

You, sir, are the JV team. It’s time for you to step down and allow a true leader to restore our honor and protect our sons and daughters.

America has always been exceptional. And she will be again. You, Mr. President, are a bump in our road.



I was driving downtown the other day, and happened to notice a couple of burly men in uniform smoking outside the city jail, aka Dept. of Corrections, which was plainly blazoned on the sign.

And I got to thinking: who does jail “correct”?  That jail, at that moment, was probably filled with some combination of screwed up scared kids, psychopaths, and the continuum between them.

Who winds up in jail?  Disproportionately, the children of single mothers who grow up in poverty brought on in large measure by only having one income, and that often largely from the government.

These kids have major psychological problems, and jail does nothing to “correct” this.  They are in pain, lonely, confused, ignorant.  Often, they have dropped out of school because no one ever taught them to value it, no one ever spent time, among other things, teaching them to read; and because their wounds make it hard for them to concentrate and sit still.

What makes sense to me is that anyone accused of a crime is put through due process, and, when convicted, subjected to a psychological evaluation.  People who are not psychotic, who are in states of severe but treatable trauma, are given treatment.  When they are relatively “healed”, such that it seems likely they will not commit crimes again, they are released.j

Note: this has nothing to do with reconciling their crime with their sentence.  Horrible decisions can be made under the influence of drugs, despair, and stupidity.

Untreatable psychopaths, of course, we never release.  And for capital crimes, why not let the criminals themselves decide what they want: a lifetime in prison, or death?

These are random, as yet unorganized thoughts, but don’t you think our system could be more intelligent?  Can we admit in principle that we are in fact a society, and that even given our diversity, a certain amount of consideration should be given to each of us?

Perhaps this looks socialist.  I don’t view it that way.  What I want to do is expand the tribe in ways socialists would never be able to.

And Emerson:

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines. With consistency a great soul has simply nothing to do. He may as well concern himself with his shadow on the wall. Speak what you think now in hard words, and to-morrow speak what to-morrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said to-day. — ‘Ah, so you shall be sure to be misunderstood.’ — Is it so bad, then, to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood.



What a fine day for another conspiracy theory.

Obama wants a war in Syria.  Why his handlers want this, I don’t know.  The best guess I have seen is so that the Gulf can build a natural gas pipeline across Syria–that Assad is presumably resisting in return for Russian favors, since Russia would lose marketshare and margin with new competition.

So, having failed to make his case a year or so ago that we should be supporting the very ISIS bastards and psychopaths he now wants to bomb, he is now saying he will bomb them anyway, in Syria, in what Assad has said will be an act of war.  If he is smart, Assad will let Obama do this.  But if ego or stupidity get in the way, he might use some of his Russian anti-aircraft missiles against us.  Then Obama gets his pretext, maybe.

This seems doubtful to me, though.  Do we really want a situation in which we are fighting BOTH sides in Syria?  I would not support a war even in those circumstances.  I personally don’t understand how we can’t confine our activities to Iraq, which we more or less assumed custody for when we invaded.  What made sense to me seems, maybe, to be what is happening, which is somewhere between a few hundred to a few thousand Spec.  Ops types wandering around sniping, calling in air strikes, and occasionally laying ambushes, optimally with local troops.  ISIS thinks it is legit.   A thousand dead on their side from people actually willing and able to fight would change their tune.

But the people behind Obama live in realms of abstraction.  They do not do practical things for a living.  They are not responsible at the end of the day for a work performance whose utility they can demonstrate.  They are functional imbeciles, and there is no containing the stupidity of determined idiots, when backed by the power of America’s CEO.

Just putting it out there.  Let’s hope an understanding of their very, very fragile standing in the polls, and the strong likelihood of getting their asses handed to them in November, keeps all of these turncoat sacks of shit on the straight and narrow.



