
The “Terrorist”

Is there any difference between a terrorist who is plotting, we think, to blow up a bridge, and a bank robber who killed two people in a stick-up, and who is evading law enforcement?  Yes, the first is not yet a criminal, but the second is.

How many people did Osama Bin Laden kill?  As far as we know, none.  He was sitting in a cave somewhere.  The actual murderers, at least on the planes, all died.  Bin Laden was COMPLICIT in the murders, as was Ayman al Zawahiri (whose location we knew in the Bush era, as well as Bin Ladens), but he didn’t actually kill anyone we know of directly.

The people we call “terrorists” are not in most cases actual murderers.  They are aspiring murderers.

Yet, what has happened is that post-9/11 (which as I have shown clearly included as-yet-unidentified coconspirators) is that we have created this legally unique category “terrorist”.  And to pursue this legally unique category of person we have perverted our laws in all sorts of ways.

Obama would never have said he had the right to kill, say, a serial killer in a drone strike.  He would never have said he could kill a gangster in a drone strike; or a serial rapist, or bank robber, or wife beater, or pedophile.

But we have been CONDITIONED to view terrorists, and the threat of terrorism, as unique.  OF COURSE, nuclear terrorism, and biological and chemical terrorism are different than ordinary crimes.

But as Rand Paul has pointed out clearly, the question is not if we can act in the face of impending attack.  The question is if the President can kill someone upon whom the label “terrorist” has been hung, when no threat is imminent.

Consider the drone strikes in Afghanistan and elsewhere.  Generally, we use them simply as ways of assassinating leaders who are otherwise rarely seen. It is not different in principle than the use of a sniper to take out an enemy commander in warfare.

What Obama has tacitly done, through what he has not said, is that he thinks that if he can plausibly call someone a terrorist, that person becomes a special sort of criminal, such that even if he or she is an American citizen, the laws of the United States do not apply to them.

Put another way, Obama is using the abuse of language that the “War on Terror” has facilitated to create room to take concrete steps to become a dictator with the power of life and death.

To be clear, a terrorist is not different IN ANY WAY–ANY WAY–from any other sort of criminal.  They are not different than the kid who shot up Sandy Hook Elementary, or Jeffrey Dahmer.  Yes, their desired body count may be higher, but this is not a difference in principle.

Particularly once you consider that SOMEBODY got away with their participation in 9/11 fully undetected, one has to see the logic of “terrorism” as logic intended to facilitate large land grabs.

In that spirit, I will resurrect an old ghost, the “Report from Iron Mountain

The heavily footnoted report concluded that peace was not in the
interest of a stable society, that even if lasting peace “could be
achieved, it would almost certainly not be in the best interests of
society to achieve it.” War was a part of the economy. Therefore, it was
necessary to conceive a state of war for a stable economy. The
government, the group theorized, would not exist without war, and nation
states existed in order to wage war. War also served a vital function
of diverting collective aggression. They recommended that bodies be
created to emulate the economic functions of war. They also recommended
“blood games” and that the government create alternative foes that would
scare the people with reports of alien life-forms and out-of-control
pollution. Another proposal was the reinstitution of slavery.

Now, nobody wanted to claim this.  No surprise.  Someone who apparently was involved in the writing claimed it was satire.  My questions are these: 1) is it funny?  The answer would appear to be no.; 2) if Lewin was the author, why did he take five years to claim authorship when the book was a bestseller?

The claims of John Kenneth Galbraith are plausible, and if you pay attention, you will note the ideas with regard to government are not that different than those in Orwell’s 1984.

Consider in this spirit the “War on Terror”.  I supported it.  I supported the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.  I supported spooks helping out in Thailand,and the Phillipines, and Indonesia, and Malaysia and elsewhere.

But where are we?  We are at declaring American citizens can be killed and detained without trial or even a writ of habeas corpus.  We have had NO attacks of consequence on American soil in 11 years, and yet have spent TRILLIONS of dollars.

I’m done.  We need to downsize both the welfare state and the military, and live within our means.  We need further to generate bipartisan UNDERSTANDING of the fundamentally and horrifically inequitable role the Federal Reserve plays in siphoning the productive energies of Americans to the merely parasitic, both directlyh, and more importantly by propping up the foundationally unjust fractional reserve banking system.




