First off, I just tried to donate $100 to his campaign, but the website was not secure. I tried to send them a message, but the software didn’t work. These are both serious problems. Could be hackers, could be incompetence, could be both. Plainly, this needs to be fixed. I also don’t like websites that I have to scroll across. This problem is easily and cheaply fixed. We will call this the “lacking Soros and Wall Street big bucks” problem.
(I will add: self evidently, George Soros has plenty of friends on Wall Street. His goal is not global freedom. He has done nothing to support that. His goal is the conversion of a de facto oligarchy into a de jure oligarchy, using the veneer of socialist “progress”. “Socialism” has shown itself to be a useful rhetorical ploy for power mongers over the last century.)
Back to Cain. This is go time. Figure out the money situation, then counterattack. Make a list of ALL the sexual harassment stories on Democrats that were buried by the mainstream press, then confront them with it. Choose say the last half century. Hell, start with the facts that Kennedy slept with a woman who was not his wife nearly daily, and that FDR had a long term girlfriend and that he didn’t even sleep in the same room as his wife. In Kennedy’s case, quite obviously there were many women who were propositioned, and who said no, and who in this day and age would have sued him. Clinton will yield plenty of material. Ted Kennedy and his houses of hookers, not to mention Mary Jo Kopechne. Make a list, a long list, and publish it. Ask: why does a powerful black man scare you so much?
Here is the actual answer. Blacks constitute about 12% or so of the population. They vote at lower rates, in my understanding, in most elections than the rest of the population does. But they vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. For Obama, it was over 90%. Let us say that half of all eligible black voters vote in a typical election. This means that some 5-6% of the population will ALWAYS vote for the Democrat. In big cities, where blacks are disproportionately present, this number goes up substantially. In cities like Chicago, or Philadelphia, or Detroit, it is probably not overstating it to say that whoever gets the black vote wins the mayoral election and City Hall.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. He was a Republican because the Democrats have ALWAYS been the party of racism. They were the party of the secessionists and the segregationists. You will hear that the racists left the Democrats after the mid-60’s and joined the Republicans, but I see no evidence of this. Take Robert Byrd. This man actually JOINED the KKK, and in my understanding held a leadership position, and was LIONIZED when he died by the Democrats. Can you imagine a Republican KKK member being so treated? Of course not.
For the Democrats, the issue is not combating “racism”. It is protecting their power and privilege by making entirely insincere claims that they are protecting black people. Yet their policies consistently lead to high unemployment rates, out of control crime and hopelessness in inner cities.
Barack Obama is no more black than I am. He reminds me of Niles Crane, a prissy boy who always wants hand sanitizer near him, and drops his g’s only when he wants to be one of “them”, the real black people. Keep in mind he was hired as a community organizer in Chicago by two Jewish students of Saul Alinsky, who needed a black face to do their circus act, which amounted to a racist rounding up of the monkeys (I want to be clear: this is not how I view it, but how I visualize them as having viewed it, since organizing never was intended to help the people involved, but rather to exploit them to acquire power. Power is all that is of interest to an Alinskyan/Leninist). It was cynical and detached at its very heart.
Herman Cain grew up in a thoroughly typical black southern family. His parents both worked multiple jobs. He experienced real racism. And he raised himself by his bootstraps. The contrast of Cain and Obama would be very, very striking. Obama’s phoniness could not be hidden, if standing on the stage next to Cain. Every black viewer would see this, and if they hear from Cain’s mouth an actually credible defense of conservative ideals, many of them will PERMANENTLY change over. Self evidently, there is no distance to which Democrats will not go to prevent this. They have no moral compass. Nothing is off the table.
But my hope is that Cain survives this storm. I don’t know what the 9/9/9 plan will do, if enacted, but I like the idea of 10% cuts in all Federal departments quite well, which Cain has pledged to do when elected, and I know that freeing up both capital and confidence will work wonders for our economy. Putting a true businessman in the White House–as I have said, I count Romney as a CEO, not a businessman, with the difference being between political savvy, and the ability to grow a business–will work wonders for confidence.
How’s this for a campaign slogan: Sometimes it DOES take a rocket scientist: Cain 2012.