
Tower 7 Foreknowledge.

Here is a treatment of this topic:

The net is that it was apparently circulating throughout the media that Tower 7 was “unstable”.

Here is a perfectly simple explanation that does not require ALL the media to have been in on this: United 93 was supposed to hit Tower 7 around the same time Towers 1 and 2 got hit.  Whatever happened, it wound up in a field in Pennsylvania.  As I have discussed, though, it took off from Newark, right across the river, right around the time all the planes were hitting.

The plan was to have three planes hit, 1, 2, 3, then blow all three buildings one after the other, with a thousand cameras watching.

United 93 never showed up.  The building was still rigged, and in fact a few bombs had already been blown to make it look damaged and to get people out of there.  Whoever planted the explosives also set fires throughout the building.  They knew they had to blow the building, as they had no time to remove all the charges.  But you can’t just blow up a perfectly good, well constructed modern skyscraper.  You have to set the mood, the context.  You have to prep people, get the word out.  And you would not need more than a couple well placed people.

Those people, potentially, could be identified.  We could, perhaps, reconstruct who was first told, by whom, that Tower 7 was “unstable”, when in fact it was not.

These people have names, faces, histories, addresses.  They can be put in jail, even if it may never happen.

They can be shot as traitors.


Rethink 9/11

Check this website out:

I have been saying since 2010 that the conspiracy on 9/11 was MUCH bigger than the 19 (or whatever) hijackers.  If Tower 7 was blown, then the logistical demands were enormous, which means that both the funding and skill levels must have been high.

And as I have argued, if it was solely Arab terrorists, then they should have blown the buildings while they were full.  They could have killed ten times as many people.  Anyone with that level of skill would also have been able to strike again with little trouble.

No: it seems to me this whole thing was theatrical by design, as I have said before.  They were just missing one plane, and that fact makes the WHOLE story untenable, because 47 story skyscrapers do not fall at the rate of gravity because burning paper towels and curtains caused the collapse of an anchored I-Beam.

I have not read all the pieces, but two updates I will add: NIST, until the final report, resisted the claim that the building fell at the rate of gravity, because this was impossible in all scenarios other than controlled demolition.  In the final version, after have been decisively refuted and utterly unable to claim with a straight face anything else, they simply ignored the blatant and inescapable conclusion of their own finding.

Second, their ENTIRE reconstruction depends upon a key I-beam having been unanchored.  They claimed it was unanchored in their final report.  Their whole computer modeled collapse (which by the way looked NOTHING like the actual, filmed collapse) starts from that beam. But a FOIA request found that according to THEIR OWN DATA, the data they used for their findings, that beam was in fact secured.  So they LIED.  That is the word.  There is no other word.  Why, remains unseen.  I prefer the cowardice hypothesis, but it may not be the best one.

Actually, I will add one more thing.  The body of a man killed on 9/11 (has it ever occurred to you that this exact date was chosen consciously, to make it as easy to remember, as impactful, as possible?) was recovered, and it showed evidence of having been exposed both to percussive force and extreme heat.  In other words, to an explosion.  Buildings crashing made you flat, but they don’t expose you to explosions.  There were no explosions in those collapses that we were told of.

And this was in either Tower 1 or 2.  I will come out and say it: in my view Tower 7 was categorically blown, and in my view the overwhelming certainty is that so too were the other two towers.  The case is not as strong, but that is my gut instinct.


The past and Beginner’s Mind

I read Augusten Burrough’s book “This is How”, and have to say that my initial enthusiasm was not sustained.  It seemed like it could be a great book. It definitely had a lot of good ideas, well expressed.

But it seems to me that Burroughs–Robinson–still has a lot of unprocessed experience.  He has chosen not to live in the past consciously–and certainly time spent in chronic anger, bitterness, and regret is wasted– but the nature of trauma is that until it is lanced and processed, it comes back, in the form of what Trauma and Recovery author Judith Herman calls “intrusions”.

And what I think needs to be clear is that intrusions can be very, very subtle.  They can consist in a latent impulse to feel a positive, happy emotion, and the sudden snatching of it by a sort of vigilant darkness.  This can happen dozens of times a day.

If we are beings of light, which is what I believe, the nature of light is to celebrate, to move, to glow.  What stops us?  Intrusions.  Only be processing all the places within us where we stop light from glowing can we allow all the expression of which it is capable on this level of existence.