Last night I dreamed I was a drunk Indian, passed out on a train bound for I knew not where.  Imagine this feeling they must have felt: everything they knew, everything they loved, gone.  Families split, land gone.  What we did to them was not that different than what the Communists have done to the populations they have conquered the world over.  As an ideology, Communism is much worse than Christianity, but in terms of the practical effects, the reservations were not different in principle, at least for long stretches of time, than concentration camps.

This morning I was meditating, and it popped in to my head than many of us have a form of Stockholm Syndrome.  We KNOW, on some level, that the process of (purportedly) “rationalizing” everything has the effect of diminishing the quality of our lives.  We KNOW that the phrase “there’s a scientific explanation for that”, offered reflexively by the intellectually compulsive, acts to diminish the quality of our experience.

Now, as I have said often, I offer no objection to science and empiricism per se. I believe that the facts of non-local communication between consciousnesses, and the survival of physical death by consciousness can be empirically verified.  These hypotheses can be offered up to experimental test, and pass.

What I mean is that many people see no means of escape from the iron bars of materialism apparently linked to “rationalism”, so they willingly cooperate in their own intellectual and emotional enslavement to a fundamentally pessimistic and flawed creed.  They become apostles of scientism.

And this leads to emotional withering.  The aesthetic contemplation of scientific truth is in no way equal to, much less superior to, the notions that we are all intrinsically connected, that our lives have a purpose beyond simply living and dying, and that, importantly, the quality of our emotional experience is every bit as important as the quality of our rational thought, and scientific accuracy.  Call it Yin and Yang if you like: a WELL LIVED life includes both.

We have lost this sense of wonder rooted in the very soles of our feet, that goes far beyond mere pleasure to PARTICIPATION.  There is no room for it in modern Scientism.  It is “irrational”.

I was accused at one point of being a Romantic. In some ways this is true, but I am not attracted to the great and heroic, at least perhaps the way I once was.  I am attracted to the mundane and true.  I am attracted to belonging, and common culture, and peace.  I am attracted to sufficient wealth that life can be made an art form.

I am attracted to the effective use of reason as a TOOL within a broader world view, one which seeks to reach the level of myth in helpful and nourishing ways, but not the fetishization of “logic”.  [I will note, in that regard, that my model for philosophy is the geometric proof; this remains the case, but as I have said, philosophy is what you do on the way to something else.]


Human rights in Iraq

I was going to post this on Facebook, but it keeps growing.  Michael Yon shared a Spiegel article, in German, which I translated in part.  Here is the original:

My German is not great, but the gist is this: “ten years after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, countless men disappear in the jails of Iraq every year.  . .According to Amnesty International, they can be no talk of an improvement in human rights, even though the United States pushed that as a reason for the invasion.”  The abuses include torture of women as well as men.

It’s true: we did.  I did.  As I think about it now, two data points seem important: first, we cared about a nuclear armed Iraq–and plainly at some point Hussein was going to build nukes (he said so when arrested)–because it would destabilize the Middle East, and thus our supply of oil.  Virtually none of the people chanting “no blood for oil” were able to make this connection.  I know this, because I debated them.  They thought the “corporations” were going to take the oil.  Certainly, Halliburton and others did quite well, but at no point did I see any plausible reason to believe they were the CAUSE of the war, but rather simply in the right place at the right time.

The intelligent policy would have been to devote the same energy to the development of energy independence we devoted to this war.  I can see that now. Yes, green jackasses would have opposed this, but they oppose anything that smacks of anything but self destructiveness, which is why James Lovelock, arguably one of the god fathers of the Green Movement, now opposes them, by and large.

Secondly, once you realize that a larger conspiracy was clearly in play, which may well have included Americans, it throws the ENTIRE War on Terror into question.  I will post on this concept of “terrorist” in another post, but consider this: if you are anyone you know wanted to cause terror, and was willing to die or be jailed for it, how hard would it be?  You could just drive a truck into a crowd, pull out a gun and start shooting, while screaming “Allahu Akbar”.  It would not be hard.  Given this, why have there been so few attacks, if this is truly a large problem?  Is someone arguing that the drone strikes in YEMEN are somehow keeping American lives from being lost?

I don’t see it.  What I see is the amorphous threat of “terrorism”, which is so vague that it is portrayed as omnipresent, being used to justify the development of police state apparatus.  If terrorism is possibly everywhere, then Big Brother needs to be everywhere.  We are colluding in the murder of our freedoms as specifically outlined in the Constitution.

