
War on the 20th Century

The assholes at HuffPo–to be clear, moderators who are working to silence opinions which make them uncomfortable–are blocking a lot of my stuff lately, so I’m going to start assuming again that I need to cross post:

From here:

It bothers you that the President can’t fulfill one part of the Constitution, and your solution is to vitiate some other part of the Constitution?  That idea alone would tell me you were an Ivy Leaguer.  As Orwell said, some ideas are so stupid only intellectuals are CAPABLE of believing them.

Our system is not designed to work fast.  This puts the brakes on bad ideas, and tends to ensure only good ideas–and good people–get through.  This is common sense.

Conversely, one of the arguments most commonly made in favor of Fascism is that it is “efficient”.  Tyranny IS efficient, for the tyrants.


Bon Mot Sketch


Pain is knowledge coming in the hard way.

Pain is knowledge coming in the hard way, because you missed the easy way.

Pain is knowledge coming in the window because you locked the door again.

Pain is knowledge in a hard-to-digest form.



I don’t think I have ever used all caps in a headline.  I am doing it here.  This is both the most emotionally poignant and logically coherent argument against all the gun banning bastards I have ever seen.

Quite literally, both of her parents died BECAUSE of gun control.

Share this, link it, email it.  Every American with a brain needs to see this video.  Fight these assholes.  Fight them without cease until they retreat back under the rocks where they and their horrible, evil ideas belong.



Phrase popped in my head doing my Kum Nye exercises this morning.  This is what I want: the perceptual FLEXIBILITY to be as diffuse as a cloud, and as directed and hard as a hammer.

I have posted little this week because I have been getting some good non-verbal work done.


Sandy Hook Conspiracy again

Here is a more recent conspiracy post:

I will note in passing that those two nuns sure look like men.

I’ve been alive for almost half a century.  I vividly remember the day I woke up to get the paper, and saw a headline like “600 Dead in Guyana” from the Jim Jones mass suicide/murder (not everyone went voluntarily, and the kids weren’t old enough to understand).  I remember Columbine, Virginia Tech, Patrick Purdy.

This one feels different.  I can’t explain why the cops were there for over a week after the shooting, if they did not feel they had missed something.  I can’t explain why there was ANY lack of clarity on what weapon was used, or why initial reports did not include an AR-15.  I can’t remember ANY shooting where there was this level of conflicting information.

And of course the timing just seems to convenient.  Obama has long wanted to ban guns, but was afraid to take it up in his first term since he wanted a second term.

I had a dream a few nights ago where people involved in a Sandy Hook conspiracy were being liquidated.  The people behind it realized they were not going to get what they wanted, so they were eliminating anyone who knew the full story.  Some of them were firefighters/paramedics.

It will be interesting to see if anyone close to this story has an accident.  As I always do, I will note that the dream had personal meaning for me, and that meaning was actually positive, as I interpret it.

Please consider, though, that all Communists by definition reject common sense morality in its entirety as an artifact of the “bourgeois” ethos.  So too do Satanists, who in my view do exist.  Logically, if we accept, as I do, that intention can influence external events, then Satanism would work as well as any other creed; and since the lust for power–to recover power lost due to an inability to process spirit, albeit in a way which can NEVER bring happiness–breeds monomania, it has some advantages over Goodness.

Ponder that if Tower 7 was brought down by plan, that plan was hatched by people quite willing to commit mass murder in the pursuit of their ends.

There are many good people in this country: most of them.  Our future rests in people in a position to do so to stop evil.  This will start with not overlooking evil because its scale is too large to fathom.  What is, is.  The Holocaust happened.  The starvation of Ukraine happened.  The torture and murder of one third of Cambodians happened.

The facts are not as compelling here as in Tower 7 UNLESS someone can prove, beyond any reasonable doubt, that numerous Sandy Hook sites popped up PRIOR to the shooting, as is alleged.  Frankly, I am no more qualified to comment on the evidence that I am on the heat at which steel beams melt.  (In that latter case, I am just quite sure that a campfire would not do it).  That would be a good task for the FBI or CIA.  Or Defense Intelligence Agency, which has my vote for the “least likely to be corrupt”.  This is quite literally a national defense issue.

As I have said before, I am willing to grant that ELEMENTS of these departments might be vulnerable to corruption–it is possible to the point of certainty–but not the whole departments.  I do not accept that.


Harry Potter and gun control

Near the beginning of “The Goblet of Fire” a group of death eaters attacks a camp filled with magical people who came to watch the Quidditch World Cup.

Here is the thing: EVERY ONE of those people was armed.  All of them.  Even the kids, most of them.  You have perhaps a dozen people attacking thousands.  How is it that everyone ran away?

