

Guns are a tool, not different in principle from a screwdriver, whose existence in effect grants that some people become insane and want to hurt others.

“Gun” violence is social.  It exists in the social field.  For a gun to be used violently, there must be a violent person who owns it.  They don’t shoot themselves.

When we see the phrase, therefore, “gun violence”, what we need to read is “violence”.  The problem is that people want to shoot one another, not the method they choose.  I would submit that the countries with both very low crime rates and strong gun controls are peaceful because they are peaceful, because their social web is largely intact, and not because guns are not available. 

To be clear, I have read of people killing 10 or 20 people with knives in Japan, China, and elsewhere.  Knife crime is currently a huge problem in the UK.  The problem is that people are disenfranchised, alienated, hopeless, and taught by the media to express their rage through externally directed violence.

If we are going to have conferences, this needs to be the topic. It is the height of unawareness that people like the Weinstein’s would make movies like Pulp Fiction, and simultaneously support gun control.

Politically, the 2nd Amendment was CLEARLY intended to be a part of the checks and balances built into our Constitution.  Private gun ownership prevents government monopoly on the effective use of force.

The history of weapon control is very long.  Our Founding Fathers looked to bans on guns in England in more repressive periods of its history.  One could equally look to the bans on sword ownership in Islamic nations, for the Dhimmis, or in feudal Japan.  No government that is oppressive wants the oppressed to be anything but passive and unarmed.


True Liberalism

The essence of Conservatism in this country, or at least what should be, is Liberalism, the creed of those who wrote our Constitution, who wanted to maximize freedom within a structure that would not devolve into anarchy and renewed tyranny (as indeed happened with the French, whose revolution was NOT Liberal).  This does involve a government, but one which was intended to be as localized as possible, and to have many restrictions on its behavior.  Logically, the freer the government, the less free the people.  A government with no checks on it is totalitarian.

The goal is generalized felicity: life at a rock bottom minimum; liberty up to the point of interfering with that of others; and an order organized around the pursuit of happiness, which was understood largely in moral terms

The means is generalized accurate connection of means and ends; efficiency; accurate, actionable information, and the will do act on it.  As I have said before, the three elements in getting things done are good information, motivation, and physical capacity.

The essence of the Liberal creed is the self organizing system.  The most basic perceptual self organizing system is the individual human consciousness.  What we want, then, is as many individuals as possible to be well informed, motivated, and empowered.

Imagine waves of something undefinable sweeping over a landscape–motion plus time–and leaving patterns in its wake.  The extent of the qualitative landscape, the latent order, will be revealed by how complex and rich the patterns are.  The extent of the possible development of latent order is a function of freedom, of the possibility of doing things in many different ways, according to individual considerations.

What socialism does is block self organization.  It blocks generalized individual perceptions.  It blocks progress.  Now, to be clear, charity is not socialism.  Having groups and entities devoted to helping back up those who fall is not socialism.

One might term socialism, of say the North European sort, an oligarchy of experts.  In Sweden, say, it seems to me the reality of Global Warming is taken for granted.  The benevolence of the UN is taken for granted.  The absolute truth of materialistic evolution is largely taken for granted.  This is because their system teaches two things: reverence for the religion of science, whose apostles have Ph.D’s, and content developed by these apostles.

Education provides two things: motivation and information.  Since these are HUGELY important in social self organization, homogenization of content makes for less rich structures, and less accurate perception, in my view.  This is why in our own system the Federal Government was very consciously left with NO say in education.  It is abundantly clear to me that they considered it self evident that God would be mentioned in most classrooms, and considered this beneficial.

Oi.  I’m not quite pulling this all together.  Consider this an essay fragment,


Useful philosophy . . .

must be able to integrate scribbling.  Most don’t: that is why I read so little philosophy.

My totems

Today I saw a large bird carrying what looked like a snake in its mouth.  My oldest and I both saw it.  It was long and curved, and I could see no reason to carry a stick that long, and it was an unusual shape for a stick, hanging down on both sides.  In any event, I decided to take it as a sign of something, in my current state of mind, which in part involves trying to integrate some deep emotional and–who knows?–maybe even spiritual realities.  I had felt for some reason a day or two ago that I should write more on these totems, but could not rationalize it as other than a bit of self absorption likely to be perceived as weird.