Imagine if George Bush has said he thought he had the right to murder Americans in America.  My God, what would have been the reaction from the Left?  Now, I see we need to oppose ANYONE, from any Party, who says he or she has the right to do ANYTHING not granted them by law.

With regard to Iraq, I am not quite willing to say we made a mistake, but certainly that that war distracted us from much more important issues, and that it was likely not the BEST strategy to have pursued.  Imagine if we now were free from the need for foreign oil.  Would that not free up many resources for other productive purposes?

As I see it, we have no good way of preventing Iran from getting a nuke.  The military logistics of anything short of a full scale invasion are, I suspect, insuperable.  We could at best delay them.  Given this, as I said some time ago, we need to grant them the right to have a nuke, and make is crystal clear that if they use, or even credibly signal the use of, nukes, we will fry them, and their civilization will fall back into the Stone Age.  No Mahdi will save them.  In their hearts, they know this, not least because this idiotic belief is not even contained in THEIR OWN TEXTS.  It is a modern invention.


Gun control, another framing

Let us frame the 2nd Amendment as “The right to effective self defense”.  Is it not reasonable that all honest citizens have access to the weapons they might be expected to face in a crime?

I will add that, as I think about it, the 2nd Amendment really means: we the Federal Government grant that you the States have the right to defend yourselves any you want, so we are not going to regulate anything.

An interesting corollary to this is that I think one could argue that the Constitution does NOT prevent STATES from making laws against guns.  All it says is that the Federal Government can’t. 

I have not made this case, but I think one could plausibly argue that the exact nature of gun laws was intended to reside in the same moral domain as laws about slavery, drugs, euthanasia, gay marriage, prostitution, gambling, alcohol and the like.

What this line of thought would lead to is the cessation of ALL Federal gun laws, and the elimination of the F from the ATF.  It would allow Illinois to ban all guns, and Kentucky to make fully automatic machine guns available without a license.


Socialism and culture

I have put this many ways.  Here is another: Socialism is a creed which can rationalize an unequal power structure within the context of opposing difference in principle.

Here is the principle intellectual difficulty of egalitarianism: given that not all people are created equal in capacity, and that not all cultural forms work equally to facilitate and foster both happiness and economic productivity, even the BEST ideas, and BEST people cannot be valued, in principle, differently.

Meaning formation is at root the development of difference, of valuing this over that, this idea over that idea, this type of behavior over that type of behavior.  As one obvious example, hard work is preferable to sloth, if the goal is economic advancement.  But they can’t value ANYTHING, including an obviously beneficial, eudaptive (opposite of maladaptive; I may be mixing Greek and Latin, but fuck it) habit like hard work and self reliance.

On the contrary, they RESENT people who show greater resilience, greater organizational capacity, greater SUCCESS on an on-going basis, because it forces them to confront the emptiness of their creed.  This is why the Left hates Jews (and even though it contains many Jews).  This is why black people who preach hard work, honesty and family are so roundly condemned using what we might term the “Usual Pretexts”.

You can see this process at work everywhere.  I was in an Urban Outfitters today, which is obvious geared to the hipsters and urban trendies.  Everywhere one sees this sense of insouciance and flippancy with respect to serious matters.  They had a CCCP t-shirt (red, of course).  They had many books which failed to take anything seriously.

Jon Stewart speaks to this crowd.  They don’t have the emotional capacity to deal on a sustained bases in an HONEST way with serious problems.  They learn the talking points, learn to demonize the Right, but they are not actually in the room if and when they engage in what they term “debate”.  They have turned those controls over to stereotypes, and propaganda. 

Yes, of course I am myself generalizing.  But I feel the right to do so, having spent literally thousands of hours engaging with these people on their own turf.  What general pictures I use in performing logical or perceptual operations, I have won through a LOT of work and data gathering.

Here is the crux of the thing: in the process of meaning formation, you must VALUE something absolutely; you must have a code; yet codes that are immutable are rejected at the HEART of their cultural ethos.

This breeds madness.  This breeds the countless distractions, the colors, the odd books, the quantitative diversity of fashion and food.  It breeds emotional superficiality, and ultimately self hate, and a feeling of being lost.  Their nascent meaning formations invariably cannibalize themselves, since they can’t be “justified”.

Only to the extent that one is willing to suspend rational thought based on egalitarianism–in effect, to say fuck it with respect to these beliefs–or reject the creed outright and consciously, can meaning be found which does not reside in the abandonment of personal identity in a mass and mutable horde.

