
Race and cultural retrogression

This article more or less says explicitly that race is simply another operative pretext for Regressives:

“The focus of this memo is to explore the role of race and class in developing a sustainable progressive movement…We will show that it is not plausible to build a progressive agenda without addressing race…

“It is not whether race will be used, but how. The response must be to make race explicit but in a transformative manner.”
Blacks are merely the new proletariat, and in the same sense that Lenin tortured the working class after his coup–banning unions, increasing work hours, sending people to gulags if they showed up late twice–they don’t care AT ALL about the actual well being of living, breathing, suffering, striving human beings, even if they use them rhetorically 24/7.
These people want unfreedom for everyone.  They cannot tolerate the daylight of freedom.  They do not exist as people, and cannot imagine how they can, other than as jack-booted Nazis in Nuremburg rallies, all in rows, chanting “Democracy” and “Justice” in perfect unison, in abject genuflection to some totalitarian leader who alone grants them existence.
This is evil.


It is not inconceivable this idea may benefit someone, so I will share it.

From earliest childhood, I told my children I loved them often, but I would explain to them why, and ask them to repeat it back to me often.  I would tell them I loved them because they were lovable, and because they were my children.  I wanted them to feel loved in and of themselves, and to know that my loyalty was absolute.  As they got older, I told them that second part was in case they became less lovable as teenagers.  Fortunately, I don’t think that is going to happen.

They have no need to rebel, because they have more than enough space to grow without it.  That is my feeling, at any rate.  And I have often pointed out to them that indiscriminate sex, drugs and alcohol are often used to make kids feel mature, but they are actually a sign of immaturity.  Both of them are and want to be responsible, which makes me feel good.  Their mother has a great deal to do with that as well.

Most of the world we live in is the result of parental decisions.  Good parenting makes for a good society, and bad parenting makes for generalized unhappiness, violence, and failure.



As I would in any event have assumed, the claim that 97% of “scientists” believe in anthropogenic global warming is complete and demonstrable bullshit:

Global Warming is simply an operative pretext–that is my preferred term for the many pathways down which Leftist propaganda can flow–for a globalist agenda, one which is inconsistent with human freedom, human dignity, and common decency.


Can we include this sort of thing in our “national discussion on race”?

Will we ever start confronting the hard questions, most notably that of blacks complicity and primary responsibility in their failure to thrive as a community?

I say this because I DON’T think blacks are inferior.  They are capable of much, much, much more than this.  They are not the helpless, mindless children Democrats tacitly proclaim them to be every time they blame racism for pervasive and chronic bad decisions that lead to predictable results.

Yes, Democrats have been saying “trust us, we got it under control” for 50 years, but all the black community has to show for it is being forced to watch the rest of the world pass them by, with all the resentment, bottomless anger, and sense of rejection and inferiority that goes with it, none of which will be or can be cured by punishing whites.

A TRUE black leader would condemn this loudly and proudly, as not representing who they should be or should want to be.

A TRUE black leader would point out that the Democrats have been USING blacks for 50 years, not helping them.  He would call people who believe the Democrats chumps, as Malcolm X did shortly before his assassination by fellow blacks thoroughly involved in this systemic exploitation. (Then and now: consider the friendship of Louis Farrakhan, who likely played a direct role in Malcolm X’s assassination, with Jeremiah Wright, and Obama’s friendship with Wright)

Progress will begin when we as a nation begin demanding more, not less.  When we refuse to excuse behavior in ANY segment of our population that is uncivilized and barbaric.

If these were white people–and no doubt this sort of thing has happened and sometimes still happens in white neighborhoods too–most of us would not think for a moment about condemning them as culturally inferior.  We would call them white trash.

As I grow as a person, I am becoming less and less willing to avoid speaking the full truth as I see it.

All of these people deserve better, but more welfare–more of what we have been providing for 50 years–can only be an answer for the deluded and those who profit from it.

Generalized access to charter schools and vouchers would be an excellent start.  So, too, would a charismatic black leader sufficiently gifted rhetorically to tell the truth and get people to listen.

The question is not what white people can do for blacks, but what they can and should do for themselves.



I used to read books about different diets.  What I have finally decided is that there are two types of diets: nutrient sufficient diets, and nutrient insufficient.  Since you need energy, I will classify calories as nutrients.