Could we call socialism the cult of anti-individuation?  Clearly, socialists themselves understand themselves explicitly as anti-individualIST.  Keynes, in his lecture “The End of Laissez-Faire”, which Mussolini in my understanding called “pure Fascism”, more or less takes an anti-individualistic ethos as his starting point.

But psychologically, can we not equate the two?  The core stipulation of Individualism as a creed is precisely that individuals are exactly that: non-dividable; indivisable.  Surely no social autonomy can be postulated without individual autonomy?  Surely no society can be responsible without individuals who are responsible?  Surely no large morality can be built without individual morality?

Did Sade individuate?  No, of course not.  He was only a fraction of a human being.  I suppose humans are divisible, but not without violence.  He wanted to be buried in the wild, where weeds would cover up all evidence of his failure.

I was watching some kids play tag today.  Given my newfound need to reconcile animal instincts with our subjective sense of autonomy, it occurred to me that these sorts of games are not all that different than the games we see animals play, which teach them needed skills.

Then it occurred to me that in efforts to suppress these instincts, to suppress all traces of violence and aggression, that we more or less teach passivity and following restlessness.  We suppress things that need healthy expression, without which we cannot be fully human.

We have all seen one or another of sundry visions of a dystopia which seeks to mute instincts, to teach humans to wage peace by becoming, effectively, automotons.  Surely this is imbecility?

And I think of sacrifice, which is an old topic of interest to me.  When I was studying Vedic myths, I argued that several very important ones (the Purusasukta, and a hymn to Soma I can’t find at the moment) echoed very old practices of human sacrifice.  It is certain that the old texts call for a human head underneath the Agnicayana altar (in a modern performance of it, the Brahmins decided to use a squash, if memory serves.)

Sacrifice is a way of incorporating structured violence which feeds the animal instincts, without allowing it unregulated, free reign.  It is, of course, a very poor way of doing it, but primitive peoples knew no better.

I look at myself, and the progress I have made by learning to separate sensations from emotions.  I am convinced this is the path forward.  But each of us must walk it in our own way, and that is exactly contrary to socialist notions of “science”, and a “best way”, and a knowledge elite.

And I think of the terrible horrors of totalitarianism.  It is precisely an echo of human sacrifice, of notions that the collective good must supercede that of individuals.  But where “primitive” cultures knew when to stop, when they allowed themselves to feel emotions of expressed rage and violence, and to let them burn, and they subside in a ritual order, the Fascisms do not.  They come to be in the suppression, consciously, of primal instincts in favor of allegedly higher abstractions.  And thus the violence does not have a cathartic effect; it has no end.  It cannot end.  It can never accomplish an actual purpose which cannot be named.

And this is the role of Satanism, which is clearly connected to Leftism. It constructs a ritual order, of CONSCIOUS cruelty, sadism, violence, hate.  But even there I think we know too much for it to work.  I cannot quite express this sense in words, but I feel it is a creed doomed to failure.  It is a rationalizing of instincts that by that very process are separated out. A naivete is needed, which is gone forever, barring global catastrophe and global cultural regression.

No: we are at a time when we can and should grow beyond childish things.  Everything that everyone wants can be had.  It can be had consciously, and fulfillingly.

Oh, I have plans, but who knows if they will come to fruition?

I had an interesting experience the other day that I interpreted as a synchronicity.  I was driving in the countryside, thinking I was making progress, and the thought intruded “But there is always death”.  I may die, or be sideswiped with some experience I cannot predict, and at that EXACT INSTANT a bird flew into my car, which was going about 60 miles an hour, and no doubt died instantly.  In all my years of driving, I have never killed a bird, and have only once ever killed anything (an armadillo in the middle of the highway in the middle of the night in north Texas.)

I had another odd experience today I don’t feel like going in to, but will say simply that this world is connected in extraordinarily interesting ways, and I hope that as a civilization we at some point come to realize this, and act on it.  


A simple life philosophy

Work is a blessing; so too is rest.

People are a blessing; so too is solitude.

Difficulty is a blessing; so too is ease.

You could build quite a few good lives with these primary colors.