I go in these places, and my stomach sinks.  I see the darkness.  I see the inability to find a meaning in life, then I see the T-shirts that say “Obey”, the Communist shirts, the pornographic t-shirts.  I saw 50 Shades of Grey t-shirts today, one of which said “Looking for Mr. Right, Mr. Grey”.  Imagine that: a woman advertising that she wants to be sexually (and thus emotionally) dominated.  Actually, I look in Amazon, and see a lot more, including “Property of 50 Christian Grey”.

The problem is that YOU CANNOT FIND PERSONAL MEANING within an egalitarian creed.  We all must find our own way.  We are all different.  There are countless answers to the question of why to live, but none will work IF YOU REJECT THEM.  That is the root problem of our age.  It is related, in my view, to atheism, which tends in principle to make all matter–which is to say all people–equal.

It was the signal contributions of Nietzche and Ayn Rand (who admired him) to try and retain qualitative distinction in the face of materialistic quantitative analysis.

Empirically, the best evidence is that something like God exists, even if not fully in a sense recognized at least by Christianity, and quite possibly in ways not captured by ANY religion fully correctly.  It should be the role of science to figure out how the universe actually works, but most people are unwilling to do it, if it requires the balls and INCONVENIENCE of reworking paradigms, of tired paths long trodden.



I run a small business, and am doing my taxes.

There is no question in my mind that the more complicated the rules, the thicker the nest of regulations, the greater the relative advantage of large corporations.  They can afford to hire specialists.  They can implement uniform rules that become efficient across large numbers of people.  Small business has a hard time doing this.  They can’t get an economy of scale.  The owners wind up wearing all sorts of hats trying in vain to keep up with the whirlwinds created by amoral two-bit despots.

This is why Democrats, and leftists generally, tend to promote more or less directly the well being of large corporations at the expense of small business; and why so many large corporations reward them with campaign donations. 

Obamacare is just one obvious example.  It will hurt Main Street, to the benefit of Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and all the large banks and multinationals. 

As usual, the usual idiots who vote for Democrats are generating the OPPOSITE of the outcome they think they are voting for.  When they are in character, Republicans are for Main Street, and opposed to special interests of all sorts.

The extent and scale of lies out there is simply staggering.


Better open letter to LEO’s and Military

This is an email I wrote, expanding on my thought process of this morning.  If you know anyone who is in law enforcement at any level, or anyone in the military, or anyone who knows anyone in these communities, please forward it to them.  It may make a difference.
In this email I am going to describe a problem, and propose a solution.  
This email
is 4 pages printed, but will take most less than five minutes (plus
whatever time you spend reading links).  The highlights are underlined
or in bold (or both).
problem is very simple: our system of checks and balances with respect
to domestic use of force by the national government seems to be eroding.
Obama seems to have built what amounts to a private army, and has
signaled that he is prepared to ignore the law on numerous occasions. 
The solution is simple as well: relevant agencies need to decide in advance not to cooperate with him (or any of his successors)
I will suggest several very
specific and simple policy guidelines at the end, which I will underline
to make scanning this email easier for those in a hurry.
you may have recently read, the Department of Homeland Security, and
various Federal agencies that are neither directly law enforcement nor
military have been on a

buying binge

According to best guesses, in the last 12 months or so some 1.6 BILLION
rounds of ammunition have been bought, much of it hollow point.  Hollow
point, to be clear, is not used for target practice, since it shoots the
same as standard ammunition,
but costs more.
National Weather Service bought 46,000 rounds of hollow point
ammunition.  The Social Security Administration bought 174,000 .357
magnum rounds.  This is all—or was—public
The DHS has been buying

weapons grade explosives
bullet proof checkpoints, 7,000 military grade fully automatic .223
rifles (presumably some combination of M-4’s and M-16’s), over 2,700 of
the same