Logically, the most intelligent diet is one which provides enough calories, but no more, and which consists entirely in foods which are as filled with nutrients as possible.  The most intelligent weight loss diet is one which does NOT consist in enough calories to maintain your body weight, but which ALSO consists entirely in nutrient dense foods.

In my considered view, for OPTIMAL health, you need a lot of good quality protein, and other than milk, meat is the only solid resource.  Hemp, chia and the like: they will keep you alive and reasonably healthy, but not optimally healthy.

Obviously, the quality of the meat matters as well.  One of the more interesting things to come out of the whole Paleo thing is the observation that the fat content of grain fed meat differs qualitatively from that of grass or vegetarian fed.  The fatty acid content shifts from something naturally healthy, to something unnatural and unhealthy.  The same would likely apply to milk from grass fed cows versus grain fed.

Paleo causes weight loss because it is a reduced calorie diet.  I have tracked calories on FitDay, and if you eat a normal Paleo diet, you are likely consuming way fewer calories than you would have on SAD–the good acronym for the Standard American Diet.

Where does insulin fit in?  Here is the thing: what consuming simple carbs does is bring about a near certainty of overeating.  Carbohydrates are not the enemy: overconsuming food is.  When science was corrupted to nearly the level seen in the Global Warming scandal in the 1980’s, and fat was made the enemy, compliance with “science” induced a global obesity epidemic that is still with us.

Those no fat chips?  You eat ten, you want to eat twenty.  Food becomes an addictive drug.

You need protein and you need good quality fat.  You do not need carbs to survive.  But I would argue you do need some carbs for optimal functioning.  The body prefers to use carbs for most energy needs.  That has been my experience.

You don’t need much fat, and of course you can survive on a wide range of protein intakes.  This means that many, many diets can be made to work both for survival and for weight loss.

And for weight loss, it is always, always, always about reducing calories.  It is simply the case that reducing carbohydrate intake at the same time reduces the risk of binge eating.  Both protein and fat rich meals induce satiety well.

I continue to think the Zone diet is the smartest one out there, but Paleo is much simpler.  I think Paleo intermittant fasting would work quite well as well.

I had a reason for posting this, but I can’t remember what it was.


Santa Barbara

The stats are not yet out for this year, but last year 2 more people were killed just in Chicago and just on Labor Day weekend than were killed in Santa Barbara.

Who cares?  Anybody?  After all, most or all of them were likely black, and blacks only matter in our national discourse as tools for propaganda, right?  In all candor, I believe that: not that their lives don’t matter–I think about them often and how to help blacks make their neighborhoods fit for happiness–but that our national media doesn’t care.  Not at all.  Nobody.  How they live their lives is a matter of complete indifference to most, and very certainly the Left except in tactical situations where they think they can buy votes (usually accurately, as in the phones for votes program.)

To state the blindingly obvious, they have “gun control” in Chicago, which means that honest, law abiding citizens are at an inherent disadvantage when dealing with criminals, as indeed they are everywhere “gun control” is instituted.

I will add that 3 of the 6 killed in this textbook example of bad parenting–I would guess both parents are clinical narcissists or outright sociopaths–were stabbed, in his own apartment, which I guess means they knew him.  The media insists on calling him a shooter, but he was also a stabber.  He was also hitting people with his car, so he may not have even shot and killed 3 people.


Himalayan Salt Inhalers and the Didgeridoo

I don’t suppose I have to be “deep” all the time.  Here is a public service announcement on two “technologies” I recently adopted.

First, for those suffering from allergies and lung congestion, there is the Himalayan Salt Inhaler.  It’s a ceramic container filled with Himalayan salt (I see it called Himalayan Sea Salt, but I’m not sure how that works, although my knowledge of Earth’s geological history is weak).  You breathe it in through your mouth and out through your nose. I already notice a difference.  My specific goal is to reduce congestion in my upper sinuses, and upper chest.  I’m using Flonase, but adding this seems to be helping.

Here is a link:

Secondly, I snore quite badly, and am quite sure I have apnea.  I do not want to have surgery, and definitely do not want CPAP.  In searching for alternative therapies, I came across playing the didgeridoo.  Apparently some snoring and apnea can be cured by strengthening muscles in your throat which get soft over time.  I’ve had it two weeks, and again I feel it is making a difference.  I think the salt inhaler is helping as well.

