In assessing all of our Federal Departments, with an eye to eliminating them, it is worth asking at least two questions. The obvious one is: what is this Dept. designed to accomplish, and is it accomplishing it? The less obvious one is: in what ways can this Dept. be abused for financial gain?
Take the Dept. of Energy. It is guaranteeing loans for companies who apparently did not have good enough products to get private guarantees. In large numbers, companies like Solyndra are going bankrupt, and in so doing sucking money out of the pockets of the rest of us.
Yet, simply because the COMPANY goes bankrupt does not mean that dozens of people running the thing don’t walk away with fortunes. If you as CEO make, say, $500,000 a year for five years, you can put together a nice little nest egg, can’t you?
And this doesn’t even factor in actual fraud, such as misappropriation of funds, where you say on the balance sheet that something went for “research”, and it actually went to pay off your mansion in Malibu. This is of course against the law, but sufficiently clever people can and do get away with it.
Moreover, EVERY bureaucracy has an inbuilt financial benefit for all its members: by virtue of the fact the thing exists, everyone there draws a nice paycheck as long as the thing exists; a paycheck, and a beautiful benefit package, to be paid for by our children.
Government agencies continue for the simple reason that they benefit everyone in them, regardless of whether they accomplish anything or not.
It is, of course, for this reason that they unionize. This allows them to make sure that the people–the Democrats–who continue to vote them money and continued existence, stay in power. Quite literally, the Democrats vote themselves campaign contributions every time they expand a government agency.
We need to be clear that being a Democrat has enormous financial advantages. There is no contradiction at all when, say, a John Kerry docks his yacht in another state to avoid taxes. His intention all along has been to pursue his OWN self interest, and he, like all Democrats, merely uses the rhetoric of class warfare to keep enjoying all the perks of office.
All of these things are made possible ONLY by the idea that government makes life better. It does not, not beyond the most modest aspects of police, fire, EMS, highways, national defense and the like.
Plainly, the dose makes the medicine or the poison. Without saying there should be no government–there would have been no point creating a Constitution if the goal were zero government, as the less practical Libertarians often call for–it is abundantly clear that our Federal government, and most State governments are far, far, far too large and powerful.