mine resistant armored vehicles

used for counter-insurgency in Iraq, and specially requisitioned
targets showing pregnant women, elderly women, and children.  The
targets were manufactured for them, to their specifications.  Take my
word on the rest of
it, but look at
this link
This should worry us. 
the phrase many of us grew up with: “Call out the National Guard”.  The
go-to agency in any civil unrest, any disaster, was first and foremost
the National Guard,
which was designed very explicitly to be under the control of the
Governor of each State.  Let us grant that the threat of civil unrest is
sufficient to warrant extensive preparation.  It is unclear why that
would be the case, but let’s grant it.  Why is that
money, those bullets, and all this preparation going to the Department
of Homeland Security?
said in 2008 he wanted a private army.  This is very much like what a private army would look like.
Now, I would like you to watch
this video,
showing just how far even normal Law Enforcement can go, either under
stress, or direct order.  What it shows, if you did not watch it, is
ordinary sheriff’s deputies physically abusing an
old lady who refused to surrender her gun.  It shows mass confiscations
of weapons from law abiding citizens. 
At the
risk of stating the obvious, if you take guns away from law abiding
citizens, you make the risk of crime and disorder larger; you make your
job harder; you make the
situation more dangerous, not less. You take away allies, and create
enemies, all while abusing your authority and the rule of law.
support Law Enforcement.  I know most of them are honest, conscientious,
and want to do the right thing.  I also have seen firsthand how, under
the stress of completely
new situations, conflicting instructions, and a feeling of being
overwhelmed, they can become obsessed with control to the exclusion of
all else, including use of force policies, and even the law.  The same
applies for our military.
Please read through the following paragraph.  I will document my claim at the end. 
The Army, as best we can determine, has built what it terms “resettlement” camps, which are surrounded by barbed wire, and has made detailed contingency plans for dealing with non-compliant prisoners within them. 
They seem plainly to be intended for American citizens, since the
relevant protocols reference both detaining civilians, and getting
Social Security Numbers

The document outlining the running and outfitting of these camps is an Army document, and can be read
here.   A short video detailing the more salient contents can be viewed
here.  I have vetted this as well as I can, and it appears both to be an official document, and one taken seriously at high levels. 
Here is more discussion, if you like.  Snopes apparently won’t touch it.
of history know that freedom has been rarely earned and rarely
retained.  They know that internal relocation has been a very common
means of attaining complete political
control of a nation.  It disrupts communal living and production
patterns, and delivers a citizenry entirely dependent on the State.  The
modern “concentration camp” was invented by Lenin, and copied by
Hitler.  Bill Ayers and his Weathermen dreamed of an
extensive system of camps that would have looked pretty much EXACTLY
like this (where they figured millions would have to die).
of Barack Obama know one thing with certainty: virtually nothing in the
life story detailed in his books can be verified.  What we do know is
that Frank Marshall
Davis was, on Obama’s own account, an important mentor in his youth,
and that Davis was a lifelong, card-carrying Communist who dreamed of
fomenting what he would have called a “revolution”, and the rest of us a
coup d’etat. 
We know
that Obama has surrounded himself with radicals all his life.  All
Communists want to end liberal government.  They view it simply as a
phase on the global march to
a global tyranny they, with characteristic duplicity, call “freedom”.
All Communists want tyranny, fear, and an economic wasteland.  It is a
creed of pure hatred, as seen EVERYWHERE it has been implemented.  Many
times I have talked with people who grew up
in Communist nations, and the look of pain that covered their faces
when I asked about the government told me everything I needed to know.
are at a point where it is quite reasonable for intelligent men and
women to consider that Obama has in fact taken action in the direction
of overturning the rule of
law in this nation.
Consider his recent proclamation, issued through his chosen orator Eric
Holder, that he has the right to order the murder of an American on
American soil, without
asking anyone’s permission.  This is unprecedented in American
is something distancing about a drone strike.  For those involved, it
likely feels more like a video game.  You don’t hear the explosion, or
feel it, or smell it.  But
has Obama not in principle said he can order someone’s throat slit, or
someone pushed in front of a moving train, or thrown from a helicopter? 
Is there a difference in principle between killing someone you could
have arrested, and arresting them then killing
them?  If so, it’s two shades of the same gray.
Here is
my proposed solution: all military—Active, Reserve, and National
Guard—and all Law Enforcement—City, County, State, and Federal—need to
adopt two core principles they
will not violate:
Refuse to carry out forcible relocations. 
If you have to “save” people against
their will, then either you weren’t saving them, or their freedom was
worth more to them than their lives, which should be their choice. 
Simple policies could be deployed for those who refuse “assistance” in
the event of a disaster; for instance, a standardized
statement could be read to them summarizing the possible cost of their
decision.  An example would be: “ I understand you to be saying that you
are denying transportation and relocation.  We can neither guarantee
your safety, or any response at all should
your situation become critical.  Given this, do you grant that you
accept these terms as a condition of refusing relocation?”
All the camps in the world won’t do any good if people can neither be forced nor tricked into going in to them.
Refuse to carry out gun confiscations. 
The Second Amendment is quite clear
in taking it as a core postulate that the government cannot be
everywhere all the time, and that the final line of defense is with the
individual, and his or her own prior preparation.  This is PARTICULARLY
true in times of crisis.  We all saw both looting
and the effective use of firearms for defense of life and property as
recently as Hurricane Sandy. 
though they have been done, gun confiscations are clearly illegal, and
should be treated as such, REGARDLESS of any claimed authority on the
part any Federal or
State agency.
To this I would add a possible third provision, which is that all DHS units, and all military units called in to help
with whatever disaster someone created–and which caused the mass panic/chaos–should answer to the Governors of the States where they are operating, not the Federal Government.  Our system is very clear in drawing these lines, with good reason.
Guard units can be “Federalized”.  I would submit that even though I am
aware of no precedent for it, that Federal units can be “State-ized.” 
Federal units refusing
to comply would be unwelcome, and potentially refused entry by National
Guard units, and defecting regular military.
Americans value our system. They value our freedom.  Even those who
continue to vote Democrat (or turn a blind eye to Republican
encroachments on the Constitution) assume
that since we have been free for 200 years, that it is inevitable that
we will remain free, and that these issues do not matter.  They are
complacent.  Historically, complacency has often led to disaster.  Let
that not be our fate.
forward this particularly to friends and acquaintances who are in the
military or law enforcement communities, and generally to anyone else
you feel may have an

