Drudge Report has recently linked several stories of cannibalism, the one I saw most having had to do with someone suffering from a drug induced psychosis. That tells us nothing about our culture. There have always been lunatics: Jeffrey Dahmer, for instance. And as far as that goes, I see no reason to suppose there have not ALWAYS been serial killers in human history. Many of them probably just found wars to fight. You can get away with damn near anything in wartime. Others were simply never caught. Improved forensics and increased reporting have brought many things–like child abuse–to light that were simply hidden before. As I have said a number of times, pedophilia seems almost structurally necessary in severely restrictive Islamic countries. One suspects their men fuck everything but women.
Since the mid 90’s, though, I have felt that our culture is in such a state of decay that at some point a cannibal cult, constituted by “normal” middle class to wealthy Americans, will come to light. There is so much anger, so much confusion, so much failure to form a common culture, to form coherent meaning systems, that it is small wonder the video stores are filled with stories about cannibalism, torture, and thrill murders. Go to your local video store and LOOK at the Horror section. Why are people watching these movies? Are they watching them to make sure the good guys win? Much of the time, the BAD guys win. There is no hope, and much suffering.
Then we read that some roasted, gold covered babies (do not click on either link if you are easily disturbed; it is unclear to me why they saw fit to post pictures: it itself that is a bit disturbing, as they knew there was a market for it) were intercepted in Asia, bound for we know not where. Alex Jones thinks they were bound for the Bilderbergs.
Personally, I don’t think Bill Gates eats babies. This is ritual Satanism, and he is likely an atheist. It would make no sense for him. He is searching for a mechanical Endloesung for the problem of human mortality, the “singularity”, I believe techophiles call it.
It seems to me that some of the Bilderberg attendees are evil, but not all of them. A common mistake among conspiracy theorists is, I think, to overestimate the uniformity of purpose of heterogeneous groups. It seems to me that there are likely various groups, some of which ARE homogeneous and unified in purpose. Such a group may exist in the Bilderberg group, and may in fact do black magic.
One can depend upon those who NEED to pursue power, whose source of meaning lies in attaining power, to succeed. This is the SOLE argument against political liberalism: that it can lead, over time, and in conditions of the complacency of the population, to the aggregation of power by those who do not want to share it. This differs from a hereditary monarchy, in which those who wield power do not choose it. I will note as well that historical monarchies were limited, at least in theory, and I think largely in practice, by religious restraints. I see no reason to doubt that many kings did in fact believe themselves appointed by God, with all the responsibilities that implies.
There is no such restraint for the Cultural Sadeist, for whom power is an end in itself. Such people can and have existed in ALL possible systems–Monarchy, Theocracy, Plutocracy, Fascism, Socialism, Communism, and any other -ism or -archy you can think of–and they use the rhetoric appropriate to the time and place, but the end is always the same: control.
I do think cults have sprung up around the country and world, which do create a market for this sort of thing. I have known one person who participated in a black magic ritual, which she described as very frightening, as they did get in touch with SOMETHING. She did not go back.
In my favorite Mexican restaurant several years ago I saw a graffito in the bathroom saying “Ich habe kleine Kinder gegessen”, which means “I have eaten small children” in German. I have pondered this, and see no strong reason to suppose that the meaning was other than that conveyed.
There is a chain of coffee shops in Louisville, KY I am 99% sure is dedicated to the Marquis de Sade, named “Quills”. This, of course, was the name given to the movie about him starring the very excellent Geoffrey Rush in the title role. Here is their blog: http://www.quillscoffee.com/blog/
On their original website, they claimed they were accused by some of being Christian fundamentalists, which they denied. Playing with the truth is, of course, a Sadeian virtue. On the blog, you will see signs like “we don’t believe in keeping secrets. . .”, and an owl with the coffee, with the owl often being an occult symbol, whose exact meaning of course depends upon that which you assign. Their sign has a quill dripping something black, which is presumably ink–but whose ink?–and which I think they intend also as blood. My feeling, which could be wrong.
We live in a world of constant motion. Things go up and down. Good is done, and so too is evil. Most motion is circular, making it hard to see aggregate, generalized motion. It is impossible to say we are moving the wrong way, but it does seem clear to me that very little of our culture is oriented around feeling and processing the deep emotions we all have. When you fail to process, you become a slave to those feelings, and slavery is a way of escaping the responsibility of processing those feelings. Clearly, people do flee freedom. You cannot, in the end, flee reality, but you can hide from it, and many people do. Evil is a direct flight from freedom. It is tightening a noose on your own neck. It is a chosen death.