Well, fuck it: here we go.

The Garuda is the essence of speed and of ferocity.  It hunts demons and snakes.  It hunts darkness and destroys it.  It feels like a bird, but it is essentially formless.  By the time a target sees it out of the corner of its eye, it is far too late.  To a great extent it is invisible, and felt only by the emotions it produces, particularly that of fear in those it targets. It is not cruel, but an aspect of the justice of this world, one hated by those who refuse to obey the laws they understand but do not respect.

It is portrayed by the Tibetans as soaring in the sky, carrying a snake.  Perhaps if I want to be mystical, this was a sign that the snake has been caught.

The whale and dog are both snow white.  The whale symbolizes deep joy, tenderness, strength, and wisdom.  It is patient and kind.

The dog is relentlessly curious.  It wants to know everything about everyone and everything.  It is in constant movement, and really enjoys the quest of learning, knowing, doing.

There you go. I can check that off the list.



I found this in my notes, looking for something else.  I have no idea if I ever posted it, but if not, here it is:

Last night,
I dreamed I was immersed in  a massive,
interactive game, where large buildings were filled, alternately, with zombie people
who had lost their minds due to communicable illnesses, that I had to kill, and
normal people.  My task was differentiating
the two instantly, and without getting touched. 
It was a grim task, as there were so many who were on the continuum to
being lost fully to reason and wellness, but who retained some semblance of
their former humanity. 