There is no need to sign anything.  This is not a petition.  I just
want the people who might be involved to decide in advance who they are,
and what their proper roles
are.  Even a substantial uncertainty on the part of Obama and those
around him about the loyalty of our troops to an unConstitutional agenda
may be enough to protect us.  7,000 assault rifles is a lot for an
agency not tasked with law enforcement, but it’s
not a lot compared to the arsenal wielded by the American people.
is nothing foreordained about our future, for good or ill.  We are
creating it NOW with what we choose to do, and choose not to do.

Open letter to LEO’s, Military, and National Guard members

Since the issue of dealing with disasters–and Obama’s possible use of them to grab power–is real world for you, I thought I might pass along a
scenario and some ideas. First, I think many of you share my basic
understanding of Obama as someone who is a political radical.

What you
may not know is that the evidence is very good both that his real father
was Frank Marshall Davis–who was a card carrying Communist Party member through
the Fifties and Sixties, and who on Obama’s own account was an important
mentor; and that his association with Bill Ayers–and Ayers radical
father–likely goes back into the 1980’s, and that Ayers is the most likely
author of both of Obama’s books.

These are my best guesses, based on
the evidence available. It is a fact that a William Ayers has dined at the White
House. Keep in mind, too, that Bill Ayers was featured standing on an
American flag in the New York Times on Sept. 11, 2001, and that back in the 1970’s he dreamed of building a network of concentration camps in the Southwest, and figured in the end he would “have” to murder some 10 million Americans unwilling to submit to brainwashing.

That picture may not
have been coincidence. I deal with the overwhelming probability that there was a larger conspiracy on 9/11 here.  I have since become much more convinced that Americans HAD to
have been involved, even though I still see no reason to implicate Bush
or even the government.  Keep in mind that the Rockefellers, among others, have long term ties to political radicals, and are among the beneficiaries of the Federal Reserve’s largesse.  People forget, but the Fed is currently creating and distributing some $50 billion a month.  We have no idea who they are giving it to.  There are neither laws constraining them, nor effective means of generating public disclosure.  This situation is ludicrous, but I don’t want to digress.

Given the foregoing, let’s say
someone–false flag, or through successful attack by an actual foreign hostile power like Iran–detonates an EMP in New York, causing large regional
blackouts, food shortages, and general chaos. Who does Obama call out?
Not the National Guard: they don’t report to him. He calls out FEMA,
and the Dept. of Homeland Security it reports to. They show up in their
armored personnel carriers, and they tell all the regional Guard units
that they now work for them. He tells regular military and law enforcement that he is now in charge by issuing an
Executive Order,and puts all military, all Guard units, and all local law enforcement under the operational
command of the DHS–which he has been seasoning for this day both through selective recruiting a la Parallax View, and through indoctrination–which most or all Governors choose to honor.