Psychopathology, trauma, deep unconscious grief and hurt: these are not the province solely of modernity.  Indeed, by any objective standard, our opportunities for well being are vastly greater in the modern age than they have ever been.  Most of us have never been exposed to war, hunger, thirst, slavery, and all the cruelties that follow in their wake.

There were narcissistic mothers, and cruel fathers in the Buddha’s time.  Perhaps they were much more common.  Imagine the level of existence of people who could not read, and who could not imagine any need to be able to do so.

So I will say again that “spirituality” consists first in the opening up of one’s psychological being, of healing all wounds, and learning to live happily in the here and now.  Only afterwards does whatever we call “God” enter in to it.  I have not seen God, and may never in this life.  But I have seen a long succession of days which I have traveled clumsily, and which I would like to learn to travel with more skill.



Individualism and inner directed morality are inseparable.  If you lose one, you lose the other.

Socialism: logically, if no one owns anything, then everyone owns everything.
How to get at this in a deep psychological way?  If nothing is yours, if you are nothing in yourself, if your claims on space and time and material are inconsequential, then pushing for everyone to own everything is a bandage which salves that wound without healing it.
Most intellectuals are narcissists, I suspect.  What thought does is enable one to substitute, mathematically, abstract compassion and empathy for the real thing.  It allows one to be an asshole and feel good about it.  As I say from time to time, I like to call myself a thought worker.  Figuratively, I put on overalls.  Literally, as a day job, I rub elbows with construction workers.  I think this helps me, too.  I will never be happy in an office.  Hell: it may happen, and I need to quit whining about it in advance.  Still, I will work to keep myself sweating for a living. It’s honest.  It’s a tonic for me.
So many games become possible with undefined terms.  Love is X, no?  Compassion is Y.  Social Justice: Z.
These equations are always solved poorly.  Who you are is THAT, and what you believe is also THAT.  And THAT, here, can be determined by tracing the path, the trail, the consequences of the path you follow through the world.  Politically, it can be seen in the OUTCOMES of actions you repeat.

Another meaning for Tat Tvam Asi.  While we are quoting mystics: “As above, so below”, sometimes much below, in the basement.

There is no other way to view it, in my view.

I’ll quit before I start writing koans.  


Easter Grab Bag

Whoever Christ was, I think he would be disheartened to see the Church that has been built in his name.  He would see a great deal of good that has been done, but also see the fears that so many parents build into their children of eternal damnation, and of course huge amounts of violence (the Crusades and Reformation, the various Inquisitions, and conquest in the name of Christ of much of the world, as examples)

My own parents principle concern was behavior control/modification, and towards that end they hit me until I consistently sat quietly in a corner and said and did nothing unusual.  They broke me.  I think most Christian families do this, but most, I hope, instinctively balance punishment with emotional nourishing.  Carrot and the stick.  They did this, because I was annoying: all little children are, if their neediness and constant confusions are not met with love and empathy and affection.  They justified it as saving me from Hell.  Good little boys do not go to hell, especially not if they are baptized.

All I got was the stick, because the goal was avoiding something, not building something.  I say this not to complain, so much as to continue to explore these things in public.  Everything I do takes effort, because every move I make has to be initiated in the face of a global and overpowering fear, one bred into me very early.

A great deal of what is done in the name of Christ he would repudiate entirely.  I am quite sure of this.

And ponder the awfulness of a conception of the universe in which an infinite God has to have his son slaughtered like a goat–bled–so that He can forgive the people he created.  As I have said before, if we are to take the metaphor literally, perhaps Christ should have had his throat slit at an altar on Temple Mount.  I am fully with the proselytizing atheists in finding this repugnant, even if I derive no pleasure from attacking the beliefs of others.  For my part, most of my work is generative.  Far easier to build on an existing foundation–to improve what exists–than to tear down and actually rebuild.  In practice, of course, those who tear down build nearly nothing, and almost always make the world worse.

As I have said often, this is the difference between true Liberalism and the Leftisms.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.  Everywhere I look I see stupidity. I see it in me, too, of course but I at least can see most of the areas, I think, covered in fog.  I have some sense of what I do not know, and am always willing to question what I think I know.  Every day.  All the time.  Perceptual motion.  This is absolutely necessary, and why it is one of my three core values.

I can’t resist sharing some history on Easter.  I am in an odd, somewhat savage mood.  It will pass, but I am going to let it roll for now.