Here is a link to the one I bought.  There are cheaper ones, and I may have paid too much.  I wanted something sturdy, though, as some of the reports I read said the cheaper ones break easily:

Here is a fun video of somebody who is good:


Political posts

As I shared a couple posts ago, I am trying to depoliticize my Facebook page, and focus on sharing more positive content.  At the same time, I am realizing how much I enjoy sharing the political stuff.  It feels like it at least COULD do some good, could further efforts to recover sanity on the part of our thought leaders.

So it occurred to me I could just share articles I like here, in more of a traditional bloggy sort of way.

Here is a good treatment of the Democrats use of the word racist that I endorse fully:


Ontic Shock

I have been going into some profoundly painful places, and what I am finding is that I don’t break, and that I have a seemingly endless capacity to keep going, particularly if I get enough sleep.

One thing that has appeared to me is the pain of being overlooked, particularly by a primary care-giver.  There is a sensation, an emotional sensation, similar to being hit with a stick, when someone looks at you, and looks through you; when they ought to recognize another sentient, emoting, needing human being out there, but fail to do so.

I will offer one obvious example.  My mother has a consistent habit of projecting her own feelings and needs onto others.  If she is hungry she will assume everyone else is hungry and act on it.  She does this to this very day.  My children have noticed it.  Even though, of course, she would claim to care about the feelings of others, something just isn’t wired right.  There is no there there.

This process is obviously not limited to childhood, but it is particularly damaging in childhood.  Obviously, this is the outcome of interacting with narcissists.  They create on-going, daily, minor electrical shocks, that I am calling Ontic Shocks, because they attack your very being, your sense of self, your sense of being of value and important.

And I did, in my dreaming period every morning before I get up, see what might be called Narcissistic Current.  The role of the Other, for the Narcissist, is to provide a polarity that induces current, from the narcissist, to you, and then back to the narcissist.  You in essence form an energetic mirror, allowing them to see themselves more clearly, allowing them to exist.  As I think I have noted, narcissism is very much a disease of non-existence.  The Other allows them to exist, even if they are unable to grant the Other any ontic validity, and independent sense of self.

Those who spent too much money for a largely useless degree in the humanities will readily recognize my capitalized Other.  It is used often in leftist political discourse, more or less to denote a presumed Western hostility to cultural difference; to denote our presumed tribalism.

It is an interesting fact, though, that the British empire in particular accomplished a great deal of what we would call good, if in our public discourse we still recognized such a thing applying globally.  No nation in history has ever undertaken the eradication of slavery, but Britain did (read this very interesting article: ).  They put an end to suttee in India, which was the practice of more or less requiring widows to jump onto their husbands funeral pyre and be incinerated alive.  They ended the Thuggee cult.  They generalized the ideas, practices and cultural habits–such as the notion of expecting to be granted rights–of democracy.

They did all this not out of not understanding the Other, but out of fully understanding them and not accepting some aspects of their behavior.  You can fully understand someone, and still reject them.  This is allowed.

The problem with narcissists is precisely a lack of understanding, of the capacity for interactive empathy.  As I keep saying, the true tribalists remaining are the fanatical Muslims and the Leftists–the Cultural Sadeists, as I call them.  Sybaritic Leftists are capable of empathy, but not of forceful expression; not of consistently expressed, coherent morality that they are willing to defend in the face of antagonism.  They do not fully exist, which makes them easy prey, over time, for the Cultural Sadeists, whose narcissistic sense of perfection makes them magnets for the weak.

One final point: love is expansion.  If narcissism–selfishness, self-absorbed-ness, egoism–is using others to see yourself, then love is using yourself to see others.  It is wanting to see them as they are, to interact with them as they are, to build them, help them, comfort them, hold them, help them use themselves to help themselves.  All of this work activates latent potentialities within us; it builds us;  their joy becomes are own joy amplified.


I am almost human

Look out world!!!!!

Oh, I’ll leave it at that.  Alcohol may still be a factor in my life, but it has decided I am no longer congenial company.

Here is a nice piece.  It’s what I’m listening to at the moment:

Who will we be, if we grow out of childhood as a species? If we grow beyond our childish imbecility, stubbornness, ignorance, resistance to change?

Who will we be when most of us figure out what actually matters?

I would be quite happy to be fed through a meat grinder to help that happen.  You can’t kill me.  Or anyone else.