National martial law is 
implemented. Gun confiscations go on in force, of the sort we have
already seen in New Orleans (I’ll post a video). At some point, the
government says it can’t care for everyone, and tells them they have to
relocate to camps built by FEMA and the US Army. The camp selections
are not random. Specific people are put in specific places they never
get out of. 

In this situation, how is order reestablished
consistent with the Constitution? How does Obama NOT become a dictator,
if all units involved follow orders that appear legal? For all service
personnel, following orders is the default, unless something is
FLAGRANTLY wrong, which it would not appear to be in this scenario.

I would submit is that the military, law enforcement, and Guard units represent perhaps our best defense
against tyranny, and that policies should be put in place making it
absolutely, categorically clear that  you will refuse to obey
unConstitutional orders, which would include forcible relocations, and
disarming the public.  There are not enough America-haters out there to build tyranny, unless there are enough  people unwilling to think through the consequences of what they are being told to do to make it happen on autopilot.

Look at this video on actual forcible relocations, and gun confiscations in New
Orleans:  Would this be you?  Do the actions of these men make you proud?  Can you justify them, from the distance of cold, cool, calculation of the nature of your job protecting the public and freedom? Imagine this across the country, led by DHS agents:

If this can happen in America, and it plainly DID happen in America, what did our forefathers fight for?  What did you enlist for?  What did YOU fight for?

Here is a video on camps apparently being built by the Army which are
described as intended to hold civilians. They are being built,
apparently, in the United States, and are surrounded by barbed wire.
Why the Army? Why civilians?  What NEED is there for these camps?  We already have prisons.  We already have Gitmo.  Disaster recovery does not need guard towers and barbed wire and snipers.

Please think through your role in protecting the freedom of Americans in general, and the freedom of those in the State or community you are tasked with protecting.  Please ponder carefully what you are willing and not willing to do, and make your principled policies known in advance to all concerned.


Hugo Chavez

I read this asshole died worth $2 billion.  I think I can say without risk of contradiction that one of the surest means of amassing wealth is gaining power by rhetorically opposing it. Leftists do not oppose wealth.  They do not oppose privilege.  They do not oppose multi tiered class systems, and pervasive economic inequity.  They simply oppose all systems of government they do not control utterly. 

Leftism is power mongering.  Period.  There is in my view no other way to look at it.  Yes, they bring along some stupid people, but the people driving the bus want power.

I read from time to time Jesus was a socialist.  What I would say is that He understood the shortcomings of wealth, and therefore voluntarily chose to live in poverty, and encouraged others to do the same.  The same cannot be said of anyone I have seen use this argument. Michael Moore, as one I have seen use this line of argument more than once, does not live in poverty (or with apparently any form of self restraint becoming any adult, much less one seeing fit to lecture the rest of us on how to live; he literally disgusts me to look at).  On the contrary, he is quite wealthy, and lives a corresponding lifestyle.  The “Socialist” head of France is also a billionaire.  If wealth is bad, why does he keep it?  And how did he amass it, if not through productive economic activity of the sort he now wants to punish?

The statement that leftism is a mental illness is in my view clinically true.  The extent of the self delusion–normally accompanied by a sense of grandeur–necessary is incompatible with intact reality testing.  It is a malady brought on by cultural alienation–one often provoked by their attacks on our history–and normally atheism and a following loss of the capacity for meaning formation outside of groups.


SHARE THIS!!!!! Important!!!!

Alex Jones was in the main right.  So was Glenn Beck.  Our fucking government under Obama has created concentration camps of PRECISELY the Communist variety, even including interrogation chambers.  The leaked document discussing the concrete details is here:

As I calm down slightly, it occurs to me this could be a forgery.  But that is the ONLY way in which we the American people were not just given concrete evidence that Obama is an aspiring dictator, and that if he has his way, our freedom will be over soon.

The video discussing the highlights is here:

Now, add together this, 2 billion bullets, gun targets of pregnant women, and 2,700 tanks.   It’s not a fucking pretty picture.  NOW WHERE THE HELL WILL CONGRESS BE ON THIS?  DO THEY WANT TYRANNY?  ARE THEY IN ON IT? 

Some patriot leaked this.  One hopes there are enough left to prevent this plan from being executed.  In my view all National Guard commands need to have contingencies in place to fight the DHS,  and even conceivably regular military units.  This shit is real.