How is it that most people failed to note this?  It is because we expect OTHER PEOPLE, professionals, to defend us, at least in Britain.

We never see ANY American warlocks and witches in any Harry Potter movies, but they exist.  Let us transpose this World Cup to Houston, Texas.  Those death eaters would have gotten their asses fried.

America is unique in the world, in many ways.  We do not need to look to other nations as to how to do things.  They have tyranny and oppression down pat.  Just 60 some-odd years ago Britain kept hundreds of millions of people in thralldom.  The French still held many colonies, from which they extracted taxes, cheap labor, and cut rate prices on commodities.

The list goes on.  We may be coarse by Continental standards, and more ignorant than we should be, but if we look across either ocean the most educated people have lost God, common sense, and faith in humanity, which we still retain in large numbers, to our benefit.


Frui Diem

According to what I read on the internet (this may be wrong), “Frui” is a verb form of fruor that can be used injunctively to mean “Enjoy the day.”

Happiness makes you more productive, too:


Carpe Diem?

This means “Seize the day”, as I was taught: attack it, control it, bend it to your will.  The day is your bitch.  That’s how I’ve always heard it. 

The intent is to live more, be more, throw off all restraints and pursue your aims without reservation.

I’ve been doing a lot of what I call qualitative work lately, which to the untrained eye would look like me drinking too much while listening to music, then sleeping in.  To the trained eye it would also look like that.

To me, though, I am trying to establish a good working relationship between my conscious mind and my unconscious.  I am trying to expand the area of free flow within me, flow which is currently constrained by dark areas, by traumas which affect the flow by preventing things from pursuing the most direct path.

Increasingly, I see that my task in this life is be a gateway of flow.  My task is to contact heaven, then become a window through which that light flows.  This is the Valley  Spirit of which Lao Tzu spoke, in which winds flow through you.  You are a conduit.  This is “baraka” (both Hebrew and Arabic share the word, if I am not mistaken), “darshana”, “Windhorse”.

You can’t do this if some part of you secretly wants to drown little kittens, due to some long ago unprocessed trauma. This is, to be clear, not as far as I can tell one of my fantasies, but is offered in the spirit of exaggeration for effect.

I was looking at a link on “tapping” the other day, which I had not heard of. Here is a link:

I was going to try it, then looked at the face of the guy doing the video, and wherever he was, he wasn’t THERE.  From this I concluded, rightly or wrongly, that this is a process for getting at external signals, but not deep underlying realities.

There is no easy way to do qualitative work.  There is no easy way to heal deep seated trauma, particularly ones going back to early childhood, or on Stan Grof’s account, even the birth process itself.  You have to revisit them homeopathically.  You have to reactivate the old pain, but within a supportive environment, which in my case means being as kind to myself as I can be.

And it’s working for me.  I can feel old, calcified emotions beginning to move, in what amounts to a flow of water through old canyons.  This, I feel strongly, is how you contact the light that makes all of us flow, dance, within the universe.

I remember reading some time ago Albert Camus’ “The Plague”.  It influenced me.  Camus was an atheist, but he always struck me in his later work as someone genuinely trying to do the right thing (unlike Sartre, who I hate).

In that book, he had a man who moved one pile of beans from one bowl to another, one by one, every day.  His claim was that that activity was as good as any other (he apparently had retired, or had others to care for him).  I would submit that if the activity activated the Valley Spirit, it WAS useful; and if it was done–as seems likely–in a spirit of bitterness and hate, then it ALSO was no different than working a normal job in the same spirit, other than that it did not benefit ANYONE, including himself.

So many people, it seems to me, aggressively move beans from one pile to another, every day.  They are out to get rich, or famous, or to gain power.  Or they are quietly unhappy, but never do anything to change their circumstances.

There is, in my view, only one real task in this world: to grow spiritually.  This growth leads naturally to spontaneous generosity, as you have an overabundance of everything you REALLY need.  You are rich, and this leads naturally to charity.

Few thoughts.  I really do have work to do, but I get a few days most weeks when I get to do this, and I am grateful.


Stimulus Conspiracy

This was written for a subsection of Front Page Magazine, whose name I have forgotten.  NLB are the initials apparently.  It was rejected by a guy named David Swindle who has apparently moved on.  He said I had not proven my case.  You be the judge.  I am a somewhat acrimonious, opinionated person, clearly.  But this is because I do not compromise when it comes to the truth as I see it.  There are plenty of people who have learned to see through other peoples eyes.  Very few people are able to treat old things as new.  I believe I am one of those people, rightly or wrongly, and thus value my independence greatly.  It’s not a great way to get published, but hey I don’t want to have to whore myself out to an editor anyway.

dollars is missing from your wallet.  Go
ahead and look.  See?  You only have what you had yesterday.