Easter comes from a pagan festival, a celebration of the goddess Eastre.  She was the goddess of spring, and dawn, in my understanding.  When early Christian missionaries were traveling northern Europe, they realized that if they celebrated Christ’s death and resurrection at the same time, early Christians would not stand out as much for persecution.  Easter is, roughly, to Eastre, what Christmas was to the Saturnalia.  It is, in a sense, a coopted ritual based upon a coopted myth.


Self Building

I’ve spent all day playing Batman on my X-Box, which is a complete waste of time.  But I am getting this perverse pleasure from the sheer uselessness of it.  It is MY chosen uselessness.

And I got in a flash why Dostoevsky’s Underground Man would rather be miserable in his way, than happy in the manner of everyone else.

This, you see, is the outcome of long term exposure to narcissism, particularly in parents.  They take your emotions from you.  You no longer own your sadness, and certainly not your happiness.  Everything belongs to them.  Nothing is yours.

And if you are properly indoctrinated, you more or less do the right things: go to school, then work, then live sensibly and die at a sensible age in a sensible way.  But all of this is foreign to you.  You are not emotionally connected to it.  You do not belong.  You were flattened, and no matter where you go or what you do, it feels foreign.  And true emotion feels like a sickness..

I would like to argue this: narcissism is THE modern illness.  It is, perhaps, a necessary cultural transition from no sense of self, as seen in traditional communities–in which one is assigned at birth a sense of place and duty–to a distributed sense of self, which is the Liberal ideal we have for now stopped pursuing.

No totalitarianism can be understood without recourse to narcissism, to the inability to separate one’s own ideas, ideals, and feelings, from those of others.  Every person sent to the gas chamber or gulag WOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD, if they could only see things from the correct perspective of the narcissist, or so they would argue.

And violence is a form of connection for those who lack it otherwise.  I have realized that as a child I vastly preferred being punished, and the sense of being hated, to the sense of being completely alone and disconnected from emotionally distant parents.

In recent days I have been getting very, very close to core feelings, at the root of which is the ability to feel openly and honestly itself.

And I get microseconds of absolute happiness, unreasonable happiness, happiness of the sort you read about but never see; flashes that tell me it is possible, if I can just unlock this combination safe.

I feel strongly–and I say feel, but this is an intellectual/intutive sense–that I will one day be able to see in the darkness.  At that point I will become truly useful.

I am drawing a weekly Tarot card, as I think I mentioned.  My goal is to connect with time, and specifically the future, but also to provide a flavor, an aroma, to the week.  Whether there is anything to it or not, I can MAKE something from it, by imaginative interaction.

And I have drawn the Fool again.  1 in 72 chance.  I think there is something in that.


Tarkovky and Antonioni

As I think I have shared, I am a big Andrei Tarkovsky fan.  I watched a documentary on him, where he talked about Robert Bresson and Michaelangelo Antonioni as formative influences, and have been watching their films.  The influence of Antonioni is particularly obvious, now that I’ve watched a couple of his movies–Blow Up and L’Aventtura.

I don’t have the time and inclination to do deeply into either, but wanted to make some comments.

Was Tarkovsky’s “The Sacrifice” in part a response to this line:

Sandro: I have no desire to sacrifice myself… why? It’s idiotic to sacrifice oneself… why? For Whom?

Antonioni was an atheist.  The two movies of his I’ve watched really had no point or purpose, just people wandering aimlessly.

Contrast this with, say, Nostalghia, where our hero dies carrying a candle from one side of an empty pool to another.  This was an act of meaning, of purpose.

It is difficult, in my view, to overestimate the latent psychological damage done by the idea that life is meaningless, and that we are merely puppets of hormones, genetics and environmental programming.

We have invented science, have we not?  Why not use science to combat these ideas?  It is hardly a radical idea asking people to be honest, to pursue their own method with actual integrity.


Conditioned Existence

I was chanting my Om Ah Hum this morning, and thinking of the countless Buddhists who have chanted this over the past several millenia.  Do not all Buddhists who think of themselves as Buddhists suffer the Duhkha of conditioned existence?

Where the randomness?  Where the chance? Where the openness to “all that”?

I doubt Buddha ever had a church in mind.  He was much too wise to believe it could exist in sincerity more than a lifetime or two after his death.

Buddhism is a useful creed.  I believe this.  But we need to look beyond it.  There is no doubt of this, either, in my mind.