The setting
was a gothic industrial complex, a sort of castle which has once been filled
with life, but which had passed away slowly to death and decay.  In the end, I did make my escape, and passed
on the way out a sort of parade, put on by those who were infected, but not fully
gone.  It was an outwardly happy affair,
with many colors and balloons, and led by someone who looked very much like
Johnny Depp’s Mad Hatter.  But it was
quite obviously dedicated to death.
We see
zombies very often in contemporary culture, just as we see symbols of
death.  If you go in Target, or Penneys,
or other fashionable stores (note: high fashion is quite beyond my means), you
will see t-shirts and jackets covered with skulls, sometimes large mountains of
skulls, of the sort the Mongols left outside Baghdad.  You have “humorous” movies like “Zombieland”.
You have cult favorites like “From dusk til dawn.”  You have Rob Zombie, who both dresses as a
zombie, and directs horror films.  There
are even literal zombie parades, in which young people (mostly, from what I can
tell) dress as zombies, and shuffle down the street.  You have video games, in which you do
literally shoot your way of zombie attacks by the score.  You have books like “Pride and Prejudice and
Zombies”, in which the protagonist herself is a zombie, or guides to surviving
the zombie invasion.  All of these forms
of cultural entertainment are doing well.
these themes, repeated so often and in so many places, mean something.  In discussing them, let me begin with a
presupposition: that coherent, useful statements can be made about generalized
cultural processes, where useful is defined as both enabling understanding, and
corrective action if the process is deemed undesirable.  I state this in such a bald way because, as
we will see, the failure on the part of so many of those who should be leading
us to actually do so is one of the most perfidious problems we face.
Further, let
me propose an analytic heuristic (a heuristic is an aid to thinking), by
stating what I view to be the point of life: generalizing deep qualitative
happiness, beginning with ourselves, and working outwards.  This differs from mere freedom from material
 Self evidently, the appeal
of movies like “Avatar”, “The Last Samurai” and “Dances with Wolves” show a
widespread nostalgia or latent desire for community, that is far superior to
the desire for the material wealth which we have amassed.  We want to belong.  We want to trust one another.  We want to know what to expect from others,
and we want clear codes by which we ourselves can navigate our lives.  This is my assertion, with which of course
you can disagree, but I want it to be clear and in the front.
To this I
will append the assertion that science is unequal to the task of
“objectivizing” our internal states, which makes it necessary that we do so
through a process we have historically called “culture”.  Culture works in the shared symbol and shared
myth.  Individual
artists—myth-makers–will sort of “tap into” insights which—when expressed in some
public medium—interact with other members of their community in such a way that
deep, latent understandings are shared, and integrated.  That is what I am attempting to do here,
although the form is not obviously that of art.
countervailing impulse is the story—manifestly, itself partaking of culture,
although the practitioners of this ideology would deny it—that man can make an
object of himself.  We are told that
Science is the sole arbiter of truth. 
Within this view, in general, is the further claim that everything that
appears to exist, does in fact exist in an absolute way, and that no accidents
happen in our Universe, which is orderly, rational, and determined by laws that
can be known.
Within this
view, B.F. Skinner’s famous claim that consciousness is irrelevant to science
becomes quaint—sort of “old school”, if you will.  You see, if the mind is an object, it can be
disassembled.  Consciousness can be built
of its component atoms, molecules, and cells. 
The brain can be deconstructed as a biological computer, and then
reconstituted through “software upgrades” in which the sense of self itself is
mutable, and, ultimately, a nullity. 
You, per se, do not exist. 
Biological death is final, and all that exists exists merely to
reproduce prior to dying.  They haven’t
proven this, of course; but they are going to. 
This is the doctrine of Scientism, which we might define in brief as
“the claim that all cultural processes can be reduced in the end to measurable
material processes, without necessary reference to Consciousness.”
Do you see
that we have begun discussing zombies?
humanists want to make a special place for Mankind in the universe, the
apostles of scientism want to deny, in effect, that we exist at all.  How do you, the reader, react to this
idea?  Do you dispute it?  Can you dispute it?  What were you taught in school?  I think this basic process of thought—which
denies that we can survive death, that there is a God, that we have free will,
or that life has an ultimate purpose—engenders in a great many people  pessimism, withdrawal, and emotional pain,
all of which are unnecessary, as this argument does not make use of the actual
evidence, but let me finish with this track.
Morality is
that part of human culture in which we determine for what principles we are
willing to sacrifice our comfort, pleasure, and–where necessary–our material
well being and even lives.  In an intact
cultural system—one in which people still feel deeply connected to one
another—this is encoded in the Sacred and Profane.  Quite often, metaphysical components enter
in, but let us content ourselves with the sociological ones.  We understand readily enough, do we not, why
American Indians were willing to fight for ground they held sacred?  We recognize and appreciate readily enough
why our grandparents were willing to endure hell in Europe and the Pacific in
order to protect our way of life here, do we not?  Was it not because they held Liberty and our
right to national self determination to be sacred, and by contrast the
rejection of same to be profane, vulgar, and inhuman in some way?
obviously factors of conformity, the force of law, and the habits cultivated in
the process of military indoctrination enter in as well, but if you read their
correspondence, they did believe in what they were doing.

What do you believe?  It is a simple enough question.


Negative emotions, part 2, In Viskey Veritas

Negative emotions are natural, but this does not mean that we need hold on to them, or that they need influence our general emotional state in the slightest.  I think–and this has happened to me–that negative emotion–say anger– can flow up the way it does, and if you don’t resist it, just keep going into the sky.  You let it roll, and once it arrived, it realized it had nothing to do, and so left again.  There emotions are there to protect us, and if we don’t need protecting–a fact we signify by greeting them as friends–their work is done.

This is the essence of the spiritual insight when it comes to emotions: that you can be free of them by ACCEPTING them.  So often I think people get this picture of some sanctified yogi or Buddha, always serene, always smiling, and think they can get there by simply focusing on positive things.  To some extent this is true, but to some extent it is like arguing you can get healthy by eating good foods and never crapping them out.  For my part, I think there is a cycle there that is best understood and accepted.

Some of the phoniest people you meet will be “sincere” students of spirituality.  What they are trying to do, in many cases, is pretend they don’t feel like strangling people sometimes, and to the extent they repress this tendency they were born with, they actually become less spontaneous, less open, and less genuinely spiritual.

