
Chinese Society

Traditional Chinese society was delineated into four classes (a common enough pattern around the world): the Jin Shi, which was a class of intellectuals who had passed the examinations; farmers; tradesmen and manufacturers; and merchants. Merchants were at the bottom since they did not make anything.

Modern Chinese society, it occurred to me yesterday, still has a Jin Shi: the Communist Party. The Party, like the traditional Jin Shi, is composed of many people who were born connected, but not necessarily. With sufficient brown-nosing and/or talent for helping subordinate the nation to the Party, anyone can rise to the top. It is clearly not a meritocracy, as in the old system, since there is no test. The test is ideological conformity, which is to say intellectual and moral mediocrity.

The important difference is that the old order–the “ancien regime“–placed moral blocks on the behavior of the elites, at least in theory. Heaven, in its governance of the Earth, was ruled by li. There were certain rules to be followed, and revolution was considered acceptable, if successful, since it, ipso facto, was considered the Will of Heaven.

Communists think the same way. They consider themselves to be just because they are in power. “History” is their version of “li”. History, being whatever happens, necessarily means that whoever wins, by whatever means, is correct. This is roughly the same doctrine, based more explicitly on Darwinian evolutionary theories, that motivated and justified the violence of Hitler.

Communist condemn racism, but they are racist. Look at how they treated the Tibetans. They condemn Guatanamo Bay, but practice torture regularly as a matter of State policy, and as a way of generating the only virtue they recognize: conformity.

So what has happened in China? After tens of millions of unnatural and unnecessary deaths, and the wholesale ruination of billions of lives; after widespread torture, civil wars, and mass suicide, moral assaults on tradition, and the utter corruption of the capacity for rational thought: we have the same class system.

We can argue that manufacturing has overtaken agriculture, as has, possibly, business activity. What has not changed is that an elite is still in power.

This is the progress of idiots and the wicked. They still have kings, dukes, and business oligarchs. The only progress has been out of the hole dug by the Communists, and would have been vastly faster had they not ruined their society in the first place.


Alice in Wonderland

How is it that TSA screeners can put their hands down our pants, touch the vaginas and penises of our children, expose women’s breasts in public, and take naked pictures of us, but we can’t demand of our President the most basic disclosure of his past?

In dysfunctional families, the setpoint of reality is recalibrated, such that the absurd becomes acceptable. I’ve known children of alcoholics and drug-users, women and men who were molested, and many people with de facto psychotic parents. Their boundaries are skewed. They do not have a clear cut sense of what is acceptable, and what goes beyond the bounds of acceptable. Obviously, this creates a lot of problems for them.

We do not occupy a sane polity. Our nation–as embodied particularly in our so-called leaders and media–is not sane. We are the equivalent–many of us at any rate–of lotus eaters, lost in a perennial dream, a dream occasioned by the trauma of reconciling multiple conflicting truths, and lacking the perceptual tools to do so.

In a sane polity, the moment Barack Obama became the Democrats candidate for President, the Supreme Court would have demanded his long form birth certificate, and rendered a verdict, taking into account the British nationality of his father, his mother’s later apparent Indonesian citizenship, and his own registration as an Indonesian, and made a decision as to whether or not this unprecedented situation complied with “natural born”. Quite simply, this has never been a problem before, since no party has never had the temerity to put someone forward whose entire family rejected America and our traditional Liberalism. Neither of his biological parents chose to live in America; nor did his adoptive step-father. And his grandparents seem to have been Communists, having been good friends with Frank Davis, with at least the grandfather apparently smoking weed with him.

Keep in mind, too, that we now know we were lied to when the claim was made that Obama could not get a birth certificate released. He just did, in exactly the way common sense would have said it would be done. He paid $10, signed a form, and got a computer printout.

What does this mean? Assuming the birth certificate is valid–and I assume the people who have preoccupied themselves with this are poring over it–then this can only mean that the President cynically used this as a political tool, to help polarize people (pace Alinsky): on the one side, we had rational Americans, who understand that a photocopy is not a driver’s license, espcially if half of it is whited out; and on the other those who are really tired of thinking for themselves, and who therefore simply parrot as loudly as requested whatever their thought leaders, their den mothers, tell them to.

This ploy landed a man in prison who spent the last 18 years serving our nation with distinction: Lt. Col Terry Lakin.

Our President does not have a conscience, not when it comes to anyone outside his tribe; and his tribe does not include the bulk of the wealth producers in this nation, most white people, most Asians (unless they are unsuccessful), and–to be clear–most tax payers.

We forget at our peril that his most important influence, on his own account–Saul Alinsky–taught that morality is a vestige of another age, and that the revolutionary had as his task to do ANYTHING that furthered the revolution.

This is contemptible. Obama is what he is: a selfish, short-sighted, morally retarded prick (what word would you have me use, for someone who could have produced this certificate at any time, and who could have prevented Lakin from going to prison?). What bothers me is how many Americans are willing to accept this, are unwilling to see the evidence in front of their eyes.

How can any nation that desires so desperately to be lied to preserve a culture worth passing on? How can we avoid ruin?

My code is clear: quitting is never an option, for any reason. Death, insanity–a type of death–and victory are the only options. At the same time, seeing these things–looking for example with impartial eyes at the contemptible cowards in the Supreme Court, at least many of them–makes my blood boil.

Why didn’t they do their job? There is no good excuse, other than that they somehow think the view from Olympia severs them from the lifeblood of our nation, even though that lifeblood is and always has been a deep reverence for the rule of law, which they in theory protect, but which they have failed utterly to protect here.