This is a post I did a while back.  I would likely write it a bit differently today, but my question remains the same: what is the POINT of human life?  What is its MEANING?  Can anyone unable to answer these questions for themselves, adequately, answer them for anyone else?  What is the point of survival if meaning does not survive also?  

What is the point of doing anything?  Can anyone unable to provide good answers to this claim to have a workable, a functional morality, or even a sense of self?

The logical end of leftism is the machine. Let’s run with this.

Leftists take over the world. The goal is a “perfect” society, in which there is no poverty, no wealth, no prejudice, and in which everyone is EXACTLY equal.

{Edit}: I want to add some intermediate steps I skipped in my first post.

If the goal is the creation of happiness through the eradication of the supposed impediments to happiness of inequality of wealth and status, then our overlords will be disappointed. First, they create Cuba around the world, where people lounge around as shadows waiting for the night. They then decide more wealth is needed, so they automate production, and slaughter a third of the human race so as to decrease scarcity. Everyone has enough now. But they still aren’t happy. So they find someone who appears happy, map what he does all day, what he says, what his cognitive strategies are; then do brain scans on him, test his blood chemistry, then kill him, dissect him, and try to figure out what the chemical status of his brain was.

From these results they calibrate how to create happiness. This process, which involves brainwashing, genetic manipulation, and direct chemical interventions, is deployed across the human race. It works. People appear happy.

Then. . .{end edit}

First, they need to standardize behavior. This is done by developing an effective brainwashing technology, amounting to software downloads. This is done around the world, such that all people do and say the same things. At precisely 2pm every day, everyone takes a coffee break. They say the same things to one another. They talk about the weather, and the sports game in which both teams, as always, got exactly the same score. They discuss their kids, who all got exactly the same grades, play the same sports, have the same hobbies, and have the same goals: to work for the State.

Everything is perfect.

Then it is realized that there cannot be racial differences, so breeding programs are developed to eradicate them. Differences in physical capability and intelligence are also bred out. After 100 generations, everyone looks the same, has the same intelligence, and the same physical capabilities. Self evidently, Huxley’s “Brave New World” consisted in an unequal caste system. Self evidently, as well, the rulers of this world exempt themselves from the need for equality. They are more equal than the rest.

Throughout this process, there is anxiety about sexual differences. Men are different than women. Efforts are made to create life asexually, but they fail, since creating life requires life force. Humans are NOT machines.

After 200 generations of perfection, it is decided that a more perfect world would be if human beings were actually machines. Machines can be made EXACTLY equal. So everyone is slaughtered and robots which look like them are deployed in the same places. They live in the same homes, watch the same TV, work the same jobs, and even drink virtual coffee, which consists in downloading the memory of drinking the coffee.

Then it is realized that there is no need to actually have robots: they can just create a software routine which plays out life around the world. So the robots are destroyed, and a vast computer instituted.

By this time, the rulers are thoroughly tired of life. During all this process, they have created genetically perfect sex slaves and servants. They want for no material comfort. They can program companions, who will say anything they want. Their food is perfect, their homes are perfect. They have no need to work, can travel anywhere they want, any time. They have even conquered biological death, such that they can live 10,000, 100,000 years. But they create nothing, and they are horrible people, so after thousands of years of relentless ennui they download their personalities to the computer as well, and commit suicide. (actually, I don’t think most would last more than a decade or two).

This is a really well made computer, that lasts billions of years. But eventually the Sun begins to expand, in its preparation for death, and the computer, realizing this, has a decision to make. It has a duty to protect perfection, but its existence is in jeopardy. It is a really smart computer, though, so it realizes that it can run perfection much faster. There is no need to conform to the normal pace of life. Thus, it is able to run through a trillion more years of life for humans before it is snuffed out in the red fire.

As it flickers out, it feels satisfaction in the role it played in the perfection of the human race.


I am going to try and consistently refer to my “Being” as my “Becoming”.  It is impossible to speak of a human being–now, a human “becoming”–as other than a system in motion.

This is the reason I invented the word “Motology” a few years ago.  Thought is liberated if we are no longer trying to defend something changeless, if we are no longer invoking an Order of Being, but, perhaps, an Order of Becoming.

It is the middle of the night, and perhaps I am foggy, but I think perhaps one could argue that this small change makes all of us Buddhists.  Becoming is neither Being nor Not Being.  The Becoming Self neither “is” nor “is” not.