It is my personal belief that when we die all our illusions fall away, and we are forced to see ourselves as we REALLY are, and are utterly unable to look away.  Given this, it is logical to begin that process of truth telling NOW.  In support of this basic idea, I often act as if people can read my mind, and it is my belief that in some future state they will be able to.  That attitude in part informs what I write here.  I hold little to nothing back.

I can’t resist adding, actually, that the “confessional” is also a very old trick, used to great effect by hucksters like Rousseau.  Do not allow your emotions to be bamboozled.  Look at the world through your own eyes, and no one else’s.  Use what you can, and fuck the rest.

When you see this “kill the Buddha” theme, that is what is intended.  Most people recite it by rote, though, since most people are uncomfortable with the solitude and determination that attend actually trying to see things in-dependently.


In Vino Veritas

One of the most primal adaptations is with gravity.  We all must learn how to organize our neuromuscular structures in a world literally pulling us down.  Moshe Feldenkrais has written a lot about this.

Another adaptation is learning what emotions we are going to express, and how.  This is a longer term process, and an interesting one.  I think we all need to be able to express anger, horror, shock, sadness and even violence.  If you are not allowed to do so within your social field openly, they come to be expressed in ways which disguise their true nature.  They become lies, in other words, and all lies are degradations by definition of the truth, and hence of accurate perception.

Out of an understandable need to avoid emotional pain, I think most of develop views of ourselves as largely lacking in the so-called negative emotions.  When we feel anger, it is RIGHTEOUS anger.  When we feel hate, it is RIGHTEOUS hate.  Given that framing, it is obvious why cognitive activities, intellectual activities, would serve the purpose of emotional lying so well.

But lying is lying.  Anyone who has not read Paul Johnson’s excellent book Intellectuals should.  Ayn Rand calls the sorts of people he describes “altruists”, but of course they are nothing of the sort, outside of their rhetoric.  They are vicious thieves, with talents for rhetoric.

It has long been a staple belief of mine that people let their true selves out when drinking.  Personally, it has been my practice for the last year or so to let emotions out relatively unmolested, and see what flows out.  More often than I would like, anger–petulent anger–comes out, cowardice, self deceptiveness, aggression, and other negatives.  I let them go, say CRAP, and try to remember what their genesis felt like, so I can predict those waves in the future.

My goal is an unconscious that perfectly supports my goals, which is ALWAYS on the lookout for more and better perceptions, more and better ways of doing things, and absolute resolution.  As things stand, it often plays tricks on me.  I have a great deal of work to do.

I will point out, though, that it is generally precisely those people who think they have NO work to do who are most clueless, and most in the thrall of primal and ugly emotions.  For those who self describe as “intellectual” I would argue it is virtually ALL of them.

And this applies even for people who are “nice”.  Being nice is a negative attribute of not causing offense, and being relatively aware socially.  What you will find, in pushing people who are “nice”, is that they get VERY angry, VERY easily, since they are used to a world devoid of conflict.  People who have been through the ringer are hard to offend, and thus much easier to do useful work with.


Positive Money, further thought

 Posted here:

As I think about this, I would add another criticism.  Inherently and by
design, reducing the money in circulation will be deflationary.  As
banks “extinguish” money created ex nihilo, the value of money remaining
out and about will increase.  This means that for all loans on the
books at every bank the actual cost of repaying them will rise

Let us say, for example, that my monthly mortgage is
1000 pounds, for simplicity.  I work 60 hours to make that much money. 
Five years into this process, I may need to work 80 or 100 hours to make
that payment, for the simple reason that as buying power increases,
wages will likely decrease.

It is a truism that inflation helps
borrowers, a truism that, as you all have well pointed out, benefits
banks as well by disguising the fact that the money they are supposedly
“losing” as the money loses value was created from scratch in the first
place.  Any return on nothing is infinite.

The converse, though,
is clearly true as well, and part of the reason that “deflation” per se
is so widely feared.  It is why even as intelligent an economist as
Milton Friedman called for essentially the same thing being called for
here, which is to say moderate inflation, on the order of 3% or so.  In
so doing, he was more or less drawing a lesson from history, with which
he was more familiar than virtually anyone.