In solving a
crime, Sherlock Holmes would no doubt agree that remembering to see what is not there is fully as important as
linking together what is there, and
much more difficult.

unobtrusively, 6.4 Billion dollars have gone missing that should have been put
into circulation.  No one seems to have
sent out a search party, or moaned their loss, but dividing that number by some
300 million Americans gets you a bit more than $20.

This money
was wasted, certainly, and more likely stolen. 
Those seem to be the only plausible explanations. 

(insert more

You see, a 2
million dollar Stimulus check was written to, and cashed by, the 99th
Congressional district of North Dakota. 
The problem with this is that that district doesn’t exist.  It never has, and unless it gets double the
population of California, it never will. 

In total,
according to the site responsible for monitoring the most massive outflow of
cash from the Federal Government in American history, some $6.4
Billion was given to some 440 Congressional Districts that have either never
existed, or were abolished decades ago

According to
Ed Pound, director of communications for the Recovery
Accountability and Transparency Board, the
Obama (link) Administration’s bureaucracy we
were told would track the money:

Recipients file their reports on a password-protected site. That information is
then relayed to officials who oversee the website to post, Pound
said. Unless an egregious error is noted, Pound said they post the information
exactly as it is received.

“Our job is data integrity, not data quality,” he said.

This would
seem to indicate a check—actual or virtual—is created by someone, deposited by
someone, then self-reported.  You get the
money, then type in whatever information you want.  That information is then duly relayed by the
RATB to the taxpayers, as if they had done their job. 

This system,
quite obviously, is open to fraud.  If
you are plugged in, you get money wired to you, your buddy Twitters you a
password, you log in, then you type in anything that sounds plausible.  Can we not suppose that legitimate recipients
are cognisant of their district and zip code, meaning that errors of this
quantity cannot be random?  We are
talking about amounts equal to the annual revenues of large multi-national

And according
to their chief spokesperson, the very agency tasked with monitoring the money
is in essence saying that if people cheat, they will not be caught.  Once the money is gone, it’s gone.

If you add
to this the fact that former Weatherman (link) Jeff Jones (link)—Bill Ayers pal
(link)—helped craft this thing as part of the Apollo Alliance (link), you
realize that maybe leaks were part of the plan all along. Consider what Jeff
Jones does: he “owns a consulting firm that helps grassroots leftist
organizations promote their agendas and fundraise successfully”.  Does it seem unlikely that some of these
checks that no one seems to want to track will wind up funding political

Why wouldn’t


Sandy Hook Conspiracy

As any longtime readers will know, I keep an open mind towards ALL iterations of reality.  Reality is some subset of what is possible, and if we presumptively remove prior to factual analysis certain iterations of what is possible, over some time period this lead necessarily lead to large errors.  Materialism is just one LARGE example of this process.  It is untenable empirically; yet it is still the intellectual “law” of the land, and only rarely subjected to ANY form of rational, scientific scrutiny, particularly those logically oriented towards teasing out the consequences of how the universe actually seems to be constructed.

With regard to Sandy Hook, it did strike me as ODD that the presence of an AR-15 nowhere appeared in the early reports, despite the fact that he only seems to have shot up one classroom.

Without really knowing what to make of it, I will pass along a site which claims that multiple sites relating to Sandy Hook appeared BEFORE the shooting, here:

For those with conspiratorial biases in interpreting the world, it did also seem ODD that the timing was so convenient for Obama.  It began his second term on a perfect note–the mass murder of children with a “scary” looking weapon that is otherwise a virtual non-presence in our criminal landscape–for gun control.

To state the obvious, if these sites really did appear early, then there were a LOT of people involved in this thing, likely reaching up to the highest levels of government.  As I said some time ago, the “Stimulus” may have had as part of its purposes funneling money to mercenaries and radical groups for training and equipping.  I wrote a piece for some side part of Front Page Magazine some time ago on how at least $6 billion seemed to have gone missing.  It was rejected by some guy who claimed to be a former leftist, but who did not seem intelligent enough to have actually understood the moral basis of conservatism, or what I call Liberalism.

I will post that piece–which candidly may have just been poorly written–which I shows clearly AT LEAST that the accounting system was ludicrous.  That part is indisputable.

I will finish this post with a thought I have nearly posted several times, but will post here: given that most video games are linked on the internet, there is no reason to suppose that subliminal messages or outright personality attacks could not be send to vulnerable individuals over the internet.  I have specific techniques I think would work, and which evil human beings somewhere have likely already come up with, but will not further elaborate here other than to say I think it is possible.

Actually, post-hijack–that of course is the technically difficult part–let me posit that one possibility is someone downloading images of children to shoot into, say, Call of Duty, so that the atrocity could be practiced.