But that history has
been uniformly one of fractional reserve banking, central banks, and all
the problems that go with it.  What we need, in my view, is a
Capitalist Revolution, of the sort I have proposed. 

We see any
number of wide eyed fanatics calling for the subversion of our economic
order in favor of one that is supposedly “rational”, being run, as it
will, by supposed elites, who will be well educated by books, and
educated not at all by life.  Such experiments invariably end in the
eradication of basic freedoms of innovation, economic output, and even
speech and movement.  Since freedom is necessary for the development of
coherent moral structures, socialism is inherently a vicious and morally
vacuous ideology.

My proposal is radical. I grant that.  But it
is logical, and it offers the potential for large change, generalized
social benefits, and INCREASES in freedom and self determination, all
while protecting the weak.  I will submit it again:


Synchronicity, Part two

I have two children, both daughters.  I don’t talk about them because I have a quasi “evil eye” feeling about mentioning them.  Today it feels right to do so, for whatever reason.

I picked my oldest up this afternoon from practice, and she mentioned that a teammate had said she “sounds like a whale”, and that she needs to get in touch with her “whaleness”.  I had literally just written the last post.  Now, I have never accused anyone of sounding like a whale, or heard someone accused of sounding like a whale.  That that would happen just then is remarkable.

As I ponder it, I connect with her on the whale level, and with my youngest on the dog level, which is my third “totem”.  Perhaps she is radiating some of the energy I am feeling.  Hard to say.

I do want to be clear what I am saying, though: I am calling the election for Romney, and the Republicans generally, even though they may not retake the Senate.  The fight has moved into a different phase, one which will require extreme diligence and continued exertion, but a different kind of exertion, that of patient education.  The extreme danger has passed, I feel, although of course I have been wrong before.  That is my gut instinct, though, and the one I am going with.



I regularly experience strange coincidences. Yesterday I made the decision to focus on my “whale” persona (my personality can be broken into three animals, per an instructive dream I once had, one of which is a whale) versus my aggressive eagle/Garuda self.  It felt right.  It felt time.  The Whale dives deep down into the water, slowly, meaningfully, and stays down a very long time before coming up for air.  It is the source of my deepest insights.  It is not the source of daily arguing on the internet.  It felt right for some reason.

Like many people, I have been worried about the collapse of our nation under Obama (as is obvious to any regular readers I may have).  I had guessed that Romney would be insipid and uninspiring.  By all accounts, I was wrong, and the feeling I have is that the leftists ascendancy may have just reached its high mark, never to return.  True Liberals have been in a fighting retreat for the better part of 70 years; and even though we have had the occasional Reagan, the size of government, and the rationalizations for it, have only grown under ALL Administrations.

We may be seeing an end of that.  Conservative cannons have found their mark, and are firing for effect.  The indefensible cannot be defended from direct attack.  It can only thrive through aggressions against truth, honor, decency, and the defensible.

I want to be clear: we live in a sea of ignorant, unprincipled people, who will vote for people like Obama because he either gives them telephones, or assuages their guilt over racism.  But Romney, apparently, showed clearly that conservatism is defensible, and socialism is not.  This is a sea change.

This morning I went in to do my work (I work in many different places), and my contact had the sculpture of a whale on her desk, which I had never seen before.  Now, you may say that I only noticed the whale because I was thinking about whales, which is of course a common enough artifact of perception, and well documented psychologically. (Watch this video: very few people count all the passes correctly the first time for reasons explained at the end).

Yet, how many whales do you see in the normal course of a day?  I can’t remember the last time I saw one, and it was on the desk of my contact, a three dimensional sculpture.  I will be paying attention the next day or two, to see what I see.

Things like that have happened many times to me.  I will add, that even if you don’t accept the principle of non-local connection between mind and reality implied by the concept of synchronicity, it is still useful to use it to connect more fully with deeper psychological realities.